Thunder's Place

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Creeping Pubes

Creeping Pubes

Is there a point in which the pubes will stop creeping up my shaft as my dick gets longer? Should I grip the base with my other hand and just try to stretch the shaft exclusively? Has anyone done that?

As for anyone else who has trouble seeing their gains, check your pubic hairline… you’ll notice it moving up your shaft little by little. That’s length. I’m just thinking that by the time I’m at where I wanna be at, half my cock will have stubble on it. I can shave it, so I guess it ain’t that much of a problem.


If you figure anything out let me know, cause it’s driving me nuts hair grows half way up my shaft now and I hate shaving all the time.


Has anyone ever tried holding their cock at the base and just under the glans for a stretch? Sort of stretching just the shaft, and not trying to pull the dick out of your body? Like getting the base out the equation?

I dunno. In a way, I like to see the creeping pubes, ‘cause then I know I’m getting somewhere, that something’s changing.

Becoming.... Godsize

Originally posted by Dino9X7

If you figure anything out let me know, cause it's driving me nuts hair grows half way up my shaft now and I hate shaving all the time.


Dino, you are wierd man. My pubes grow half way DOWN my shaft.


hair on shaft

I like lathering it up and shaving it off. Then the smoothness feels so nice. But wow be careful if you are shaving the top of your scrotum and that ridge of skin. I nicked that once, never again! Ouch!


I use an epilator. Hair grows back much more slowly! Although it is painful to begin with - it gets less painful overtime as the hair becomes more fine.

I find it comforting… it reminds me that PE does work and that I have gained 1.5” length, because call me crazy but I consistantly have doubts regarding whether PE does actually work despite my gains. I know it’s insane, but I can’t help it.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Have you tried getting erect and stretching the skin back down the shaft? Works for me…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Again, I’ll say it - tweezers.

I’ve recently been clearing off my chest with the things. I don’t have a lot of chest hair - just enough to make it look silly (by my viewpoint). I take it a fraction at a time. The hairs that come back in are much lighter and I can barely detect any feeling when I tweez them off.

The initials hairs are not bad - just take them one at a time and close to the skin. IMO, it’s better than waxing for many reasons, and you don’t have that regrowth like you do with shaving. And I only have to attend to it so often.

If you haven’t tried it, just try ONE HAIR.


You think your hairy

Hey guess what- I have hairs all the way up to the glans on the bottom of my penis- not really hairy but quite a few—-the funny thing is that overall I’m not hairy at all-no chest hair and very little happy trail—guess its just some genetic thing

but no worries..beacuae I shave it and it leaves little bumps….a girl I was with once said it felt good…it was like natural pleasure bumps…..

If you are really worred I would buy a personal electrolisis gun for about 30 bones

the best things in life are free

so is PE

Hey guys.

Why not shave of the hairs and leave a couple of millimeters of stub. It will tickle the old ladies real good inside (like a living hedgehog inside of their pussies), believe me.

Hey guys.

Why not shave of the hairs and leave a couple of millimeters of stub. It will tickle the old ladies real good inside (like a living hedgehog inside of their pussies), believe me.

I did that and my girlfriend got a sore on her lip from the friction.

dick stubble

Hey Guys,

For me having dick stubble just caused my wife to develop an uncomfortable vaginal irritation. I was so stupid at first that even I didn’t realize that my not keeping shaved smooth on sex nights was causing her the problem. Now, all I do is to be sure to be smooth shaven on the shaft when we have sex, and all goes well.


Peforeal, I’m with you.

My wife was getting super sore before I started shaving.

Now, all is well.

"Kids you've tried your best and failed miserably... the lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson

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