Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tweezing the Pubes

Tweezing the Pubes

You guys cannot convince me that shaving the man hair is better than tweezing it. Easier? Yes. Faster? Yes. But better? No way!

I’ve been tweezing my pubes, including my ball sack for 7 months now. Mrs V just absolutely LOVES it. She is always rubbing my balls now saying how nice they look. They even get lots of unexpected kisses and that REALLY makes my sticker peck out!

It does take some time every day or every other day but well worth it. Also, since I have been doing it for some time, it really is an exception when I get an ouchey one. Also, the hairs are now on their 2nd or 3rd growth back and they are much smaller and finer. The way I understand it, if you keep plucking you will eventually destroy the hair folicle and they don’t grow back at all after some time. This is what happened with my eyebrows. In highschool I used to be a uni-brow, meaning I had one eyebrow all the way accross like Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street. I started plucking them and after a couple of years, the hairs were gone! I very seldom pluck them any longer. I am a normal looking guy now and don’t look like Sasquatch! Heh Heh Heh. In the same way, I hope that after another year, I will seldom have to pluck my pubes.

One of the things I like about tweezing over shaving is that I don’t have those little black specs all over my shaft and base and balls. It is just nice skin color. Smooth, smooth, smooth! It may just be my imagination but I think I can feel her pussy better with them plucked like this as well. But as I said, that MAY just be my imagination.

I keep the shaft, balls down as far as I can see and about one inch into the fat pad plucked. Just a little up into the fat pad makes the unit look much longer and I have gotten lots of comments from her on a Saturday when I am wearing nothing but a tanktop. She seems to really like seeing me BBQ in this fashion.

Cheers to you all. Do good things.

Your friend,



How painful was it when you started? How did you deal with it?

"My anaconda don't want none Unless you got buns, hun" -Sir Mix Alot, "Baby Got Back"

…keeping alive

"My anaconda don't want none Unless you got buns, hun" -Sir Mix Alot, "Baby Got Back"

It is not too bad. The first pulling IS the most painful but it is not like getting kicked in the balls or anything like that. Hey, like the saying goes, “It beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick”! The ones that do hurt the most are the ones in the middle and towards the bottom of the ball sack. they hut like a mutha. But you do not pluck all of them at once. Do it over a one wek period. Also, if you stretch the skin while plucking, it hurts a lot less. This may be sick but I have gotten to the point that I like the way if feels. It gives me a sense of accomplishment I guess when I feel the tug. Also, as with anything posted on this forum, tweezing is very addictive. I will feel a little pickly hair while laying in bed and get up, put my glasses on and pluck that dude! That is a bit obsessive…..


Thanks, Vinnie, I think I will try it.

I have been shaving consistently for some years and enjoying the benefits. Yes, it does look a bit bigger. And yes, that extra surface contact with the wife is truly great. She’s also been less sore after our more energetic sessions. So, less hair around the shaft and balls definitely is good.

However, the only drawback is that Mr. Johnson gets a “5 o’clock shadow” within 24 hours. That can feel like sandpaper if I don’t attend to it.

I always wanted to find a way to make this permanent. Looks like plucking may be it.

I’m with VVC. I’ve been plucking for about 5 months and it’s a lot smoother and mama likes it a lot better. She didn’t like the stubble left from shaving. If the number of blowjobs I’ve been getting is related to PE and a hairless dick and balls, it’s great with me. If you keep it maintained, say twice or three times a week, it doesn’t take long at all. I think the discomfort is pretty minimal, too.

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by gnomesoldier
Wouldn’t it just be easier and have a shorter pain span by waxing?

It really isn’t that painful. I’ve stubbed my toe worse, and still do on occasion.

I don’t like wax due my not knowing how to use it, lol. :D

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

I used to tweeze my shaft, and the immediately surrounding area, but never my sack. The skin just seems too loose. I have been shaving all over as of late, but I always get at last one ingrown on my dick, which on more that one occasion has caused me to get paranoid about it being an std.

Originally Posted by gnomesoldier
Wouldn’t it just be easier and have a shorter pain span by waxing?

I have been considering the wax kits available lately. Fast and I think it will get all the little transparrant hairs that you cannot see unless you get into the sunshine.


Originally Posted by Slack
So how long do they take to grow back?!

I really don’t know becauswe I pluch every day and a lot of it is just hair growth progression and some is regrowth and I don’t know how to tell the difference.


Originally Posted by gnomesoldier
I’m thinking about having Ms. Gnomesoldier pick me out a wax kit and teach me how to use it.

If you do, and she does that, on your dick, you’re my hero!

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

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