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CS Blasters


CS Blasters

This is my new exercise. First, get a decent erection (60-80%). Then get as much blood out of the glans as possible (prevents spotting, etc.). Next cut circulation off right below the head with an O-shape. Then hold your penis to the side (for a better view of the Corpus Spongiosum) with the O-shape hand. From there you should milk blood up the shaft with your free hand. The CS expands considerably. I’m hoping this will permanently stretch the CS and allow for a bigger boner all around. CS Blasters! What do you guys think? Would any of you be willing to try it? Is this description clear enough?


Last edited by thatthickunit : 04-01-2005 at .

I’ve had a couple days off so I’ll try these tonight and tell ya how it goes . What erection level are you using ?

Originally Posted by RackHunter
I’ve had a couple days off so I’ll try these tonight and tell ya how it goes . What erection level are you using ?

Good question. I just edited the thread to include that.


You can pretty much achieve the same effect without the o below the head, and in addition get an engorged head..

*Gone for 10 minutes of jelqing*

Originally Posted by DingleDangle
You can pretty much achieve the same effect without the o below the head, and in addition get an engorged head..

*Gone for 10 minutes of jelqing*

Incorrect. The glans will absorb most of the blood. With CS Blasters we’re expanding the CS alone, at least twice as much as you would without cutting circulation to the head off.


The reverse effect of this, would be clamping the base, with a head fully engorged, then squeezeing the head to expand the CS. Thats what I do, and my CS is growing. :)

That sounds effective. But I’m afraid of clamping, hanging, pumping, etc. I stick to the manual exercises. How safe is clamping? What are the most common injuries? Also, what type of clamp do you use? Where are they sold? And what’s the price?


I gave these a go last night instead of my jelqs . 3 sets of 100 reps . I found that at 60%-80% erection , I could not get very good expansion , but at about 30% (good engorgement) it changed considerably . What I tried to do was kegel blood into my penis , then squeeze it out of my glans and then “milk” blood up the shaft , kegeling with every stroke (2-3 sec strokes). This excersise seemed to work well and resulted in my post P.E. girth to be about 3/16” larger than my normal post P.E. measurements .

Originally Posted by Philadelph
The reverse effect of this, would be clamping the base, with a head fully engorged, then squeezeing the head to expand the CS. Thats what I do, and my CS is growing. :)

Same here. At least it can get bigger each time I PE so hopefully that should be indicating some soon to come actual girth gains! :)

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

I’m not sure I’d call it the reverse effect per se. But that’s not important. Can you guys point me in the direction of information concerning clamping?


I mean clamping like closing off bloodflow with your hand manually. I mean, you could use a cable clamp to make it more intense, but I do it manually for now.

Originally Posted by RackHunter
I gave these a go last night instead of my jelqs . 3 sets of 100 reps . I found that at 60%-80% erection , I could not get very good expansion , but at about 30% (good engorgement) it changed considerably . What I tried to do was kegel blood into my penis , then squeeze it out of my glans and then “milk” blood up the shaft , kegeling with every stroke (2-3 sec strokes). This excersise seemed to work well and resulted in my post P.E. Girth to be about 3/16” larger than my normal post P.E. Measurements .

You’re absolutely correct. Lower erection level is better. So long as it isn’t completely flaccid. This exercise has been good for me. I’m happy it worked for you.


How engorged do you guys get after a session of girthwork? Like how much of a difference between your engorged girth and your normal resting girth?

I never measure flaccid. But it’s considerably larger around after working on girth than it is normally.


Update! The last couple of times I’ve done CS Blasters I’ve been at an erection level of around 30%. Also, I’ll cut off circulation at different points up and down the shaft to expand those particular areas better. I hope that makes sense. If any of you are interested in trying these out, I’d be very interested in hearing about your experience.


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