Day on day off and why does jelqing make me horney?
So first off I haven’t jelqed since around xmas, I had issues with my meds and basically went thru hell. So now 3 months later I wanna start again but I have some questions. 1# is a day on day off good well I still get results as good as 5 days on 2 off. I thought id do it this way as in the past I think I over worked my penis doing 5 days on. 2# Also I wanna try to limit masturbation to maybe once a week, some say it don’t hinder gains others say they see better gains if they don’t masturbate. So I’m gonna try. 3# why does jelqing make me so horny. I did a workout last night and I had a strong urge to masturbate but I didnt and even today I have urges every time I see a pic of a hot girl its like hell because I don’t wanna masturbate.
Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.