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Day on day off and why does jelqing make me horney?

Day on day off and why does jelqing make me horney?

So first off I haven’t jelqed since around xmas, I had issues with my meds and basically went thru hell. So now 3 months later I wanna start again but I have some questions. 1# is a day on day off good well I still get results as good as 5 days on 2 off. I thought id do it this way as in the past I think I over worked my penis doing 5 days on. 2# Also I wanna try to limit masturbation to maybe once a week, some say it don’t hinder gains others say they see better gains if they don’t masturbate. So I’m gonna try. 3# why does jelqing make me so horny. I did a workout last night and I had a strong urge to masturbate but I didnt and even today I have urges every time I see a pic of a hot girl its like hell because I don’t wanna masturbate.

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

The point of not releasing too many times during PE is to keep a great EQ . It’s one of little pleasure we have in life, and it releases some anxiety and stress in the process, so if you’re still horny enough, edge and release only every second or third day.

Would you forbid yourself to eat tacos ?

Otherwise I’d say the increased blood flow as well as the mere milking motion turn you into a purple-faced , panting, smoking horny beast. You’ll have to find the schedule which works for you, it depends on the intensity of the work outs.

Last edited by Walter5169 : 03-10-2015 at .

Well may I ask something? I jelq every day about 12-15 mins is it bad (7 on) I have a small routine tho.

I wish jelqing would have made me horny, I would have never left home and I would have been able to claim a 25 inch EG. Unfortunately for me, jelqing did not make me horny.

Originally Posted by ilovetacos
I did a workout last night and I had a strong urge to masturbate but I didnt and even today I have urges every time I see a pic of a hot girl its like hell because I don’t wanna masturbate.

That avatar sure ain’t helpful ;)

STARTING STATS - 02/02/2015: BPEL 7.6 --- MEG 5.25 --- 5.25" with semi erection; but 5.16 MEG with 100% boner; BEG 5.47

CURRENT - 13/03/2015: I had to check a few times, but I'm pretty sure I got a genuine BPEL 7.8!! Will check girth again in a couple of weeks

GOAL: BPEL 8.50 --- MEG 5.5 --- BRING IT ON! (I've revised my goals for the time being; maybe I was being too ambitious too early on)

And I thought it was yours! How deceiving.


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