Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dedicated PE gel


From their website enlargel just seems to be a gel with 12 herb extracts ( gingo, horny goat weed, macca etc.). At $120 for 6 fl oz. I think it would be damn sight cheaper to crush a few herbal tablets, make a paste and slap that on your dick.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

There’s quite a debate about Enlargel on another thread. Suffice to say it’s not the kind of thing I had in mind.

Originally Posted by Shiver
I think vit-E may be useful but not groundbreaking. I went into the collagen idea a couple of years back thinking that the idea would be to increase collagen production (more tissue generation=bigger tool?). Once I started reading though I completely turned about face on this. The best information I’ve ever found was in reading about pregnancy and cervical ripening. There is a complex sequence of events approaching full term which involves a combination of some prostaglandins (PGE-1, PGE-2, PGF-2a etc), hyaluronic acid, collagenase, and a whole host of other components that allow primarily Type I and III collagens (CC is mainly Type I & IV), and some smooth muscle to relax, where the collagen thins out and the bundles can unlink and slip allowing dilation.

Some ripening techniques employ a baloon catheter which can stretch the tissues over many hours. In our case that could equate to clamping or extreme pumping. The trouble is, to do this we have to restrict bloodflow. Restricting blood flow causes a rise in TGF-B1 which promotes collagen and stabalises the whole trauma area. To make matters worse it reduces PGE-1 which is beneficial in relaxing collagen and causing the erection. This has a dual effect of causing smooth muscle to waste away while there is a collagen over production which can cause tissue stiffness, or in the extreme even ED.

PGE-2 is another prostaglandin that may be useful (if in the correct tissue types). Relaxin is another (although human relaxin seems ineffective while porcine relaxin seems very effective - don’t know why).

It would seem to me that a multi-staged approach of collagen degradation/turnover, extension, followed by a long period of recovery (deconditioning if you like) would be quite effective. Depending on tissue types, if may have adverse effects on the skin if topical so it could be important to administer differently, or at least avoid stretching the skin. I don’t know if this is chemically or biologically possible, but suspect that anything very effective would also be very prone to disasterous consequences. If we had a mild cream that would lean gently in that direction ( like the original stretch-mark cream proposal) then there may be a solution out there.

It may be as simple as a combination of DSMO with misoprostol (an ulcer drug used off label) along with PGE-1 would do the trick. As much as I consider myself a risk taker in PE, I don’t feel comfortable in trying something like this because of possible irreversible consequences and general lack of knowledge.

Now that I’ve frightened everyone with the risks, and mentioned a little about the areas explored, I hope that it’s clear that I’m not talking about ‘just another lube with some arginine and horny goat weed’, but a genuine targeted (but mild) smart bomb that targets just the appropriate tissues, and the worst case outcome would be a run to the toilet for a flock of seagulls.

I don’t know if this is a bit hardcore for most, or if it’s just a bit hard to fathom. If there’s enough interested then I’m up for researching it, but done alone it could take several lifetimes.

Pardon an ignoramus, Shiver, but some of what you’re talking about does seem scary to me. Any drug powerful enough to cause real changes is something I, personally, would steer of. Imagine if some drugs made your dick shrivel up and die! I know it might be a small advance in finding something that did work but it would be a f***ing disaster for the guy who found out!

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

I agree entirely, which is why you don’t have me reporting whether it worked or not :D

Then again, generations previous must have walked around the forest eating sniffing and smoking everything in order to learn what doesn’t work!

It’s certainly an interesting notion, this “PE Gel” thing, I suspect it may indeed be the latest product boom on the horizon. Hell, it’s actually been out there for a while, I seem to remember something at the old PEforums in an add.

Really, if you dig the supps and feel they are actually working to any degree, probably best to eat them! Dick skin is not exactly the best place to get transdermal absorption. Back and shoulder blades, legs, and chest are actually pretty tough in the arena of transdermal (OTC) when it comes to effectiveness. Then you’ve got the potential irritation issue to deal with, that could get rather nasty.
Finally and most surprisingly not mentioned is the contradiction in purpose…it’s kinda hard to envision a transdermal that would make a decent lube or vice versa. It either soaks in effectively or it doesn’t. If it does, it’s a sucky lube! Can’t comment on the potential for transport in an oily matrix, but I’d bet anything it’s considerably less than optimal. A quandary, if you will.

I don’t mean to be so negative on this issue, it’s just that when one looks at it rather simply and from a practical standpoint, one needn’t rummage through a great deal of science or anecdote on the matter. A “transdermal lube” is really the marriage of two opposites in a way, makes me think they can cancel each other out pretty easily.

Originally Posted by Shiver

Then again, generations previous must have walked around the forest eating sniffing and smoking everything in order to learn what doesn’t work!

Astute observation! Also true that we haven’t stopped yet:) Not just PE stuff and wild carrots either, every year someone ends up in the ER out here in the midwest due to ingesting that funky version of Datura that grows roadside…then there’s the “wrong mushroom” incident every spring, too. Brave experimentalists we are!

Although a gel has its limitations (absorbtion limits, cost inefficiency, molecular weight limits, systemic absorbtion etc), it shouldn’t be ruled out, as many or even most supps have different properties depending on what part of the body we’re talking about. Oral route has its limitations also, and stomach acids often render medication/supps inactive. If it were any different then syringes would be very scarce.

The only reason I opened the discussion with the gel proposal is if I’d said “penis injections” it would make most peoples brown star wink. I’d like not to rule out any delivery methods at all, at least not before there is a viable proposal on the table. Judging from the limited response so far though, it doesn’t look like anythings going to happen.

Am I right in thinking that any effective drug has to enter the blood stream? So rubbing a potion on your dick is never going to be an effective way of getting the stuff (whatever it is) into your bloodstream? So even if an effective drug for making your dick grow was found, applying it topically would not make sense. Again I don’t understand the science but am interested in the possibilities.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by mbuc
So rubbing a potion on your dick is never going to be an effective way of getting the stuff (whatever it is) into your bloodstream? So even if an effective drug for making your dick grow was found, applying it topically would not make sense.

Well, the penis CAN absorb topical gels, at least in (actual) clinical settings with certain drugs and substances. Some vaginal estrogen creams used in HRT have been reportedly absorbed by the penis in measurable levels. IIRC, the E used was Estradiol (sp?) and I think that’s one powerful humdinger of an estrogen. Verapamil Gel has been tested in Peyronies treatment and it does get into the bloodstream enough to be measured, no penetration or traces found in the tunica samples taken, however. Don’t ask me why they tried that, I don’t have more than very scant understanding of Verapamil uses in medicine.

Jist of it is, the dick CAN absorb stuff which enters the bloodstream. The actual utility of application there is subject to question, doesn’t seem to be a local effect pertaining to PE. Do remember, the above reports of topical gels and the dick are actual medical studies on typical folk, not PEers. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that transdermal potential for active PEers is somewhat different, even effective prescription gels with optimal drug/hormone formulations would likely be less effective on the PEed penis skin. It’s tough, it’s sometimes swollen, not a good skin area for transdermal absorption. Look at the longevity of some cases of PE induced discoloration, I doubt that a similar bruise on a non PEer would take so long to disappear…we’re different there.

Anyone ever try Androgel? It’s a prescription T therapy gel. Just curious.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

The tunica is a tough SOB to penetrate but there are ways off affecting tissue permiability that could be explored. It might need a multi faceted approach (topical, oral and intraurethral concurrently), I don’t know. The big claim from PD Labs and their verapamil gel was their delivery method which they won’t disclose.

This issue of topical getting into the bloodstream is probably more of an issue of whether the stuff does anything undesirable in other parts of the body. For example, an effective collagenase would probably damage the penile and other skin at the same time. A successful regimen would have to sucessfully target, or at least tag something unique about the desired tissue only.

I never tried brand name androgel, but I did try a compunded testosterone gel with a slightly more agressive carrier. I also made my own with straight testosterone in a ‘local’ gel. It didn’t do anything for me. I’ve heard great stories about it from a select few though, which leads me to believe that their condition left them predisposed to the benefits. Out of 100 men I’d bet on there being at most 1 that would see a positive effect. I couldn’t begin to explain why that would be.

Originally Posted by muttley
Anyone ever try Androgel? It’s a prescription T therapy gel. Just curious.

More than likely. You can do a search on it here and probably get some threads or posts on it, I’m not certain though. The transdermal ideas have been thrown around in the past, but for some reason there isn’t much follow up on the results of the idea. Whether it be arnica, aminos, transdermal vehicles, whatever…folks don’t seem to get the results they were looking for or perhaps they just didn’t give it enough time.

It’s actually rather interesting to see this sort of thing over time, some of what is in this thread will likely serve as advertising fodder for a product “review” site. I almost hesitated to mention discoloration issues and toughness of the penile skin mainly for the reason that it will, sooner or later, be used as an advertised effect on some PE product. Haven’t seen it yet in an add, but one can be sure…

Shiver, I think the “1 in 100” seeing a positive result may simply be just a case of deficiency in some individuals. Also, it appears the effect tends to wear off after while with alot of these rare cases, perhaps the body normalizes and rebalances afterwhile?

Originally Posted by groa
Shiver, I think the “1 in 100” seeing a positive result may simply be just a case of deficiency in some individuals. Also, it appears the effect tends to wear off after while with alot of these rare cases, perhaps the body normalizes and rebalances afterwhile?

I’m convinced you’re right there. Further, Dr Pezzi documented the use of Finasteride and DHT (3months F, followed by 1 month DHT I think). He claimed some great gains in that one month (3/4”), but said most but not all of it just as rapidly diminished. He believes this is due to andro-receptor sensitivity. If you think about it, it’s not much different to cycling regular roids. The 1 in 100 may probably have just lucked out in being at the right place at the right time.

Transdermal Nitric Oxide products would be worth a try:

Transdermal NO would be good in the sense that apart from vasodilation it influences tissue relaxation positively and collagen excess negatively. That said, for tunica purposes it would be tough to reach from a topical since it is naturally impermiable.

I’m not saying it can’t be done, and I’m sure there are at least a couple of ways of doing it. It’s just that to automatically assume that an off the shelf product would be right for the job is wide open to confrontational precedent.

I’ve been ordering a boat load of different substances lately and will begin some experimentation in the new year. To be honest I’m not very optimistic about any of them, but the curiosity factor is enough to override the sensible pessimist in me.


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