Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deep doubts in PE (please all read)

Well now......

Some facts…

The paysite LINKS are only link trades. We, meaning this forum, do NOT receive any money from those links, there is no embedded associate number in them. Big Al put a link to this place up on PE Forums and I linked to his site. Rob from Power-Jelq did the same thing. I did this to spread the word about the place and to give the guys that visit these places another option.

Also, this Dr. Chatham was basically put out of business by the U.S. Federal court when he was convicted of mail fraud. Even though during the trial he had a urologist testify on his behalf that enlargement was possible using his methods. This Doctor had even conducted tests of the methods with quite a few of his own patients. And the success rate was very high, did it matter, no, the verdict was still guilty. I’ll find the link again and post it.

As to why other Doctors don’t get into PE research, most are afraid of peer pressure and possible damage to “reputations”. This is changing though, slowly but surely. In five, maybe ten years we will see a different attitude toward PE in the medical profession. Also, you must realize that most Doctors only know what they were taught, like most other professions. The blinders are coming off of some doctors now.

And what do the “snippers” demand that their patients do after surgery, why they require them to hang weights from their dicks. Hmmmm…..

secjay and larry, some dam good posting from both of you guys. I’m impressed. :)

EDIT: Sandmann, just so there is no misunderstanding, the GNC/ link will generate revenue, also the Safesense and the Amazon. The more revenue these links generate (if they generate) will effect the amount of times I will ask for donations to keep this place online. This place is growing rapidly and may need to move to a larger server package in the future, and I would rather support it by posting revenue generating links (to things that some guys already buy online anyway) and getting the “support” money from these companies, instead of depending on member donations. I do know that if I got in a crunch there are quite a few guys here that would rescue the place. I do not want it to get to that point. The costs for this place are posted in the Members Pics section and I will post any and all proceeds from the links, I’ll even let you audit the dam accounts of these links if you want to. I would like to have a small surplus built up, so say we wanted to buy some software to improve the site a little, like maybe a good chat package or something. Time for me to take a walk and calm down.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.


>Larry, nerve cells dont repair for sure.
Otherwise some major handicaps would be “repairable” <

I have read before and understand that short breaks are repairable. That is why people with fairly severe injuries with resulting paralysis gain feeling and use over time. If the breaks are short enough. Too severe and nothing happens.

>Sorry, u didnt make me to a believer (of PE u meant, or not?), but i will try.
Maybe i damn u all in 1 years maybe i come back and tell of the growth. <

That is the only way you will know for sure.

>Thanks for your answer , too-
I have a certain believe in all you here (especially you) but sometimes the doubts come hard in my mind. <

You should not believe just me. I could be a BSer as much as anyone. You have the correct idea of just trying.

>And getting a non-sensitive penis, which makes pain to me and doesnt get an erection . And a hard-feeling skin and NO gains that are my personal horrors.<

You have been doing it wrong. Be sure to read my responses to you in the hangers section. You apparently have been using the hanger sideways. Turned 90 degrees.

>What was your starting size, Bib? <

A little less than 6x5.




Regarding doctors. For your own sake, for your health, wake up and start doubting a little what doctors have to say, or recommend you. Don’t take everything they say for granted.

They are just humans. Which means they make mistakes, and have their own interests. Money included. For instance, it is well known how big drug companies push their products to doctors.

I’m not saying that modern health science is a scam, far from it, but thinking a little about what you hear, and checking it up with other sources (including other doctors) would only do you good.


I want to clear up a little bit about the conversation that’s been going on here about tissue repair, especially nerves and erectile tissue. First off I would like to introduce to you; Life. It is a wonderous and quite a strange thing in alot of circumstances (read: all the time) and how do you think that life on this planet has survived 4 billion (approx) years to date? because, and this is the big fat major point here:

L I F E A D A P T S.

I’m not talking on a cellular or a social or an ecological level here, what I am stating to you here is that whatever you throw at LIFE in general, life will adapt to. (well, so long as it isn’t completely destroyed in the process!) The first bacteria on earth did not consume oxygen. This may be difficult to comprehend, but prehistoric earth had a mainly Carbon DiOxide atmosphere (bit like Mars) and all the happy little microbes breathed it in blissfully unaware that they were slowly using up all the CO2, respiring it and releasing Oxygen. Eventually that day came, and the whole CO2 atmosphere was depleted - it had all been converted biologically into an oxygen atmosphere and (what can only be guessed at) billions of tonnes of lovely little bacteria cell bodies.
What happened then you might gasp and cry…? Well you would have thought it would be the end of those pesky little critters since they had nothing left to breathe. Well if you said that then by your way of thinking our world would be a desolate barren lifeless hellhole by now, but it isn’t… so what happened? those funny little bacteria ADAPTED… they completely redesigned themselves to respire the same oxygen that they had brought about breaking up all the CO2. How’d they do this eh? The theory goes that they banded together to share chemical processes (inadvertantly forming multicellular organisms eg you and me)

So, shut up finally! you scream at me. Well ok, but now that youve read the background ‘fo, you can easily apply this same little bed time story to our own bodies. Every single cell in your body has the ability to grow, divide, multiply…

About the argument with the spinal injuries and all that, well I’ll get to that ;)

When you are very young, a few years or so, if you get your brain tissue slashed, guess what happens? all those severed little neurons (which many people will say CANNOT be repaired) start twisting and turning and reaching out like mad. WTF are they doing? They are “attemping to reconnect.”.

But if you did the same brain slashing to a 50 year old dude, little to nothing happens, he just goes brain dead and pretty much stays that way. Why? Well, there is a theory with DNA and cells that goes something liek this; a cell has an innate ability to undergo mitosis (right word?) a certain number of times before it dies. Which means that a cell can only produce a certain number of copies of itself before kicking the bucket (eg aging) This is the whole thing. Every cell has the ability to multiply, Im thinking that maybe the cells int he brain/spinal cord are only able to do this a very small number of times in comparison to other body parts. DO NO ask me WHY though :D

But anyways, I hope I made my point clear that ANY cell in your body can grow, heal, muliply. Why in god’s name would this exclude only the complex nervous system and erectile tissues?? makes absolutely no sense since these tissues are man’s most important :D (You decide which comes first)

Any “doctor” who tells you that those particular cells in your dick are UNABLE to heal is obviously a spoon fed textbook johnny and should be shot through the lung on the spot.

Shit I’m rambling, thought I’d cured this, thanks for your tiem and patience!


your theory is too simple in my eyes.

You say “life adapts, thats the proof that all tissues in your body can adapt, too” (extremely said)

But if you go under water u cant breathe there.
I thought the body adapts? ;-)

Its logical that this isnt a good example but what i want to say is that u cant compare two complete different things.
Evolution and adapting to temporary surrounding adapts………..

As you said when you are old a cell of the nervous system will die and never regenerate.
And this though they are important————

Not everything is like we want it to be……

Thanks for your “little introduction into life” but i like more facts than theories. :-)

Bye, SPV

Last edited by SandmannPV : 01-26-2002 at .


what did u di to gain this?


got your arguments


thanks for your motivation.
I try to believe but its not easy.


curious stroy about this dr. chartham.
Do you mean this link

Or does there exist a page about his trouble with the law?


>And getting a non-sensitive penis, which makes pain to me and doesnt get an erection . And a hard-feeling skin and NO gains that are my personal horrors.<

You have been doing it wrong. Be sure to read my responses to you in the hangers section. You apparently have been using the hanger sideways. Turned 90 degrees.

ER……how do you mean this?
The gap of the hanger where the only loose screw can be tightened is on the upper side of the shaft.
This is correct i think.
I cant imagine to wear it with the gap (the opening) turned to the side of the penis.


The problem is that this doctor is a skilled authority in my eyes with a lot of medical knowledge so its not easy to distrust him.

But i will try and verify.



>You have been doing it wrong. Be sure to read my responses to you in the hangers section. You apparently have been using the hanger sideways. Turned 90 degrees.

ER……how do you mean this?
The gap of the hanger where the only loose screw can be tightened is on the upper side of the shaft.
This is correct i think.
I cant imagine to wear it with the gap (the opening) turned to the side of the penis.<

Sorry, I had you confused with Satchel. You had the hanger too tight and were jelqing too close to the head which can result in loss of sensitivity.

>The problem is that this doctor is a skilled authority in my eyes with a lot of medical knowledge so its not easy to distrust him. <

At least most doctors will never say never. Many if not all have seen things that they cannot medically explain and will not get caught in a situation where they make a definitive statement. Secjay is very correct in this regard (as he is most of the time).

luvdadus is a doctor who just told you the way things are. He also had doubt but now he believes in it. Perhaps you can change the mind of your doctor also.

Gee Sand, you were right about the extra sleep. My fingers are fairly flying over the keyboard.


It is a biological fact that every cell in your body is replaced over time. No cell which you were born with, is there when you die at old age. You can say that every few years you have a “new body”, where every cell is new.



Please read my edit in my post at the top of this page (page 2). This is a real sore spot with me and I want to make sure you understand the financial situation with this forum.

BTW: If we don’t make enough to get a check from and have to settle for merchandise (fuzzy pink bunny slippers this month), you will win the slippers as the prize for having the “Best Post” of the month. Just kidding ! :D This thread was moving faster than a chat room this morning and it is a good thing.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Another thing is it’s smarter for doctors to say PE probably doesn’t work. If I was a doctor, that’s what I would say too. Well actually I’d probably say “it might work, but I don’t think so. Don’t ask me and I don’t recommend you doing it.”

Think about it, a guy walks in asks “Do PE exercises work?” You’re a doctor and you say “yes”.

If it doesn’t work for him, you get bitched at for making him waste 20-30 min a day, 5x a week for a whole year. (It doesn’t work very well for some people i believe).

Or perhaps he damages his penis irrepairiably hanging too much, jelqing too hard, stretching the wrong way, doing ulis wrong, etc.

What happens next? He blames it on you. “My doctor recommended it.” Even if you don’t flat out say “I recommend you doing those exercises”, then you’re still to blame if you say “it does work”. I bet you can still get some flak even if you give out oodles of disclaimers. Like imagine if someone asked their doctor if they can fix their broken arm by jumping off of a cliff. You say “Yes you can, but I wouldn’t recommend you doing it”. That’s in a way a “go ahead”.

Honestly what made me believe that it works is not the “theory” behind it. It’s the fact that so many people have had results AND they are willing to share how they did it… FOR FREE. So basically in the worst case scenario, there’s a conspiracy of like 50+ guys all wasting a lot of their time (and Thunder wasting his money too) in order to laugh at people they don’t know, and they will never see on the internet. Using Occam’s razor (the simplest answer is probably the right answer), my conclusion was “It works. In different degrees for some people. Some might only gain .25-.5 inches in a year, some might gain over 1 inch in a year. It’s also a very slow process”.

I’ve been doing it NOT religiously for about 3 weeks (been lazy a few times). I haven’t gotten any DEFINITE results yet, but I think I’m slightly longer and slightly thicker. But I’m pretty much not going to believe it myself until I gain at least .5” in either length or girth. That way I know it can’t be accounted for by simple good day/bad day, slight variations in measurment.


I have read your edit.

350$ for initiating a forum - And 20$ per month - this is DAMN A LOT!Why didnt you choose a free one like ezboard?
Bad quality?

That would mean that the new PEforum is such expensive, too.

>>>>I think the adaption to a body being underwater and unable to breath has a technical term associated with it. If I remember correctly, it is called swimming.

Er….underwater….i call this diving :-)
I think u understood what i wanted to say that there dont immediately grow gills.
But stop my exaple its really shit :-)


>>>>>”It is a biological fact that every cell in your body is replaced over time. No cell which you were born with, is there when you die at old age. You can say that every few years you have a “new body”, where every cell is new.

As i know nerve cells dont follow this law of nature…….
And if the doctor is right erectile tissue dont duplicate, too. Hm-
On each other body cell you are right for sure……

I must admit i am not sure.


>>>>BTW: If we don’t make enough to get a check from and have to settle for merchandise (fuzzy pink bunny slippers this month)


, you will win the slippers as the prize for having the “Best Post” of the month. Just kidding ! This thread was moving faster than a chat room this morning and it is a good thing.

Oh thanks.
So i can spare the money for 2 red pantyhoses!

What a luck!!


All the free forums that I know of are crap. A forum with a central topic like PE draws a lot of trouble from whacko types. PE Forums has been wiped out 3, 4 or 5 times. Every time that happens, the PE community suffers. Guys drift away, good posts are lost, and the general morale of the group goes to hell for awhile.
This forum software is the best that I know of. It is the most secure and the least demanding storagewise. This forum cost so much to set up because I was not technically skilled enough to do it. I paid to have it done. PE Forums was set up for around 200.00, I don’t remember the exact figure offhand. Another point, the monthly charge for this site is extremely cheap for the server size/services we are getting.

Also, on the water thing. The survivors swam, those that didn’t, they were the ones that were diving. :D

If there is enough of the mechandise voucher left over, I’ll see that you get your red pantyhose. You have to take photos though and post them in the members pics forum for all to see!

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

this science....

A little gift for Sandman (true story): ……today i was lurking on a site of andrologist and ….GOD ! what i saw….there was an article about the “penistretcher”. This article says that till now there are no clinic studies stating the certain of this gains, but if u want, u can use it under control of an andrologist !!!! (so is not so dangerous!) few months ago i saw in another site exactly the opposite opinion…”don’t use it, it’s dangerous!”….. many of the exercises of PE use the same idea of the penistretcher…and this idea is used since many, many years for (i’m not joking) the cure of people having one leg shorter than the other (IS TRUE…I’VE READ ABOUT IT!), to stretch ligament, muscles and articolations.
SO U CAN SEE that doctors tells u what they are interested to….try to ask how much is the cost for a phalloplastic….and use your brain, don’t ask people to tell u what to do.


p.s. i’ve gained doing PE (only few months…) but i know u don’t care about this….true ?


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