Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deep doubts in PE (please all read)

The medical community knows that ligaments of the body get stretched, so why do they deny it with the ligaments attached to the penis?

I agree with you beenthere, I guess the answer is so they can still perform surgery, and make their money! It’s like with people with clogged arteries in or around there heart.. They have drugs that can go in there to eat it up, but they still insist on performing surgery!

Originally Posted by Starter7777
I agree with you beenthere, I guess the answer is so they can still perform surgery, and make their money! It’s like with people with clogged arteries in or around there heart.. They have drugs that can go in there to eat it up, but they still insist on performing surgery!

Concerning clogged arteries, some people swear by chelation using edta. The mainstream medical community dismisses it. Chelation treatments cost a small fraction of what open heart surgery costs. Chelation is not only preventative, but has been shown to reverse buildup. Despite evidence to suggest it does work, it remains controversial, receives much opposition, and insurance companies won’t cover it. Chelation doctors use iv to put it into the bloodstream. It can be taken orally in a pill (usually alongside vitamin c, etc in the pill), but it’s unclear how effective oral is although it is believed that pill form should at least prevent more buildup even if, perhaps, not strong enough to reverse as intravenous is.

Last edited by beenthere : 07-18-2004 at .

Originally Posted by beenthere
The medical community knows that ligaments of the body get stretched, so why do they deny it with the ligaments attached to the penis?

Uhhhh cause all the doctors want to hold on to their wives, i.e., not narrow the gap between the attraction factor of being a doctor and having a big penis.! :chuckle:

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Starter is right - doctors actually instruct post-op phalloplasty patients to hang weights. When this is brought up by PE enthusiasts, the doctors then say that hanging is only effective if you’ve had your ligs snipped (and is actually required or the ligs might reattach higher up - and your dick ends up shorter!).

I’m also not interested in being an apologist for PE, or the poster boy, or the PE ambassador to the world. Fuck it. I could care less if not another soul ever comes to PE.

Just read my sig….. :)

I have not read this entire thread yet to see if this has been mentioned, so here goes..

Anyone who is into serious weightlifting should know that at least some of the most effective techniques are criticized by medical professionals. Take for example, the squat. Any weightlifter worth his salt knows you squat deep, past the point where your thigh is parallel to the floor. Most doctors (and even many trainers taught this way) will tell you to only squat to parallel because to go further risks injury. Now, this is only true because most people don’t have the persistence and patience to learn how to squat deep correctly, and they do end up hurting themselves. I don’t know if doctors simply don’t know this or they just don’t consider it, but it may very well be the same with PE. Most people simply are not going to do it correctly and will end up hurting themselves, so doctors provide the same “safe” but misguided advice.

I know this has been said, but I though it important to point out the weightlifting correlation, as this is a very real analogy.

I usually laugh when I see threads like this, where people are thinking that somebody is trying to cheat them out of their money, even though it’s all free here. It’s so typical of people to think it’s all about them and that somebody actually invested the time to create a fake environment for them to live in (a la The Truman Show).
Maybe one day Thunder will post a confession post, saying “I have to confess to you, Mdrg, you’re the only real guy in forum, all of the rest usernames are actually me! I was trying to cheat people out of their money for years, but couldn’t, so I settled for cheating them out of their free time! I just stole 1000 hours of your life!”

Well, if you all are my imaginary friends, you’re the best imaginary friends I’ve ever had! :)
Kudos, and such.

PE isn't a chore. PE is a lifestyle.

If you feel down sometimes, come live inside my mind. I promise you'll enjoy the experience.

PE is indeed very real, However you are not going to realize any (real) gains unless you are consistent and determined, Almost to the point of obsession. There are always going to be nay-sayers. It is up to the individual to set goals and then be relentless (and smart) in achieving them.

Fyi, this thread is over 6 years old, though it’d be interesting to see if he ever went through with PE or not.

Originally Posted by James00
Fyi, this thread is over 6 years old, though it’d be interesting to see if he ever went through with PE or not.

He last logged on Last Activity: 12-25-2002 02:13 PM so I doubt he ever stuck it out. Dam he could have grew a lot of dick in 6 years.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have been doing this on and off from 1998 to 2006 and somewhat seriously from 2006 to present. I have used pumps, clamps, jelqing. I listen to my body. Follow the positive (such as EQ quality). I have gained about 1/2 inch in length and i am guessing about 1/4 inch in girth. I am developing confidence. Your doctor is right tough, it will cause some damage. I’ll give you an example. Just today, during a meeting a work, I had a raging hardon, this happens several tmes throughout the day. I felt like a 13 year old in home room class and I am 38 yrs old (albeit a very immature 38). I am just glad I didn’t have to stand up that would’ve caused real damage.

I searched him and it looks like he had a progress report for one month. Guess he gave up and quit early, oh well, his loss :)


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