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Did I Damage My Penis


Did I Damage My Penis

I was doing high pressure, full erection jelq and clamps using only my hands two days ago only my 2nd week of PE..

Then today I noticed a small, hard wire-like right under the head of my penis. Is this a blood clot ? How serious is this ? And Did I damage my penis?

Did you say your second week of PE? If so then you deserve whatever injury you received. I see that you have 469 posts to your name which tells me that you’re not necessarily a newbie and therefore should know better than to include any type of clamping or full erection jelqing to your routine. It sounds like you may be suffering from a thrombosed vein which only time off will heal. Perform a search for this type of injury and you should find information to help you along with your healing. And for gods sake, follow the newbie routine until your penis is conditioned enough to handle more intense exercises or expect more injuries in the future. Good luck and take it easy.

Last edited by furryone87 : 03-21-2007 at .

Ok thanks. I seem not to be getting full erections as well but maybe this is unrelated .

No, it’s probably related. You’re doing way too much too early in the game. Your only given one penis in life so please, please, please take care of it. Take it easy. We all want growth overnight but this just doesn’t happen and it’s not worth the risk to try and rush it.

Vanburen, take a break, two weeks at least one month at most from PE. Next time don’t be so ambitious.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

It’s probably a blown lymph vessel and will heal if you leave it alone. NO PE till it’s healed.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Yes all the guys are tell you some good advice. Really stop for some time, don’t get you’re dick to fall off.. You know hove most people say less is some times more! So good luck and don’t do crazy shit.

I don’t no if you hurt your self but be care full man you only get one.

2 weeks - 1 month break?
According to my own experimental (involuntary ;) ) research this can take up to 4-6 months to heal completely.

And yeah, _high pressure_ fully erect jelqs sound pretty damaging.. I don’t even have to go there to know that.. Where did you post for 400+ times in here again? ;)

Good luck on your healing,

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

If it feels like a tiny string of pearls, it is likely that you have damaged a lymphatic vessel. Wait until at least a week after it is fully healed before starting PE again, then go very slowly. If you PE even fairly lightly before it is completely gone, you will most likely put yourself back to ‘square one’ again and have to start the healing process from scratch.

If it has happened once, it is more likely to happen again, so condition very carefully before going for high pressure.

Damaged lymph vessels heal fairly quickly if they are not badly damaged and are completely left alone. If it is a bad injury or a recurring injury, it can take quite a while to heal. Unfortunately I can tell you all this from personal experience.

I love doing full erection jelqs with high pressure from time to time. Feels great.

Originally Posted by Okish6er
I love doing full erection jelqs with high pressure from time to time. Feels great.

Ye Mgowblow 55555 also did it. It feelt great intil he manged to fuck him self up, and now after 2 years healing he’s still messed up. Don’t do this if your not a PE vet!

It is most advised that one is to take a month or two on this form but sadly it may take more time than that . During this period (healing) you will experience
1 painful erections because blood is putting pressure on the tissue
2 weak erections compared to the eve of your injury
3 shorter sex sessions because CCs will become less toned

To alleviate yourself from the full weight of these possibilities

a) kegel during the time it takes for the pain to drop by at least 90%
b) then do regular edging never advancing to the level of ballooning where
high erection levels are achieved. lots of hot raps

Once you have noticed that you only feel pain when you grip hard

c) engage your penis in regular episodes of ‘massaging the pain out’ then ballooning
with moderation and close monitoring

At this point your sensitivity levels would have dropped (injury induced) and soon you would have gotten the hang of ballooning

d) massage the penis head (gland) and please the penis head by putting
greater empathise on the area that was damaged . The objective here it to
teach it how to feel again plus it will be healing due to the blood rush and i
increase cellular activity with that region.

I must tell you that point ‘d’ is very important and you must do it well. To do this i must firstly remind you that ballooning means continues and persistent pleasure, pressure and tension. However, the tension must be restricted to your penis not belly not leg, not arms, not butt and most importantly not mind.,
you mind and desire for pleasure and excitement must be disconnected from your body the same way a man may be at a state of ’ hypnotic recollection’. like a religious man who’s mind has eloped into the land of fantasy and aspiration. the goal is took look down from up and observe that your penis is being pleased.Do not allow your mind to thrilled until you can handle it. opened the doors of your mind if erections level are dropping.

I suggest you sit on the floor or on the bed with knees at rib or chest height ( get comfortable, back resting of a wall maybe), lubricate for fluidity and a spanking feel. By this i mean lubricate and apply a stroke that is similar to the sensation gotten from a vagina that is tight but relaxed slightly from sex so that the walls balloon with insertion and accompanying pressure (probably due to air) and give a spanking and sucking grip as you withdraw. keep the grip easy and wet (consider using what is called fleshligth on this board)
enjoy and get used to the process by engaging your penis in a contest.

You will be in a phase of relative desensitization thus you trigger areas(read post on ballooning to learn about trigger area) may not so quickly push you to orgasm so your body may be relaxed and you penis, under intense pleasing. ride the areas where pain was most felt before relative recovery. As the need to come approaches you must be one step ahead of the pleasure and urge: : Increase the stroke speed and breath into your lungs (your rib cage should rise). as the urge approaches more, Tuck your lower abdomen in and upwards as well. feel free and fly (mind). never slow down but you may move to less stimulating areas of the penis. your moving should not translate into a major change in the intensity of pleasure that the penis is being subjected to. It should only be enough for escape.

This may not be enough to reap normal or more prolonged sex as jelqing has been remove from your routine. here you may advance from this stage to adding low pressure jelqing then after every ten jelq strokes you may, with your hands, apply a multiple finger grip to the gland so the grip at one inch from the tip of the penis is not only foundational but is also restricts blood flow more than the rest of the fingers preventing the gland from too mush expansion. Then with another grip squeeze at very base and hold for five seconds (be careful): This will bring nastiness back to you penis and it stroke.

Best of luck
Test this and I’m sure you will not fail.
Take garlic, amino acids and ginkgopan regularly

If you do it well (balloon at final stages) you do it well you will feel something similar to mild and distant electric sparks not tingles (don’t over do it . i went as far Ten MIN per session at this stage and i was very close to 94% recovery plus I’ve been doing things similar to this before thus my penis was already used to it.)

Hahahaha, I have been doing dry jelqing at high intensity for some time now. My unit is used to it. But thanks for your concern latency :)

Originally Posted by vanburen
I was doing high pressure, full erection jelq and clamps using only my hands two days ago only my 2nd week of PE..
Then today I noticed a small, hard wire-like right under the head of my penis. Is this a blood clot ? How serious is this ? And Did I damage my penis?

If this is a blood clot go get some ginko to help dissolve the clot, Ginko is a blood thinner. But before you do that go see a doctor he might put you on a blood thinner like aspirin or coumadin.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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