Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Digging up Old Threads.

Digging up Old Threads.

I have been digging up Old Threads and finding really useful information from veterans with substantial gains.

I think it might be useful if we all made some attempt to look at what others have used to get great gains in the past.

Maybe we can post some links to the good stuff here.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

This ought to be good.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Slightly related…
You will probably not believe it but I have scimmed over the entire hangers forum on here.
And every time a thread caught my eye, I read through it.
Took me like 1-2 weeks; did it while hanging! xD

I think the first link to this thread needs to be:
Big Gainer Highlights

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

In my opinion this thread is always useful, regardless from the technique used: Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

Erectile Qualities are the most important parameters IMO; just ask to persons who have experienced the decline of EQ how much these are fundamental and indispensable. First of all best EQ, the best as possible. Before gain, best EQ. Just my point of view, especially for those new to this path, like I am.

Sorry for my poor English language, read the thread.:)

Originally Posted by Ypsilon
In my opinion this thread is always useful, regardless from the technique used: Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:
Erectile Qualities are the most important parameters IMO; just ask to persons who have experienced the decline of EQ how much these are fundamental and indispensable. First of all best EQ, the best as possible. Before gain, best EQ. Just my point of view, especially for those new to this path, like I am.
Sorry for my poor English language, read the thread.:)

EQ is king. If you have list EQ you’ve lost a usable dick, which is the entire purpose of having one in the first place.

Please guys, pay attention to the quality if your erections.

I will be the first one to admit that I joined Thunders in a panic because I was led to believe my dick was too small, and because of that I took risks and exhausted myself in search of length.

I realise now that was my own fears made real, and I do P.E. Safely with an eye on EQ foremost.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I think there are specific circumstances where low EQ is desirable and not necessarily bad!

If the TGC theory were true (which many say isn’t but you know, its all bro science so proving or disproving anything here isn’t necessarily 100% correct).. so assuming it is, than that means that if you only do length only routine without any girth work, you will increase length but your smooth muscle will lag behind. This will result in a not-so-strong erection hardness aka low EQ.

In what case would you wanna do this? Well, in my case.
I came to believe that it is necessary that your BPFSL needs to be larger than your BPEL! I only gained when that was the case, according to my logs. As soon as they became equal, gains stopped!
So, in order to gain, I need to have my BPFSL longer than my BPEL.
How do I accomplish that? By only doing length work. What will that lead to? Low EQ!
I believe that doing length only work increases BPFSL or length in general without increasing the size of your “smooth muscle”. I came to believe that any BPFSL you have is potential BPEL, all you need to do to close the gap is to do jelqing (girth work). I mean that is what I have observed for myself!
So, for me, low EQ is actually a positive indicator since it shows me that I am headed the right way, it shows me that what I am doing is working…

I might be wrong though! After all, its all bro science!

Once I measure a bigger BPFSL, I will be delighted, since I know how to conver that into BPEL! Might not be the case for others though, this is just my physiology!

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

Last edited by ehlolol : 07-01-2016 at .

Sorry a-unit, I don’t want convert your thread in an EQ thread, but I have to answer, and then I will go away from your thread.

ehlolol, I’m talking from the perspective of a person who has not much experience, and that could also be rightly concerned about maintaining an healthy apparatus. When I read the injury forum, I think that there are a lot of people who are terrified because they have bad EQ, and with Q I mean Qualities. So each of us do PE at his own risk, but we have to be careful to the suggestions that we give.

I prefer have a perfectly functional penis instead than a BPFSL bigger than BPEL. I prefer stay really hard during a sexual intercourse, instead than have a little bit bigger but softer penis. And ehlolol, you can for sure have a bigger BPFSL respect to your BPEL also with better EQ.

Then expert people or veteran could have a different approach, because of their experience. At their own risk, obviously.

We can be obsessed by the idea that Bigger is Better, but I think that Safer is Better.

I apologise a-unit for the OT, I stop it.

Originally Posted by ehlolol
If the TGC theory were true (which many say isn’t but you know, its all bro science so proving or disproving anything here isn’t necessarily 100% correct).. so assuming it is, than that means that if you only do length only routine without any girth work, you will increase length but your smooth muscle will lag behind. This will result in a not-so-strong erection hardness aka low EQ.

No offense, but the smooth muscle is not meant to be strengthened… it’s what keeps you from getting erections, i.e. turtling. Remember Viagra relaxes smooth muscle, and EQ goes up. I think the hanging phenomenon is simply trauma induced (but I don’t know everything either).

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