Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Direct me to the edge brothers!

I haven’t blown for like 5 days or so now, and been edging a fair bit. Do you ever feel like you have been kicked in the balls? That kind of pain?


Originally Posted by d_sut
3) What do I do if I want to “nail” some broad? Do I have to “hold the mayo” if I am in the middle of an “edging routine”?

Why, that’s a terrible thing. I don’t know how many time I’ve told those boys, never call chicks “broads.”

Oh and as for the edging pain in the balls, it’s normal. We in the industry call it “blue balls.” Edging just makes it more intense and more often. But it’s not harmful, so don’t worry about it. It can be a Zen thing.

I just started edging too, nowadays. I must say it is much better than ejaculation
Lets take a look at your questions and see if I can say anything useful.. :

1) Actually some taoist guys argue that you should never blow your load. Even 1 drop . I know it sounds hard, but it proably requires one to learn the techniques they talk about. (which I dont know yet)
So, I guess you should postpone ejaculation, as much as you can. One always benefits holding it, and suffers ejaculating. This seems to be rule of the game.

2)An edged cock tends to be more horny, and especially girth works should be easier .

3) Hold. (look ans. #1)

4)Postpone ejaculation as much as you can.

5) I think edging is the “anti” of masturbation and normal sex (where one blows his load quick), and a very good way to learn to do the things as it should be. So your first statement in the question would be my choice.

6) Can’t say I totally got the question, but edging is good! :D

7)I doubt it actually leaves the balls anyway, unless you do the multi orgasmic man technique, which is to hold the ejaculation by kegeling in the middle of orgasm. The only place of reservoir (did I spell right?) for the load is the balls, so I doubt it can float around or anything like that..

8)I think edging is a technique to learn sex as it should be, so once you get the habit, you ‘ll have it’s effects and benefits with you all the time I guess.

9) I don’t wait to loose erection while edging, I think macho feelings while masturbating and say to myself all the time: “hold it , arrrrgh… , hold it .. , phewww…” :D .

Actually how many minutes per edging session is a good question you havn’t asked.
And another: if it should be done before orafter PE?? (especially girth works?)

I do about 10 -15 minutes for starters, and generally do it after girth work (jelqing or clamping)

Good luck d_sub! :)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by d_sut

It’s all cool now and been settled, no biggie. But in this instance he came into my thread, and he had he's reasons for posting that also.. Done and dusted- I’m too old to be snickering on a board where I really just want a bigger dick!

It may be sorted, but I dont get what you mean? (the part I highlighted)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

This edging DOES rock! Since I started, I haven’t fucked anyone yet, but already I am confident I should be able to last allot longer!

The other night I had 2 orgasms whilst edging. Well don’t know if they were actual orgasms but it felt just like I had blown my load when I didn’t- Also, I could continue masturbating even after that feeling! I haven’t ever been able to do anything like that!

The hole masturbating to the point of ejaculation then stopping and repeating process really trains you to not blow. It is as simple as that, and it is hard to explain. But I do believe anyone who can successfully do this for even a few days will start to love it.

I just can’t believe I used to wank for 5 minutes or so then that was it! This way is soo so much better!


Originally Posted by d_sut
This edging DOES rock! Since I started, I haven’t fucked anyone yet, but already I am confident I should be able to last allot longer!

The other night I had 2 orgasms whilst edging. Well don’t know if they were actual orgasms but it felt just like I had blown my load when I didn’t- Also, I could continue masturbating even after that feeling! I haven’t ever been able to do anything like that!

The hole masturbating to the point of ejaculation then stopping and repeating process really trains you to not blow. It is as simple as that, and it is hard to explain. But I do believe anyone who can successfully do this for even a few days will start to love it.

I just can’t believe I used to wank for 5 minutes or so then that was it! This way is soo so much better!

Good to know it is working for you.

Originally Posted by d_sut
Ok so I started edging 2 nights ago.
a few questions: - great fun by the way..

1) Firstly, when can I blow my load? (how many days?)

Recent opinions state that NEVER blowing your load gives you the best gains. Of course if you have sex in store, f*ck the rule.

Originally Posted by d_sut
2) Would an “edged” cock get a less effective, or get a more effective PE workout than a non “edged” cock, or is there no difference?

I’ve always found the workouts to be better when ended with edging.

Originally Posted by d_sut
3) What do I do if I want to “nail” some broad? Do I have to “hold the mayo” if I am in the middle of an “edging routine”?

See answer to question one. You’re only human. You deserve to orgasm.

Originally Posted by d_sut
4) Is there a routine for this? Do you do for instance, X amount of days, then blow, then just start from square one again all the time?

It’s pretty difficult to resist cumming, as you may have discovered. Just keep at it as much as you can, if you slip up just get back on track. You need to cum sometimes.

Originally Posted by d_sut
5) How does this edging work?; Does it simply get you used to being fully aroused and holding yourself back, or does the hole ejaculation process get slown down all-together, as the result from edging?

It improves your stamina, it also gives you an awesome pump after a workout. Feels pretty good too.

Originally Posted by d_sut
6) Does edging have more to with you getting to know your dick, and it’s points of no return, and what pleases you and how to control ejaculation etc, as appose to the actual “act” of edging itself?

I don’t think it really serves much of a purpose besides the side benefit of improving stamina. For me it’s psychological, I am pretty addicted to wanking, even if I don’t ejaculate it’s pretty nice to be able to masturbate.

Originally Posted by d_sut
If I can think of any other questions I will post. Also a tip!- If you find your literally on the brink (seriously about to blow!) Pinch some pubic hair from where your bikini line would be (if you wore one freak) and just grab it. The pain takes your mind off blowing completely! Before this I blew all the time!

Haha, ok then!

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

I think to a lot of people (myself included), edging is just what you do during a clamping session to maintain >100% erection and maxium pressure on the tunica while clamped. You are just wanking it so that the mega-erection induced by clamping doesn’t subside. There are many differing views here, but I don’t buy into the “you should never ejaculate” theory, so I always reward a good clamping/edging session with a happy ending. skeet skeet skeet!

starting stats (1/06) 7.0 BPEL by 5.3 EG

goal: Mandingo dick!!!!

Originally Posted by phallomegaly
I think to a lot of people (myself included), edging is just what you do during a clamping session to maintain >100% erection and maxium pressure on the tunica while clamped. You are just wanking it so that the mega-erection induced by clamping doesn’t subside. There are many differing views here, but I don’t buy into the “you should never ejaculate” theory, so I always reward a good clamping/edging session with a happy ending. skeet skeet skeet!

No, thats not Edging. Nothing like it.

All you are doing is sustaining and erection.

Edging involves bring yourself to the point of ejaculation, stopping, kegelling, and repeating. If you are doing this whilst Clamped, you should be EXTREMELY careful, as that sounds like a recipe for disaster, and is highly dangerous…

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Yeah, edging is great fun… I remember when I did it for about an hour each day for a week or so, then when I finally let myself blow, it shot straight up and over my head. Never happened before, and I haven’t really edged since, so it hasn’t happened since.

It was great fun making sure I got all the drops off the wall before my roommate got home.

Tu ne cede malis!

Start: 4 Feb 2006 BPEL=5.2" NBPEL=3.6" EG=4.9" turtle<=BPFL<=4.1" BPFSL=5.6" FG=4.1"

10) How do you apply lessons learnt through edging into sex? Do you still have to kegel and pull-out for a while to stop yourself from blowing, or can you just go for longer- period.

11) Does that book “the multi orgasmic man” teach you to go for longer as well? It sounds good. Anyone have an ebook?


Originally Posted by d_sut
10) How do you apply lessons learnt through edging into sex? Do you still have to kegel and pull-out for a while to stop yourself from blowing, or can you just go for longer- period.

11) Does that book “the multi orgasmic man” teach you to go for longer as well? It sounds good. Anyone have an ebook?

10 I can go longer.

11 Yes it will teach you to go longer by not ejaculating. Another big benefit from the book is that it teaches you to get whole body orgasms. Buy the book, it isn’t that expensive.

I agree with Phallo, edging is what I do while clamping, and I like to finish with a happy ending as well. As far as slacks comments about the danger, ” I have heard this theory but I don’t buy it. If you fail to control and go over the edge, while clamped, you will still orgasm, and you will have retrograde ejaculation, or none at all, but it has not been a problem, or painful for me at all.

Horny Bastard

For some reason I feel that edging straight after a PE workout couldn’t be the best time to do it- You are supposed to be recovering then, surely it isn’t advisable to create too much activity down there?


Originally Posted by d_sut
For some reason I feel that edging straight after a PE workout couldn’t be the best time to do it- You are supposed to be recovering then, surely it isn’t advisable to create too much activity down there?

I think: after the workout, you are likely to feel more tired. And it is harder to hold your load when tired while doing edging. Especially the “kegel area” becomes tired, too. And it is harder to hold back load if there is tired.

Have you done sex these days? Any noticable differences? I couldn’t try my new talents on “action” myself yet :D

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)


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