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Discoloration or something

Discoloration or something

Well here’s the deal:

A 1-2 months ago I had some blood coming out of my penis for just a few minutes, not much, nothing serious (it was discussed in this thread My dick is bleeding:)

So from then on I didn’t have bleeding again but the problem is that I have this small dark red dots in the head of my dick, from where it used to bleed. And they don’t go away, more fore when I masturbate, jelq they become larger and darker but don’t bleed.

What do you guys think the problem is?

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

Do you think, perhaps, possibly, you might be overdoing it a little, u_u?


Actually no, lately I’ve been doing PE every other day, not every no, I don’t think is that

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

I got a scar on my arm several years ago and every time I exercised, it turned red due increased blood pressure. This has been going on for 5 years and it only recently vagued away. It is only a scar now. It would be possible you have the same thing happening with your dick.

Why do you question that you have been overdoing PE? When blood flows out of your dick you have been overdoing it, without a doubt. And now you have to deal with it, success with that.

The only thing you can do is take rest and pry it will heal. When you are really lucky it might happen. Remember you have only one dick to work with.

After this bleeding 2 months ago I stopped PEing for 10 days and it was good , till I starte didn’t bleeded but it turns dark blue..

So you think it might be a scar.huh that sounds grouse.I don’t wanna scar on my dick’s head:(

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

Originally Posted by unknown_user
After this bleeding 2 months ago I stopped PEing for 10 days and it was good , till I starte didn’t bleeded but it turns dark blue..
So you think it might be a scar.huh that sounds grouse.I don’t wanna scar on my dick’s head:(

Stay away form PE more than 10 days. You might searched for PE’ers who got a circumcision at an adult age. If I am not mistaken they took a break for 3-6 months.

I had red dots that would appear whenever i would jelq or do serious stretches. Two of the dots would appear at teh same place over and over again. They do fade after a while. But seem to come back every time. And I’m not doing anything excessive. I’m going to have to put things on hold again till they completely go away.

Lately my lower half of penis, when flaccid more so then erect, is darker then the base. I know that it is because I am getting more of a workout in the upper part, because I have a baseball shape. Anyway, it looks goofy when flacid, because the line of discoloration is night and day, and would like to fix it for future outings!


Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

I think that my problem is similar to davesj1.any recommendations how to overcome it?

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

Originally Posted by unknown_user
I think that my problem is similar to davesj1.any recommendations how to overcome it?

Rest. When the red dots are there don’t PE that day, if they aren’t there you should be able to do your routine. It works for me but my dick was never bleeding.

Rest. When the red dots are there don’t PE that day, if they aren’t there you should be able to do your routine. It works for me but my dick was never bleeding.

I don’t think that just resting until it is visually gone, will be fitting, as long as he says that every time he resumes PE it comes back.

I would rest until I don’t see it and then wait some more days. Sometimes having a superficial wound and losing sight of the wound doesn’t indicate it doesn’t go deeper.

Anyway, I am just a newbie. I can’t know.

Yes, what Wourking out said is right. They don’t stay until I start PE.or have a very hard erection..

So I should take a long rest huh? But I don’t feel any pain or something, just these dots, making my dick look uglier:)

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

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