>One concern I have, however, is with potential discoloration. From what I’ve heard/read, it seems as though some substantial discoloration of the shaft is inevitable when you hang regularly. The discoloration itself would not bother me, but what does bother me is the prospect that the discoloration will be PERMANENT.<
I hung a lot of weight for a lot of time. I did get discoloration, sometimes a lot. I used arnica gel when I would notice a lot. Also, I believe wrapping until some fluid builds up helps take it out. Before PE, I was kind of pasty white, except for a brown stripe around the area of my circ scar. Now, since I have stopped hanging for quite a while, the entire shaft is a little darker, and still a dark band around the circ scar. I like the darker color much better than pasty white.
>Any thoughts on hanging in such a way to minimize or avoid discoloration? Would it help to hang in shorter sets? <
I think you have hit on something here that should be explored and evaluated. I wish someone who is hanging regularly would start a good thread on it. SS4jelq started a thread concerning this, but I do not know where it is.
There are two types of tissues impacted in hanging. One is the target tissues, the tough collagenous material that when manipulated results in gains. And then the soft tissues, skin, smooth muscle, nerves, etc, that you do not want to change or rather damage.
When working toward inflicting controlled damage on the tough tissues, you have to keep in mind the soft tissues. But they WILL change and adapt to the stresses. The vessels will adjust to the stresses, and become better able to provide blood to the tissues under stress, as well as drain the tissues.
Sometimes when I would begin the day with my max weight, I would have to cut the set short because of blood pressure above the hanger. It just was not comfortable, and would be very dark. Then, ten minutes later, I could hang a twenty minute set without discoloration. I believe this was a short term adaptation. But any body part will also go through long term adaptations when confronted with stresses. Living tissue is amazing.
The key is to listen to what your body is telling you. It will come along for the ride and cooperate if you just give it a little time and attention.