Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DIY ligament cutting.. Safe? Sane?

I for one can see my own ligs, maybe because I`m skinny as hell. I`ll just go and get the knife now…

Reminds me of that talk show where the guy is crazy and apparently chopped the whole lot off with a pair of shears :faint:

Somewhere in the archives we have a thread linking to a “home vasectomy” page. It is a pic-tutorial on how to give your self a vasectomy in the bathtub using a kitchen knife and some tape.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by man8worm
Now what I’ve been wondering about, and it appears no one has tried, is DIY cortisone injections along the main ligament to soften it and facilitate stretching.

Cortisone? What about topical application of hydrocortisone cream? Sorry if that sounds stupid, but I have been wondering about supplements to make ligs flexible and stretchy, and this is the first thing I have heard that even comes close.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Cortisone injections will make ligaments weak, that’s why athletes have a mixed blessing from injections. Don’t know what amount is needed nor if they get “brittle” or stretchy. But it sure sounds like going out of your way to get the job done.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

For those who don’t know, I had the PE surgery about 6 months ago and it went horribly wrong, I LOST length. If the surgery is so unpredictabe that a doctor specializing in the procedure who had done 1000’s still can’t get it right some of the time, then do you really think some jackass with no medical background who performs this on himself is going to have a hope in hell at gaining length, not to mention not fucking themself up worse? For the ligament cutting to be successful and increase your length, you have to be very careful to cut things precisely and also to stitch things up in just a certain way or you will develop scar tissue that will hinder your length. Additionally, I was under full anesthesia for this and can’t fathom the pain involved in doing it while conscious. I hope this thread was a joke.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf


Don’t try the topical hydrocortisone on your dick. Not that I’ve tried, but it’s well known that chronic topical use will thin out the skin. That stuff is for short term use like poison ivy or bug bit itching relief. I also doubt any would get to the ligaments anyway.

On a tangent, I’ve had a bad shoulder for ~25 years due to a youthful skiing injury that never healed right. A few physicians have pushed surgery, but I’ve declined, fearing that cutting on it might make it worse. I’m not athletic, and the small range of motion impairment and chronic mild pain isn’t that big a deal. However, every few years, if the pain interferes with weight lifting (Really bungee cord pulling, but that’s a story for another day), I get a cortisone injection right in the joint that immediately relieves virtually all my troubles for a time. However, I learned the hard way a few decades ago, the cortisone isn’t a license to increase resistance. The injected joint and connective ligaments will not respond to the training like the muscle does, and you can really screw yourself up big time.

That’s why I have the thought about using cortisone injections to soften the penis ligaments and facilitate PE. I’m fully aware no reputable physician would assist someone who asked for this, but I wonder if anyone has tried at home?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I don’t think lig-cutting is really worthwhile— I saw a documentary about a guy who had his ligs cut and gained about four millimetres and was then told to hang weights for a minimum of eight hours a day. Hanging would get you those kinds of gains anyway and it wouldn’t cost you thousands of dollars and a surgery.

But that’s just my opinion.

As for DIY lig-cutting— I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

Like to get the name of this so called documentary. Lig cutting only added 4 mm, yeah right. It seems all these people have “seen “or “heard” of so called bad penis enlargement surgery. I’m sure its possible but those are the people who pay for unqualified or very inexperienced surgeons in this field.

As I have had the surgery performed 7 years ago by a surgeon who specialised in penis enlargement, I gained over an inch flacid and erect and 3/4 of an inch in girth with no loss of length at all even to this day. I was never instructed to hang after surgery at all.
I find it very difficult almost absurd that this person would have to hang for 8 hours a day. No one would have done this surgery if told prior that it would involve such long hanging sessions.
Anyway post this documentary’s name if you can remember it, but I’m betting you cant. Try to post helpful and constructive comments that help people not illogical unsubstantiated stories.

I have appt with Dr. Wineland on Fri to see about having it done. I have lots of reservations as most report little gain, but I though I would see what he has to say about it. When I hang, it seems to me that my ligs are the limiting factor. I’m not looking for errect gains, but flacid.

I’ll let you know what he says about it

Originally Posted by sizequest
It seems all these people have “seen “or “heard” of so called bad penis enlargement surgery. I’m sure its possible but those are the people who pay for unqualified or very inexperienced surgeons in this field.

There are members on this forum who have had nightmare experiences with penis enlargement surgery, from so called “reputable” doctors. It is not so unusual sizequest. Look at 8 ball’s post above, and search for his thread about his surgery experience.

In your own experience you don’t mention any change in your erect length. Did you see any erect length improvement?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Who did your surgery sizequest? You gained 3/4” of girth from having your ligs cut?

My surgery was performed by Dr.Colin Moore who actually help pioneer methods of enlargement surgery in the 1970’s. He only performed the surgical technique originally for micro penis and penis deformities from birth.

The 3/4 inch gain in girth was from fat transfer but from that I only kept 1/4 inch due to fat reabsorbtion. I was told this at the time so I knew that some girth would be lost.
To this day Im still very pleased with the results I had but like I said I do believe there can be botched surgery performed.Although I believe there are far more happy people walking around with a bigger penis due to this surgery or by now there would be no one getting it done due to lack of interest because of all the so called problems.

Originally Posted by mravg
There are members on this forum who have had nightmare experiences with penis enlargement surgery, from so called “reputable” doctors. It is not so unusual sizequest. Look at 8 ball’s post above, and search for his thread about his surgery experience.

In your own experience you don’t mention any change in your erect length. Did you see any erect length improvement?

You have to look at how many bad precedures are performed verses the total number of P.E surgeries performed. You are more likely to post about the down side of what happened rather than the positive side of the surgery. This is probably due to anger and frustration. But I do believe some people have problems but I personally believe the majority are very satisfied.
I am not here to recomend the surgery to anyone, I just want people to know there are good results from this surgery. Its totally up to each individual and I can appreciate that.

As for the erect gain after surgery, I did mention it in my post. It was just over 1 inch and with no hanging at all afterwards and that size still remains to this day.

There was a member here; I forget his name, a tattoo artist who was into scarification and hanging weights from his frenulum piercing. He started a thread about cutting his own ligs. When I think of all the post op pain 8ball went through, having this done under sterile conditions with a legitimate surgeon and anesthesiologist, I can imagine what a nightmare a DIY procedure like this would most likely become. I have to say this thread is insane a more than a little distressing. I have visions of this burly biker type covered with tats sitting in front of a mirror with a box cutter and a bottle of tequila.

I agree with 8-ball. I hope this thread was a joke.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

It’s already been explained that it wasn’t a joke.

Not that I would do it.

^^^^ Do you have a link to that thread, I can’t find it. Did he go through with it?


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