Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DLD Blasters success stories


Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
I've had just under a 1/4” of flaccid stretched length gain over the last TWO WEEKS!! Using the “blasters” and some modified 'V' and 'A' type stretches.

Are blasters the only type of stretch you do? How long does each session last you?

I just started the “blasters”. Took me two days to get the rythem, and I can feel the difference. Thanx DLD, great way to start my 2d monthof PE’ing.

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

Mike, the blasters are only a combination of flexing/releasing your pc muscle in a controlled manner during stretching which allows the ligs to be targeted more directly by taking much of the resistance in stretching off the pc muscle. But, yes the ‘V’ and ‘A’ stretches are all I’m doing along with the “Blasters”. I’ll alternate an ‘A’ stretch, then a ‘V’ stretch, and so on for an average of 30 minutes a day. No days off so far. I’m trying to follow DLD’s advice as closely as I can with whatever modifications I see that work better for myself.


I was doing blasters and stretching, but it seems I get my best length gains or should I say my only length gains of late with hanging. I still do the blasters but I’m hanging a lot also.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The blasters really hit my ligs. I haven’t measured yet, but I can already see some gain.

On a side note I am hanging as well.

I will keep you updated.


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

My last 6 mm (almost 1/4”) were made by Blasters in about 3 weeks. I stalled briefly, took a break from Blasters, but now I’m back - supersetting them with a modified Fake-Arm stretch…

(1) 10 reps Blasters (5 sec kegel, 5 sec reverse kegel),

(2) 2 minute Fake-A stretch - very powerfully.

Every other set I change the LOT angle of the fake-arm stretch (one to hit ligs, the other to hit tunica).

I basically want to gain 1.46” more length (and only about 0.36” girth). But the length is crucial to me - it translates into about 37 mm. So, I’m focused on gaining 1 mm at a time - 37 more times. :)

Once I hit my length goal - 220 mm (8.66”) - I’ll be able to breathe a little sigh of relief. I won’t “mind” additional gains, but I won’t be desperate for them. I’ll still do some length work, but I’ll focus on girth again until I hit 6.5” - if I’m not already there anyway.


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