Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do they all know?


Do they all know?

They (women) are all getting 3-4 “add three inches to your dick in 3 months” emails just like we are. We all stood around and talked about it at school a couple of weeks ago. I just stood and listened to this girl speculate on whether it was possible. Everyone with an email account is becoming aware of PE.

Think about it. She gets these emails repeatedly. Your dick is getting bigger by the week. You spend a lot of time on the Internet. You disappear for long periods of the time but you are not leaving the house.

They have got to put two and two together at some point.

I predict that in ten years, the fact that PE works will be common knowledge and practiced with little secrecy.


Your probably right. I never thought about them getting the messages also. I hope this doesn’t mean they’re going to expect the kind of results in the advertisements.

I’d better build my monster soon before it becomes commonplace. (As if that many would put in the time and effort.)

I think the vast majority believe it as bullshit. They chalk it up as the next get rich scheme for some pay-site to bilk guy’s on their insecurity. Look what the media does to women with miracle diets, etc…. They also get the move the money out of Nigeria emails too, but do they believe in them?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
I think the vast majority believe it as bullshit. They chalk it up as the next get rich scheme for some pay-site to bilk guy’s on their insecurity. Look what the media does to women with miracle diets, etc…. They also get the move the money out of Nigeria emails too, but do they believe in them?

Sure, they believe it is bull shit at first but as there man goes from like 4.5 in girth to like 5.5 they have got to be scratching their heads and wondering.

I am talking about the guys here who’s significant others are making comments like, “Hmm, you dick seems bigger.” They get these emails. Get a bigger dick emails and the man I married wasn’t hung. Get bigger dick emails and hubby takes 2 hours to take a crap all of a sudden. Get bigger dick emails and my pussy feels like there is a big dick in it and can’t seem to fit my mouth over it as well and seems bigger in the hand. Some of them have got to be figuring it out.


What next? You’ll tell you know of a 7ft tall Whitman who doesn’t play basketball yet schemes his way through life? Next you’ll claim you play nickle, dime, and quarter poker with a crew comprised of the tooth fairy, Santa, The Easter Bunny, Elvis, JFK, and Big Foot. I don’t think things like that happen, Sir. The bitches will believe their husband quit smoking, drinking, took care of his diabetes, or took a “T” patch and the system reset itself.

Colitis, sir, is a very nasty disease to get. That is why he has a hard time pooping. Takes hours to drop a deuce.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

“What next? You’ll tell you know of a 7ft tall Whitman who doesn’t play basketball yet schemes his way through life?”

Ok, I see your point.

“Next you’ll claim you play nickle, dime, and quarter <a href=”” onmouseover=”window.status = ‘goto: poker’;return 1” onmouseout=”window.status=””>poker</a> with a crew comprised of the tooth fairy, Santa, The Easter Bunny, Elvis, JFK, and Big Foot. I don’t think things like that happen, Sir.”

1) I told you that in confidence. I thought I could trust you!

2) I have a vague feeling that you, Sir, are calling me a liar.

“Colitis, sir, is a very nasty disease to get. That is why he has a hard time pooping. Takes hours to drop a deuce.”

Then they might conclude that there is a direct correlation between a poop that won’t budge and dick growth.

Come to think of it, every time I fill a glass of water, my girl friend dumps it out. She insists that I don’t need water because my ancestors were desert people. I say to her, “my ancestors were not desert people, your crazy.” She simply replies in a cool matter of fact manner, “we all have desert people in our ancestry, now give me the glass of water!”


The tird is an impaction the drifts and calcifies in your wang. Hence how PE really works.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
The tird is an impaction the drifts and calcifies in your wang. Hence how PE really works.

Please tell my girl friend that because she is also insisting that I walk around stuffed with a giant but plug all day.

It hurts to sit down! :moon2:


Originally Posted by penismith
They (women) are all getting 3-4 “add three inches to your dick in 3 months” emails just like we are. We all stood around and talked about it at school a couple of weeks ago. I just stood and listened to this girl speculate on whether it was possible. Everyone with an email account is becoming aware of PE.

Think about it. She gets these emails repeatedly. Your dick is getting bigger by the week. You spend a lot of time on the Internet. You disappear for long periods of the time but you are not leaving the house.

They have got to put two and two together at some point.

I predict that in ten years, the fact that PE works will be common knowledge and practiced with little secrecy.


Yes, but how many of them are getting the breast enlargement e-mails too? How many of you are aware of the pills sold for that? There are countless women that have overlarge breasts through implants but we know who they are because they are in porn or strippers. How many women have had the implants simply to give them a lift or just a cup size? I knew a gal that was in her mid 30’s that had augmentation surgery because she thought she was to droopy. The rest of the women in the office were gossiping about her for the 2 years I was there and they were not nice. I would think it would lead the next candidate to keep her surgery quiet.
Bottom line is that when I tease my wife about PE, she categorically denies it can be done without surgery. I tell her that I figure with old age it’s flaccid hang should be longer just like ears and breasts droop :) She is skeptical but she doesn’t ask.

The ravings of a madman...

My girlfriend complained that she had 20 e-mails in her inbox telling her that she could increase her penis by 3-4 inches. There was no way for her to unsubscribe so she asked me how she could prevent getting these e-mails.

She thought that increasing your penis by taking pills was complete nonsense. And I agree. She didn’t link the email to my increase in penis size. Although I haven’t gained in quite some time (due to lack of a good routine), she did ask me one time about a year ago if my penis had grown. Of course I told her no, how could it have grown?
I don’t think my girlfriend will put two and two together. My girlfriend sees me naked every day so it is hard for her to notice any gains. The chance of me getting caught is very slim.
I do little exercises when she’s at home and lots more when she’s not. I don’t disappear for long periods of time, because it would be very suspicious. Stealth is everything. If you make your girlfriend wonder what you’re up to, you can bet your ass she’ll find out sooner or later. Women are very curious you know :D

I think there is a big difference between the email that claim that your penis can grow by using patches or pills and the manual exercises that we do. I don’t think that in ten years everyone will do PE because most men have probably accepted their size or are to lazy to do something about it. I know I can get very muscular if I go to the gym regularly, but I don’t. Why? Because it’s not worth my time. Well maybe this isn’t a really good example because I don’t think you can compare getting a muscular body to getting a huge dick, but you get my meaning. I hope.

I used to do stealth PE and the wife started noticing a size change. I told her I had started taking some supplements that seemed to make it bigger. She believed me and then went to work and told her co-workers about it. The next thing I know, her boss calls me up and asks what kind of vitamins I’m taking. It was all I could do to keep from laughing.

After I told the wife about PE, I think she felt a little embarassed about telling her office about the supplements. I’m wondering now how long it’s going to be before she tells them about PE. They talk about everything in that office and so I figure it’s just a matter of time. Now I just have to figure out what I’ll tell her boss if he calls asking about PE.

What I find interesting is that my wife was willing to believe that pills made my dick bigger, but wouldn’t (at first) believe PE really worked. She really believes in PE now and believes that there’s a market for how-to-PE clinics. She even thinks guys will pay to be shown how to do PE in person. Can you imagine dropping trou and showing a room full of naked guys how to stretch the salami? I guess it’s not much more odd than the “Puppetry of the Penis” show.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

I agree that PE will be much more widespread in 10 years, but I doubt that the medical community will ever accept or endorse it. Just look at herbal supplements, yoga, accupunture, etc. - there’s lots of ways to affect your body in positive ways that western science refuses to acknowledge.

I also agree that most men will not successfully enlarge their members once PE hits popular culture. Especially Westerners, who are famous for desiring things until they realize that delayed gratification is involved. The relevant illustration of this phenomenon is the Penis Pill industry. “I want a bigger dick, but I don’t want to wait or work for it. Here’s my credit card number. Please overnight me the pills. I don’t care how much it costs, and I don’t want to research it AT ALL.”

10 years ago this kind of forum would have had a tiny membership, primarily due to a slower spread of information. As the rate of information spread increases (internet), PE will become more mainstream. Think about it - What does every guy want? Because of the wily and cunning PE spammers, people are starting to investigate.

The cat’s crawling out of the bag, folks. Infomercials aren’t far behind…

Originally Posted by penismith
I predict that in ten years, the fact that PE works will be common knowledge and practiced with little secrecy.

Possible, but I doubt it. Most men are not willing to put in the time or effort when they find out that PE only happens over a long period of time. I have been bodybuilding for years and see it over and over again. A lot of new people show up, find out that you actually have to work your body consistenly to get results and we never see them again.

I think PE will be more well known and certainly a percentage of those guys will participate. How many people know that excercise is healthy for you and yet America is overflowing with fat people? The time and dedication necessary for significant growth is too much for most people. Shit even we regulars become discouraged and de-motivated at times.

Just my two cents worth.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Most of those messages just push pills and patches. So for the thousands of guys that take them, well, we know they just won’t get results. So there won’t be any change for the women to notice.

For the guys that get the PE messages and start to PE, what do you think the fallout is from that? I am guessing that fallout is in the 90% category. So once again, the vast majority do not see any changes.

It is only the few 10% or so, that begin a legit PE program, that stick with it and enjoy the benefits. So not very many in the long run do benefit from PE.

It’s just like losing weight or starting an exercise program. Many begin, but very few stick with it.


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