Thunder's Place

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Do you squeeze when you're clamped?


Originally Posted by manage123452000

If you are losing your hard on, perhaps you are not clamped tight enough, or your dick is expanding more than you thought possible under the increased pressure, and is just appearing softer. I had that problem, now I tighten the clamp about another notch a few seconds after the initial tightening. If you get to the last notch, and still have blood flow into the dick, add more wrapping material. I use Futuro sport wrist wrap from Walgreens or walmart over top of a baby sock. I also noticed that if I kegel, and get girth expansion in the shaft of my dick, I don’t think it is tight enough. I continue kegeling for max expansion and, keep clicking the clamp tighter until I can’t kegel anymore blood into the shaft. I try not to measure compulsively anymore, but my dick tells me that it is stretched to the max.

Maybe, but I am new to clamping so I am taking it easy with 3 x 5 minute sets.
I have applied silicone sealant to the inside of the cable clamp and I clamp it down 2 clicks and with edging I get some expansion.
I think another click would be too tight for me, I gave it a go and it felt like too much pressure before I even reached the 3rd click.
I do like to measure during the set to see if I am expanded or not.

I will give this routine a go for 4 weeks and see if I make any gains and if not I will add more time to my sets.

Originally Posted by dangleman

I wanted to hear from as many clampers as I can: do you squeeze or jelq to increase pressure when the clamp is on, or just let the pressure created by the clamp (and perhaps edging, kegeling, etc) do the work?

Gentle pulls, squeezes and bends. But I only started doing that after six months of clamping, starting with short durations (5 min. — I now go up to 30.) Comfort, sensitivity and temperature are my guides, i.e., as long as it doesn’t hurt, become numb or get cold.


Really forceful kegels work for me. I can feel my penis enlarge with each kegel, especially the head. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Originally Posted by dangleman
I wanted to hear from as many clampers as I can: do you squeeze or jelq to increase pressure when the clamp is on, or just let the pressure created by the clamp (and perhaps edging, kegeling, etc) do the work?

I posted my regiment on one of my Threads. Check it out. I think you posted to this thread, but check it out. We do squeeze kinda jelq.

I have reached my goals

Last edited by tntjockey : 11-09-2006 at .

Same here for me, mrconvertable, especially when I use two clamps. mmm

When I am clamped, I get to that good stage where my rod is fully “plumped”, and even though it is not rock hard, it is fatter than it is when it IS rock hard. At this stage is when I like to squeeze, to add some extra pressure, up and down the shaft, massaging and squeezing. I think, though, that the puffiness I saw last week is from a thrombosis fairly deep under the skin that I did not notice at first, so I might have blown it once again.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics


While watching porn (usually deep penetration with big toys). I wear a HTW. First clamp behind the balls. Rice sock. Then kegel and press on BS (bulbo-spongeosium) muscle for more pump. Then second wrap with ACE bandage. Apply second clamp either at base or just behind coronal ridge switching back and forth.

Also some light erect bends without ACE and without second clamp. I get kind of a racked feeling from this so I do it very gently.

Sorry to hear of your injury. Hope it gets better soon. Thanks for sharing.


Wow! dangleman, you must be flattered, the heavy hitters replied to your thread. Okay lets talk about your thread

‘I think, though, that the puffiness I saw last week is from a thrombosis fairly deep under the skin that I did not notice at first, so I might have blown it once again’.

Lets talk to that, and maybe we all can figure out the problem you are having. I have read your other threads about clamping, but you need to bring everything down to one thread cause it is to hard to try to answer all of them when you have different concerns in each, but all relate to the same thing, clamping, thrombosis veins, etc. Lets try to figure it out here and see how we can help. You are getting so much information but it is not targeting the root of the solution.

Now then, let us not confuse puffiness (thrombosis) with fluid build up. reply, but for now, my bedtime awaits and so does my beautiful wife. We will get at the bottom of this, maybe clamping is not for you, but maybe you may have a misunderstanding of clamp (but I doubt that).

Originally Posted by kaan

It’s something like this:


Jesus Christ man! Is that healthy??? (for your dick I mean)

Hey not to hijack anyones thread, but does anyone else experience more solid and lasting erections in say the 24 hour period following clamping?

I can get just as engorged by clamping as I can by pumping. But with pumping there’s always the risk of weak erection quality later on that day if I were to engage in sex. Not so with clamping. With clamping I get better erection quality through out the 24 hour period. So much so that I’ve incorporated clamping and the use of stayers during and after pumping.

To answer YOUR question: Yes, I do it all while clamped; Squeeze, jelg, pump, twist, bend, etc.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Turns out that when the puffiness went down there WAS a hard, thrombosed lymph vessel or vein I could feel … damn …

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Good Lord Kaan…
I think there are horses that would be spooked by that one!


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Originally Posted by dangleman
Turns out that when the puffiness went down there WAS a hard, thrombosed lymph vessel or vein I could feel … damn …

So it is a thrombosed lymph vessel. Dude, I don’t know what to tell you, except, I’m sorry. Does it feel sort of like a guitar string? Try something that I always do after PEing. Pull your penis straight out as far as it will go, get about a 2 foot ac bandage and wrap it starting at the Glands. Just wrap it snug, not tight down the shaft and back up. Leave it like that for about 30 to 45 minutes or if you start to feel discomfort. If you do start to feel discomfort, then you wrapped to tight. Your penis will start to swell, but not nearly like the force when being clamped. Break from clamping for awhile.

I may try something new: wrapping the area that has the thrombosed vessel, and then continuing to do light clamping to work the base, with the idea that the thrombosed vessel won’t suffer the pressure if that area is wrapped - so I can continue working the base while leaving the upper area of the shaft alone. The thing is, I don’t know if it is just pressure that causes a lymph vessel to thrombose; that seems like something that would happen to a blood vessel, with the pressure blowing out the vessel, but I doubt a thrombosed lymph vessel is the same. I think it’s more like a clog than being blown out by too much pressure during clamping.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
The thing is, I don’t know if it is just pressure that causes a lymph vessel to thrombose; that seems like something that would happen to a blood vessel, with the pressure blowing out the vessel, but I doubt a thrombosed lymph vessel is the same. I think it’s more like a clog than being blown out by too much pressure during clamping.

Yeah, but that is only an assumption. You need to be careful, because after all, we are talking about your dick. Don’t ruin it. To fuck or not to fuck, that is the question.
Take care my friend.


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