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Does PE Increase Testosterone?

Does PE Increase Testosterone?

Was wondering if all that PEing increased male sex hormone throughout the day.

Starting Stats - BPEL 6.5", MEG 5.2"

[Accomplished] Short-Term Goal - BPEL 7.5", MEG 5.2"

Final Goal - BPEL 8", MEG 5.5"

Im looking forward to this post. I want to know how to increase tetosterone in particular so we shall wait until someone with experience tell us the information.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Same here, It would be such an advantage then with respect to other aspects of life. A good diet and exercise always works in favour of testosterone, but I’d like to think PE itself will too.

Starting Stats - BPEL 6.5", MEG 5.2"

[Accomplished] Short-Term Goal - BPEL 7.5", MEG 5.2"

Final Goal - BPEL 8", MEG 5.5"

Go have your T test done. Save your results somewhere. Then after a year of PE go and have another test done. Easiest way to find out, albeit pricey I assume.

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
Go have your T test done. Save your results somewhere. Then after a year of PE go and have another test done. Easiest way to find out, albeit pricey I assume.

Depends on your medical insurance. I get mine done every 3 months, but I’m doing extra therapy along with it :) . All I pay is my $20 copay.

Originally Posted by platinumplaya
Was wondering if all that PEing increased male sex hormone throughout the day.

No proof, but I always thought it did especially when you throw in edging.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Does PE Increase Testosterone?

Well yes it can, erections increase Testosterone, studies have found that when men get aroused (watching porn for half an hour) that their Testosterone level rises, being that we tend to get aroused for jelqing I would say it does or can.

However this is a short term thing, but just because your Testosterone levels go up short term does not mean that you will produce more Testosterone as a baseline when you don’t get aroused. It is good for a man to have many erections during the day as this helps boost his Testosterone, but if you don’t do something with it you will lose it, it is either synthesized by aromatase into Estradoil (As estrogen rises in men, testosterone drop and mammary gland tissue begins to grow) or converted to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT contributes to male balding, prostate growth and sebaceous gland activity) or it will get bound by Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (the purpose of SHBG is to bind to oestrodiol (a type of oestrogen) and testosterone (particularly dihydrotestosterone or DHT which is a good thing but too much and it will start binding free Testosterone).

High Testosterone means you need to be working out to use it and/or blocking some of the other effects listed above, but then you are off down the road of managing your hormones rather than letting your body do it, this is a complex task to say the least and not without its own dangers. If you are young you don’t need to do this as you are already (in most cases) producing loads of Testosterone and your body is doing all the right controlling your hormones. If you are getting up there in years there is a lot you can do to help the body along. Personally I like to get aroused before I work out and as many times a day as I can, but I also take a lot of natural Testosterone boosters and Aromatase inhibitors etc to manage my system.

So to cut a long story short, yes some PE can help to raise Testosterone but it is through the arousal mechanism and it probably isn’t as useful as masturbation at doing this.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

I know working out can create an increase in testosterone. At least I think I know that? Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure a regular workout routine with lots of compound lifts helps produce higher testosterone levels.

I know I’ve suffered from mild depression when not going to the gym, then I’ve started to feel like a man again after getting into a serious routine. More energy, more confidence. Maybe that’s just me though.

March 7th/2012 BPEL: 6.7 EG:4.6 June 4/13 BPEL 7.00 NBPEL 6.4 EG: 4.6

Short term goal: 7.0 NBPEL EG: 4.75

Coming back from a year long layoff.

I can’t imaging pulling on your wanker does anything for testosterone levels but I could be wrong. If you really want to increase your testosterone try heavy resistance training. Heavy loads, lower reps, a little more rest between sets, compound exercises. Lots of good info out there on the impact of weight training and hormone levels.

Sure it does. Indirectly.

If you PE while working on your sexuality, I don’t see how it couldn’t help.

No scientific evidence, but speaking from my person experience, it should indirectly help.

Just like a change in personality, but you probably won’t find scientific evidence to support that.

It should make you more horny for sure. If this is an effect of more testosterone, who cares? Testosterone variations hardly can make a big difference if you are in the normal range. Boybuilders need to inject about 5 times the amount of endogenous testosterone to start noticing differences.

Easiest way to increase your testosterone naturally and for free? Squat! Squats and dead lifts. They will naturally increase your t levels and all around transform your body.

I notice an increase in attraction from women, a pleasant surprise. Not sure if it is related to increased testosterone? Or the improved posture/energy etc.

BTW, there’s many ways to make squats heavy without weights, like feet close or only one leg etc. Does it give same testosterone effect as using weights?

PE start Aug 25, 2013: BPEL 6.7" x EG 4.7" and BPFSL 7".

Paused between Dec 2013 and Dec 2014 due to injury. Careful with those rice socks!

Goal 7" x 5". Ideal is 8" x 6" but let's not even dream about that yet...!

I’ve split the posts about Mobility off to a new thread,

Squating and Mobility

For those interested in that.


A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

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