Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

1. Ejaculating on a regular basis is healthy and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

2. What the fuck is the point of making your dick bigger if you don’t use it? Seriously?
If PE is EVER a reason why you aren’t having sex, you should reconsider your priorities.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by trigger

I have heard of mental patients with big penises attributted to excessive masturbation. Don’t know how true it is..

Well I used to jack off daily. Usually because I got so hard I couldn’t sleep when I went to bed. And every time I got naked. So I’d be in the bathroom a while when I shower. First to watch my pulse jolt my cock with every heartbeat, then getting so horny I can’t help myself. I thought I’d make it to 10” with how big it was at 14,but I guess masturbation wasn’t the trigger after all.

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
1. Ejaculating on a regular basis is healthy and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

2. What the fuck is the point of making your dick bigger if you don’t use it? Seriously?
If PE is EVER a reason why you aren’t having sex, you should reconsider your priorities.

What he said^

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
1. Ejaculating on a regular basis is healthy and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

2. What the fuck is the point of making your dick bigger if you don’t use it? Seriously?
If PE is EVER a reason why you aren’t having sex, you should reconsider your priorities.

Words of wisdom indeed.

If you’re uncircumcised and have not cleaned or ever retracted foreskin till the age of 17, would this prevent dick growth. Asking as I find it difficult to achieve full erection and I have a thin penis.

It grows from 4.25 inch girth to 4.5 inch when erect. Deffo think my foreskin held my dick back during puberty.

Starting EL - 6.5" EG 4.5"

An old word of wisdom when I started PE in 2003 was “save your hormones for later!” meaning, jerk off a little and get a major hard on going for a bit, and then do PE, and wait a while to cum. A few times I’d cum right after PE and my cock shriveled up like a little prune every time. I quit doing that and I’d stay plump and nice for an hour or three. I also made gains, so I thought there was something to the “no cum before or right after your PE workout” to believe in. After all these years I still hold off on orgasm/ejaculation for several hours after I’ve done PE and especially pumping. I think the thought was that there are hormones, etc. that can feed your PE that wouldn’t be available if you shot your load. After orgasm the hormones change a bit, which PE’ers thought was a bad thing. So I’m a believer in this all still, even though I’ve never looked into it.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Masturbation hinders gains

In my experience it does hinder gains, particularly girth. I’ve gained 1.5 inches in length and probably a mere 0.1 girth over 2 years. I’m not offering any pseudo-scientific theory on it, I just know that excessive masturbation hits recovery and makes the penis recoil and seems to put it in a perpetual state of fatigue if done in conjunction of a PE routine. No or little recovery means no or little gain.

At one time I gained 0.3 in girth and lost it, I’m pretty sure because of excessive wanking and a period of excessive Tinder dating! My biggest mistake was taking Viagra to keep up with Tinder dates while doing PE work. Overdoing it means fucks your dick, for me, you get nowhere.

I’m actually in the process of pressing the reset button and going no-fap for one month. I’m hoping that will let my dick heal and set-up a renewed, structured sensible girth routine. Inorder to jelq properly I need to get decent expansion and a capacity to have pro-longed engorgement/hard-ons. Daily wanking reduces that capacity. Again, for me, I don’t assume that’s the case for everyone.

Moderation in all things.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Hi Guys,

I see this thread is already 71 pages and I don’t quite know the wording to search what I am about to ask. But has anyone ever tried to train themselves to keep hard after ejaculation? Right now I know a lot of guys masturbate simply to cum (I was one of them), basically training myself to cum as fast as possible which I can see how there is an argument where it could reduce PE gains by reducing blood floor after the event[ejaculation].

I remember back when I was in my early 20’s I could cum and in stride just keep going, my girl at the time couldn’t even tell. It was pretty sensitive for about a min or two but being with a new girl friend it was hard not to cum in only a few minutes so what worked for me was to just keep going, girls thought I was a champ because I could last for 30 minutes when really I came once in 3 mins and the second time I was able to last 27 minutes. Lol

Now, I try to do the same thing with my wife but she notices that I’m not as hard as I was the first round.

Since I see mixed feelings about masturbation and whether or not it affects gains will be a mystery, I wonder if the biggest thing has to do with that there is reduced blood flow to the genitals after ejaculation which leads to poor recovery and/or expansion of the cells. Since doing PE I have drastically reduced the amount of masturbating simply because the jury is out on this one, and I have actually practiced some edging (which by the way is very frustrating lol). So I got to thinking what if I trained myself to remain hard after I ejaculate and add edging in after I’ve already ejaculated once. I think it could be of benefit three fold, (from my perspective anyways) one I could still masturbate (to the point of cumming), two, I could learn to keep my erection and hit in stride with my wife (I.e. Back to back sex with no rest) and thirdly help my PE gains by increasing the duration to which I have a lots of blood in my penis.

Curious to know if anyone has tried to train themselves to remain hard after initial ejaculation and whether they feel it has helped or hindered their PE gains.

I’ve experimented with no ejaculation for up to 3 weeks, I often will go up to a week without ejaculation and I do not feel like it helps or hurts gains either way.

I think if anything a semi-often ejaculation is good and will help gains. Sex is probably good for gains.

I would stay away from porn though as much as possible

My Journey

My Vision 9*6

DON'T masturbate

I have been doing PE for about 5 months, I been making gains very fast maybe an inch in lenght, I have to mention I was off porn when I started. Last week I started watching porn cause this addiction hunts me.. Lol and I noticed that I was loosing size so definitely don, t masturbate.

I added a routine at night so it keeps my hands busy ill let you all know my progress.

In my personal opinion, you would be crazy to reject sex for slightly more gains but everyone is different.

I will do a journal after my first gains of 1cm length. I will obviously not abstain from sex and not even masturbation but limit my porn use.

We will see how it goes. It is hard to say where I would be if I did no sex and nofap, but at least rejecting sex does not make sense for me at all.

Originally Posted by edpm
I have been doing PE for about 5 months, I been making gains very fast maybe an inch in lenght, I have to mention I was off porn when I started. Last week I started watching porn cause this addiction hunts me.. Lol and I noticed that I was loosing size so definitely don, t masturbate.
I added a routine at night so it keeps my hands busy ill let you all know my progress.

You tend to get what you expect, so keep aiming high and expect failure!

There is no try, just do...

Masturbation after pumping

I always masturbate after pumping! I am a chronic masturbate, so it’s difficult not to do it! I just love to feel the size and weight om my pumped-up PENIS in my hand! I edge as long as I can.

And yes, you will lose some size, but it will come back as soon as you pump again. Of course a cock ring will help trap fluid in your PENIS. If you’re going to go out after pumping to showoff your package, then you might want to masturbate before going out.

Pumping and bating - two of my favorite things!


I think the only aspect of this debate that still warrants inquiry is how the levels of VEGF, or other repair or tissue building hormones or proteins are temporarily mediated by ejaculation in the refractory period. The endless page after page of people replying with one of the two contradicting personal anecdotes is extremely counter-productive, it makes finding any credible exploration of this topic pretty quickly impossible.

The only post in this thread which comes close to addressing this is post#46 on page 4, by surfdude, but this is more focused on a theoretical ischemia-state caused by having an erection. Ischemia triggers VEGF production, which is one of the arguments so strongly in favor of clamping (ischemia = cutting off blood flow for a very specific 5-10 minute interval).

Some light sifting through studies online provides ample insight into hormonal relationships in causing an orgasm, but little data regarding what the endocrine system looks like afterwards. The best I could find was from this study: Normal male sexual function: emphasis on orgasm and ejaculationNormal male sexual function: emphasis on orgasm and ejaculation
"Following orgasm in men is a temporary period of inhibition of erection or ejaculation called the refractory period. This is a poorly understood phenomenon, with some investigators suggesting a central rather than spinal mechanism causing it (28). Elevated levels of PRL (prolactin) and serotonin after orgasm have been suggested as a potential cause; however, there is much debate about their exact role (29). More research is still needed in the area of male orgasm."
Somewhat useful, but definitely vague. Interestingly, we seem to know very little about the role of Prolactin in male bodies. There does seem to be evidence that high levels of prolactin are linked with erectile dysfunction. But also there appears to be evidence that too low of a prolactin level can cause the same not to mention seems to be a hallmark of poor general health. So, only more vague. Serotonin may have some distant effect, but it being a neurotransmitter makes me a little less directly interested (although I don’t doubt there could be a relationship).

But I haven’t ever come across any medically-informed perspective on this or any other forum detailing how ejaculation acutely impacts or modulates VEGF levels. There is also the larger question of how impactful VEGF in particular is upon penile tissue growth, but I personally retain a strong suspicion that this is the most crucial protein bridging the gap between PE exercises and growth signalling.

I’m reviving this thread in hopes to hear from anyone with a relevant medical/endocrinological background who might have insight into what specifically happens in the blood/endocrine environment after ejaculation.
This question remains nagging to me because despite all of the anecdotes or common sense arguments to the contrary, my anecdotal evidence has always been that ejaculation at the end of a session hinders my gains.

Again, not to take over this thread, but I’m hoping only to hear back from people with a medical/endocrinology background so that the thread doesn’t immediately devolve once again to endless coin flip anecdotes.


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