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Does stretching produce erect gains


Stretching sets things up for jelqing and should be done first.

Great. Because that’s what I’m doing…I think Strecthing does the length, girth fills it up and helps with length but also does girth. I think if you just stretched you’d end up with a pencil dick.

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I was puzzled as to why this question was even asked. I didn’t think there was any doubt whatsoever that stretching produces EL gains. It’s the basis for hanging correct? Surely not as much weight, but the same principle. And also, many people have reported gains with ADS and tension devices such as the JES-Extender, which are entirely based on stretching. Never even considered that it didn't add to EL. Huh, guess I should use more critical thinking :)

But for my two cents, I would say stretching definitely adds to EL. I am living proof (for myself at least).



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