Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does this prove my penis can be longer?


Yeah I vote for centimeters instead than inches! :lisa:

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Maybe I’m grasping at straws. After 2003, I mostly bugged out of the PE scene, thinking I had nothing more to contribute. A few times since, I’ve thought, “Well, maybe.” While my main raison d'être (did I get that right Marinera?) has been to slice through the endless complexification that seems to infect Western minds, (amply evidenced here) and encourage people not to open their wallets for a bigger dick (except to make donations: nice signature!), my original delight at having achieved the “impossible” spurs me on to pursue what might be silly tangents.

Intuitively, following the lead of temporary gains (this and the B&A measuring) attracts me. For now. And no, I don’t understand your metaphor.

Further note: fractions of centimeters are called millimeters, which are surprisingly more easy to read on a ruler than fractions of an inch. OBTW :D

That’s all sounds well and good, but you haven’t stated anything to back up your reasoning after putting the question(s) out there. Your not grasping at straws, you expecting us to grasp them for you.

Yes, I know a tenth of a centimeter is a millimeter, very clever, but I wasn’t referring to a known measurement which is why I spoke relatively rather than specifically.

Rather than focusing you effort on insulting me, why not use all that experience you like to talk about to figure out why your dick seems longer when pulled in this specific way?

Offering questions up is fine, but I have no patience for a ‘holier than thou’ attitude when people are trying to answer.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!


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