Thunder's Place

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Doing PE less frequently

Doing PE less frequently

I’ve been doing PE now only on the weekends. I mean a do a few stretches and jelqs through the week but not much. I’ve tried pretty much everything so I thought I would try this too.

Here is my reasoning..

1. Your penis is not muscle tissue. Muscle tissue heals in 24-48 hours. The tissue in your penis probably takes more like a week to heal (if not longer). So why work it everyday. Work it hard and then give it a good rest.

2. Working your penis good once per week will result in less discoloration.

We’ll see how it goes. I wasn’t seeing much in terms of gains doing it almost everyday so it can’t be any worse ;)

I doubt that is enough but I wish you the best maybe something in between what you are doing and and what you thought was to much. Maybe 4 on 3 off or something like that.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I feel I have to give some input here. When I managed to break through my plateu (of over one year) about one year ago, I think it was because I did PE less frequently and not as intensly as I had done before.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by northof60
1. Your penis is not muscle tissue. Muscle tissue heals in 24-48 hours. The tissue in your penis probably takes more like a week to heal (if not longer). So why work it everyday. Work it hard and then give it a good rest.

Do you have any proof to back up that penis claim? The general consensus is that it is the other way around, muscle tissue needs more time to heal than penile tissue. The reason behind it is probably that the penis plays such a vital role at a mans replication value, more vital than muscle tissue plays at a mans survival value.

The secret for me has been less intensity, but just about everyday. This works based on tissue stretching and trauma free stretching can be done everyday. And when I say stretching, I mean tissue stretching of all kinds in either the length or girth direction from pulling, jelqing, pumping, or whatever. Just don’t cause damage.

If you have discoloration, that is damage. Don’t do that.

Last edited by gprent : 12-24-2006 at .

Originally Posted by Bird2
Do you have any proof to back up that penis claim?

Virtually every tissue in your body - from skin to tendons - requires 6-8 weeks for repair.

The reason behind it is probably that the penis plays such a vital role at a mans replication value, more vital than muscle tissue plays at a mans survival value.

You can still get an erection and ejaculate with a bruised penis. You will have a hard time hunting game with a torn hamstring. Evolutionarily speaking it makes more sense that muscle tissue heals more quickly. Besides, 99.9% of men in -5,000 B.C were not jelqing. Penile injuries were not integral in human evolution. Now with testicular injuries you might have a point.

Originally Posted by gprent
The secret for me has been less intensity, but just about everyday. This works based on tissue stretching and trauma free stretching can be done everyday. And when I say stretching, I mean tissue stretching of all kinds in either the length or girth direction from pulling, jelqing, pumping, or whatever. Just don’t cause damage.

If you have discoloration, that is damage. Don’t do that.

I find with pumping I always get discoloration - even without too much suction. It is like a hickey.

If you get discoloration very easily it usually is a sign of previously damaged tissue that has not been allowed to heal up to full strength.

To get out of that cycle it is best to take a long break on the order of 4 weeks and then start up again nice and easy and recondition yourself to a moderate routine below your trauma level.

It sounds like you are a weekend warrior that goes to extremes on the weekend and then tries to heal for the rest of the week. That is not a pattern for success.

I think what we are doing is more of a stretching process than breaking down and healing like muscle building, anyway. Not analagous …

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by northof60
Virtually every tissue in your body - from skin to tendons - requires 6-8 weeks for repair.

If that is true then I am wondering why all those members are proving the opposite.

Originally Posted by northof60
You can still get an erection and ejaculate with a bruised penis. You will have a hard time hunting game with a torn hamstring. Evolutionarily speaking it makes more sense that muscle tissue heals more quickly. Besides, 99.9% of men in -5,000 B.C were not jelqing. Penile injuries were not integral in human evolution. Now with testicular injuries you might have a point.

Penile health is vital for reproduction. Do you think a guy who hasn’t good penile health gets another chance with the same woman? Also imagine that back then people lived in groups of 100 max. So if a guy gets the name that his penile health isn’t good, the chance that he will pass his genes to the next generation is very small. The women in the group where he lives will not mate with him.

Of course men in -5,000 B.C. weren’t jelqing but that doesn’t mean that the body didn’t care for penile health.

There are other ways to hunt and survive with an injury. Like I said before, people lived in groups back then so other guys will hunt. Even if that wasn’t the case, the man could hunt by waiting until something walks by (Rambo comes into mind). Also he could survive by eating fruit, vegetables, grains etc. It will not have such a high impact as you say.

I preheat with hot water and an IR lamp for 10 mins, jelq at moderate intensity for only 7-8 minutes under the IR lamp, then do the same to cool down. I keep a 1 on/2 off schedule, and I still get some discoloration! This is after a 3 month decon break. The discoloration is pretty slight and doesn’t last more than 1-2 days tops. I usually have slight retraction immediately following the workout but then a heavier flaccid hang for 1-2 days later. Even this schedule seems pretty intense, maybe I should allow even more time to heal? But then I feel like I’m not creating enough of a stimulus for growth.what to do?

EDIT: As a rule of thumb: If you can easily obtain a rock-hard 100% erection, have little to no discoloration and no pain, is it safe to say you are ready for another workout?

I know this is hard to do, because you don’t want to back down, but what you want to do is learn the right force to use so you don’t get any discoloration. Then, for one, the word pain will never show up in your post. Next, you can start having more workout days then rest days. You can also increase the length of your workout making it more effective. But most important, you will start getting better results.

Here is another concept that might seem odd. Your workouts should feel good. Yes, pleasure, not pain or discomfort. What do you have to loose? Try a workout where zero discoloration is your only goal. The results might just impress you.

Less force, more time.

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