Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

double whammy!!


double whammy!!

Any asian gainers here? I started pe 3.5 months ago. Only marginal gains: 0.5” FL, 0.2” FG, 0.5 BPFSL, 0 in BPEL!, 0.05” EG. EL and EG are what I really wanted.

Since I moved out of my GF’s place (due to family issues) to my own apt, I’ve been doing jelq/stretch/blasters for hours every night while watching TVs. We hadn’t had sex since I started pe. I’d like to give her a nice surprise. As a short (5’7) medium build asian male, I felt I was not penetrating deep enough as she always wanted it deeper. And always wished 2 more inches for non-standard positions. To add insult to the injury (no meaningful gain), GF commented that it looked/felt smaller than before when we had sex again last weekend!! Could she be banging other bigger dicks in these months?? Or she was just being mean/joking?? I was afraid even to ask! But I can’t get this off my head! Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!

Current stats: 3.5x4 FL/FG; 5.2 NBPEL, 6.2/5.2 BPEL/EG (yeah, I have a fat pad), 6.9BPFSL, the goal is of course the ideal but elusive 8x6. Any asian here has reached 8x6 or more??

Could it be due to lack of testosterone? I’m over 30 and I have skin smoother than 99% caucasian women in 20’s. I never had libido/ED problem though.


The comment from your girlfriend is terrible — “it looks smaller than before.” If she continues to make you feel inadequate like that, she’s either totally deficient in empathy or stupid. Talk to her about it; don’t let the worries destroy you or the relationship. By the way, your cock is completely average sized (bigger than average for asians, if we believe certain studies), so her complaints are doubly ridiculous.

Nonetheless, you’re right that a bigger dick could improve the sex life by allowing more positions and enabling deeper penetration. It sounds to me like you’re on your way with the gains you’ve made in the last 3.5 months. Many guys on here report initially making only flacid or ebp improvements, followed by eventual enbp and eg results. As frustrating as it is, PE takes time, and you may only now, or in the future months, be reaching the point at which the stress is sufficient to really break down the critical tissues.

What exercises are you using? What’s your LOT? If you haven’t tried hanging, I’d suggest that. Almost everyone seems to make gains on it if they continue for several months and keep increasing weights and hang time. Order a Bib while they last. Even if you don’t want to hang now, you may want to in the future.

Hang in there (pardon the pun). Your dick will grow — it already has begun — and someday you may be able to plunge an 8x6 into your girlfriend, or some other girl of whom she’ll be jealous. :)

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Oh, also, I doubt testosterone is the issue for you. Some guys make a big deal of hormones, but any difference they make in PE is probably marginal (in my opinion).

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I remember when I was around 6” bpel, and I just starting have sex with this girl. On a few occasions she said, “It feels smaller today.” That would piss me off alot, but I’d just keep it to myself, and be relieved we didn’t have sex when I was 4.5”.

Anyways, stick with PE. Stay positive and consistent. Helluvastud gave you good advice.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

YGuy. Love your signature :)

My Goal: 8"x6" - Currently: 7,5"x4,8" |-| Gains So far: Lenght: 0.5" Girth: 0" - Just going for girth ATM

Actually I guess the “it feels smaller” (if not the “looks smaller”) comment that you guys got might make sense and be pretty benign. Women’s vaginal depth definitely changes according to their menstrual cycle. Right after my gf’s period there are certain positions that are too deep, while during other parts of the month I get the “deeper, deeper” type comments.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thanks B0ne.

Yea maybe you’re right Helluvastud, but she could have kept that comment to herself. ;)

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

She a Bitch! Get rid of her .

Wow this shit works!

I can see where that comment would tank your head.. 1st thing that came to my mind as an answer to her question was to say, I was get going to ask you if your vagina had got larger! Seriously, I’ve noticed that my wife is tighter or looser at times…. I can’t for the life of me figure it out… The other night I had trouble getting it in w/ liquid KY and it clearly hurt her and approx a week ago it went right in with mininal resistence? Go figure that one out…

Still, it was a harsh comment.. I wouldn’t say anything as she didn’t mean to hurt you with the comment I’m sure.. If she says it again to get a reaction out of you then I would NOT let her know it hurts your feelings but ask her if her vagina is growing! I’ve fucked lots of girls and one thing I know is that pussy size is all over the board… From too tight to fuck to COW PUSSY!

As for not gaining much I stand with you Brother.. I have done very little for added size with over a year into this… I’m gaining but very, very slowly.. I have a feeling something is going to change though for the better lol…


Is your girlfriend Asian too?

Becoming.... Godsize


If that question was directed at me I answer yes, only it’s ”wife”…

Nah, man. I was asking pesoiruc.

Becoming.... Godsize

I’m asian too. And I gained 0 in BPEL, after 9 months of PE.

welcome pesoiruc

I’m asian too. Gain a little but better then sitting there looking at your dick and hope it to grow. As for your girlfriend opinion i don’t think that she meant what she said. Perhaps what’s she refering to is that your dick is not as hard as you normally do when you make love to her.

If it’s keep hunting your mind then take this as a motivation to pursue your PE persistantly and tell her what you feel about her statement. You cannot keep on guessing all the while thinking what she meant by not asking her directly.

Pussy is a very interesting piece of meat. :-)
Some women have a large one but grip you like crazy. Some is tight but then you can feel the tightness. It’s all depend on how they use their musle. Once i was griped until it’s hurt when i try to kegel.

We have a very supportive senior all around here who is willing to give direction, motivation and advise anytimes you need it. Love you guys.

Sometimes, after a lot of exercises
particularly stretches, or pc flex,
also my “son” seems somewhat
more “retired” for sometime after the

I see the result the day after, when
I have recovered from the stress.

Anyway, I have a doubt:
maybe you are doing too much?

I would suggest to do some
sessions more “intense”
and maybe more short.

After the warm, you can do the stretches
and find what works better for you.
A-stretches, v- stretches, blasters,
there are a lot to prove.
Stretch all you can!
Tunica, ligs!

After you go for the Jeql, very slow, “suffered”,
with a particularly attenction
to force the blood and expand
the tissues.
Also here there are some variations you can prove.
You must force the tissues to grow and expand.
I put even more pressure on the lateral sides
of the penis

YOu can do also some squeezes of course.

After you warm down, and at this point the “son” is very
enlarged, so is impossible to see it more little…eh eh eh

Really I prefer to do sessions more intense and short

Maybe is different with hanging, in which the time
is important… but I do not hang. Until now.

Have you tryed the velcro wrap
or cock rings to increase also the flaccid lenght?
Do a search on the board it seems interesting.

If you stress enough your tessues
and give the right time of pause,
you will grow. It needs only time.

Pc flex is a part of routine, dont forget
you can do some during the day…
I like slow flexes particularly

Good luck keep us informed

I suggest you to


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