Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dr. Drew

Dr. Drew

I caught Dr. Drew’s show last night, at least part of it. If there ever was a doctor that would endorse PE, I believe it would be Dr. Drew. He seems to be rooted in reality, and not necessarily a “textbook” type of doctor.

Does anyone know of his opinion on PE and whether or not it works? I haven’t seen enough of his show to know either way, but I’m sure someone has asked before.

He had a segment last night about premature ejaculation, but I was surprised that he didn’t cover any specific techniques used to help men with this problem. It almost seemed as though it was an unfinished segment.


IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

I caught a bit of his show a while back as well and someone asked about enlargement surgery. He just gave the usual risks vs rewards speech.

When Love Lines was on MTV guys would call in all the time asking about penis size but they would pretty much always tell them to get over it.

Regretably, he is of the school, “a weiner is a weiner is a weiner.”

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Everytime I’ve ever heard them discuss it on LoveLine
both Adam and Drew are very closed minded about PE, with the exception of the lig cutting surgery and then Drew becomes emphatic about the need to hang weights after the surgery. I’ve also heard references from Adam about his need to “chub” it up once in awhile to make it look bigger. Maybe they know more than they want to let on?

Personally I don’t consider either one of them an “expert” on anything.
Adam reminds me of little more than the cocky know it all shock jock mentality and Drews
medical field of expertise is “addiction medicine”. When Drew speaks on that topic he seems to be very well informed.
Remember that they are both celebrity personalities with an agenda, and their main audience is
fuck up 13 year olds the world over. IMHO they both suffer fom celebrity personality disorder
and that makes all their rhetoric suspect. But thats my opinion.

While Drew is a trusted, responsible voice of reason who makes himself very accessible to teens, and he’s perhaps most “decent” and “honest” of any radio host, he has his faults.

For example, even though he has triplets, and he’s an addiction specialist, how is it he didn’t commit the Olsen waiflet, whom the whole world could see was destined to become the next Karen Carpenter, on the set of ‘New York Minute’?

Long before Adam Corolla (and a short stint by Riki Rachtman), the show was originated by Jim Trent, aka “Poorman”. After many successful years, Drew couldn’t handle Poorman’s Corolla-esq manic behavior, had him removed from HIS show by KROQ management, and went on to make deals with MTV and national syndication.

The show has sucked since, though we do enjoy “Poorman’s Bikini Beach Party” on a local independent TV station, as a result.

Well, I love loveline. Both Adam and Drew, but does it still air? I never hear them on their usual time anymore.

On the MTV show, a guy called in and asked if tugging on it would make it bigger. Dr. Drew said no and Adam joked about tugging on the end of your sock to make your foot bigger. They just treated it like a non issue and were like, “Uhh…no.”

Dr. Drew is a board certified internist (physician) and an addiction medicine specialist. Adam is just a jackass.

I miss Loveline. It isn’t on in NYC anymore.

Originally Posted by acornman
the show was originated by Jim Trent, aka “Poorman”. After many successful years, Drew couldn’t handle Poorman’s Corolla-esq manic behavior, had him removed from HIS show by KROQ management, and went on to make deals with MTV and national syndication.

The show has sucked since, though we do enjoy “Poorman’s Bikini Beach Party” on a local independent TV station, as a result.

So that’s where the Poorman went. If you don’t mind, what’s local channel?


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