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dry jelq

dry jelq

how do you do a dry jelq correctly? it seems like everytime i try it, i’m not pushing the blood anywhere, feels like i’m just pulling off or something

maybe it’s just my comp but the PE Glossary & FAQ 4.0 doesn’t work for me…everytime i click a link it says Error on Page in the status bar, but i’ll keep looking around

nevermind, i found version 3.0, that works good, sorry bout that

DRYJELQ explained


I’ll try to describe DRYJELQING as best I can.

1. What you do is make an ok grip at the base of your shaft. Grip the base tightly. You should be at least at 70-80% erect for maximum effectiveness.
2. Now squeeze and pull/push along the shaft, using the skin on your shaft as the sliding barrier while you are forcing bloodflow toward the glans.

That’s it. Your ok grip is NOT sliding across the skin causing irritation. I hope this explanation helps.


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