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Erection level when jelqing

Erection level when jelqing

I think the single most important thing when jelqing is the right erection level. When I get the right level I do not stop jelqing until I lost it. Also it took me a while to find this level as well. There doesn’t seem to be a good way to get this across percentages is the current method. I think percentages worked well with me because I get really hard erections so when a PE vet says 65% I think my 65% is the same as his.

However people’s erection levels differ. And their 100% might be my 75%.

I was cooking a steak the other night on the grill and I noticed that the steak cooked medium well was right around the right hardness for jelqing.

Any suggestions?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Well, you could always beat your meat. :)

I saw your name as a reply and thought. OK great Gprent will have insightful analysis. Not that your joke was a let down, thats funny stuff.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I would describe a steak cooked medium-well as 90% erection level. Going by this system, I like to jelq at around 70%. I like to feel the blood being compressed under my fingers as I push it through my dick.

I would say my 70% erection is equivalent to my unflexed bicep.

I was thinking med well was around 70%. When I jelq I like my fingers to almost touch through the shaft. I use the c method so it’s my finger tips doing the work. I jelq at around 65%. As far as working with an erection I do erect squeezes.

Yes the unflexed biceps thats a good one. I would agree with you

You think I’m cooking my steaks enough?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
You think I’m cooking my steaks enough?

Maybe I’m cooking mine too much?? (:

Actually, I think it depends on the cut. I like a nice fat filet myself - rare as I dare. Maybe I’m a little thrown off because I only press into my steaks with one finger, rather than gripping on both sides like I do with my other piece meat. What erection level would you say you jelq at on the unflexed bicep scale?

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