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maintaining erection level while jelqing?


maintaining erection level while jelqing?

The subject line pretty much sums it up. I hear people discussing the proper erection level for jelqing. Personally, I find that after a few strokes of a firm jelq I begin to lose whatever degree of

erection I had begins to subside. Does anyone else experience the problem or have any suggestions?

personally when i jelq im around 80% erect. its not rock hard but its not floppy.

i find, i sort of “get into a groove” and i maintain that same level of erection for the entire

jelq session.

I had the same problem as you. Last night though I tried jelqing after dropping 1/2 a tab of viagra- wow one of the best sessions I have ever had!!!

keeep going!

Re: maintaining erection level while jelqing?

Originally posted by chmag
The subject line pretty much sums it up. I hear people discussing the proper erection level for jelqing. Personally, I find that after a few strokes of a firm jelq I begin to lose whatever degree of
erection I had begins to subside. Does anyone else experience the problem or have any suggestions?

This has always been a nagging concern for me before I jelq. I think the pre-anxiety is a huge factor in this problem. What I have done is before I jelq I try to clear my mind and really picture my jelq session as a sexual experience rather than an exercise. I tape about 10 sexy pictures up on the walls around me. As I start to lose any firmness I look at the pictures and turn up the sexuality. This works very well for me.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Take a look at
DLD’s Jen (ooooooh ya)

I doubt you’ll have erection problems of the same nature after that.

The mind controls the body.

Originally posted by DarkTrick
Take a look at
DLD's Jen (ooooooh ya)

I doubt you'll have erection problems of the same nature after that.

The mind controls the body.

Hey I have not updated that thread. I will today with some fresh new material.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Keep a porn tape rolling in the background. When you start getting a soft-off, glance over at the porn movie. Or you can get a full hard-on, then let it subside a little, then get jelqin’.

As far as Viagra goes, I’ve had a session or two with it and it’s great, but it makes my dick too hard after a few strokes, even with half a tab. Sometimes I get “blue balls” after a good session, but I won’t jack it off.

I think I’ll only use Viagra during the sessions that focus on girth. The hard-on I get from it is incredible. All the more blood to push around… with caution, of course!

i seem to have the exact opposite problem. i have trouble keeping an erection off once i start jelqing and get to only around 25 reps. anyone have any suggestions?

Originally posted by mjd50
i seem to have the exact opposite problem. i have trouble keeping an erection off once i start jelqing and get to only around 25 reps. anyone have any suggestions?

I really don’t see this as a problem. Use it to your advantage and Jelq. erect. If you are new and this worries you maybe tone down the intensity and work up to harder jelqs. I always Jelq. erect or as close to erect as possible.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Lately I have found it useful to find a nice long erotic story to read. There are a lot of good sites out there that give them away for free.

Here is my 2 cents
It has been bothering me that I havent to stay erect either but here is what I learned. My 1st problem was I would jelq standing up. I sit on the edge of my bed or chair now. My 2nd problem was I didnt relax. Now I concentrate heavily and try to psyc my self up. I also started jelqing upwards towards the ceiling palms up and then switching top palms down. Every 20 or 30 jelqs I let my hands run over my head a couple of times to get sensation and stay hard,. I also do ulis so when I sqeeze the base I’ll jerk real hard and fast to get to 100%

DLD rules

whome1269, I can’t agree more with what your saying! Jelqing needs to be a sexual thing for me. The more sexual I make my session the better it goes.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I get too hard

Dunno what all you guys’ problem is but its hard for me to keep from getting too erect. I’m fine when my dick is occupied with jelqing but when left to its own devices (lube reload) it swings up and looks at me “wutzup?” it says. Sheesh. Even after 3 weeks of PE, it goes wutzup on me. :(

As DLD alluded to, I jelq at an erect state. What better way to push the blood into the penis than when you’re very close to or fully erect? Yes, I’ve read that damage can be done to your unit if you jelq while fully erect, but I’ve experienced no negative side effects whatsoever.

Think about it…if you jelq at a semi-erect state (say 60% or even 80%) then all you are doing is forcing the blood into what would be a normal erection. If, however, you are fully erect and then jelq, you are pushing the blood to expand the penis to unprecedented size…which is, of course, what you want.


"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."

Originally posted by Cockamamy
Think about it…if you jelq at a semi-erect state (say 60% or even 80%) then all you are doing is forcing the blood into what would be a normal erection. If, however, you are fully erect and then jelq, you are pushing the blood to expand the penis to unprecedented size…which is, of course, what you want.

Cockamamy, this is a the theroy I have always lived by in PE…*Good Show*

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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