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Maintaining an erection while jelqing

Maintaining an erection while jelqing

Do any of you notice that sometimes it is hard to maintain an erection while jelqing? I am starting to have this problem a lot, and I have been doing PE for almost 1 month now.

Routine: ~5min warm-up; ~5min stretching; anywhere from 30-60min jelq; ~5min warm-down

I don’t know if I’m working it too hard or what. I remember someone posting something regarding this, however, I cannot find it now.

Improving your life, one pelvic thrust at a time!

I use porn. It works just fine. I watch for about 20 seconds while stimulating, then stop when I reach 80%, jelq for about two minutes and repeat.

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

I have this problem too! But I masturbate until 100% erection, then jelq until erection subsides, masturbate to 100% erection, then jelq until erection subsides, just have be careful when jelqing at 100%. I gained this way, I lot of girth, another thing that it’s good it’s kegeling, this thing has make my erection more power full than hell!! Sometimes I only kiss my GF and my buddy it’s at 120%!! But I don’t why alone in the bathroom my erection still subsides when I jelq for too much time!

Jelqing doesn’t really erotically stimulate me, so my erection eventually subsides too. I also do kegel enhanced jelqs ;) It’s the shit.

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

Phyriel, so you also gained a lot of girth from jelqing at 80-100%? I do have to agree with you, I got about .15” in 1.5weeks from jelqing with very hard boners, but the gains have stopped since I keep losing my erection and can’t jelq very much.

Improving your life, one pelvic thrust at a time!

Darkboob, have you tried using porn?

pd: can you see my avatar?

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

70-80% = good

100% = bad

SNM, for some jelqing up to 95% is good and gain well from it. Like me.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

From my PERSONAL experience jelqing at 100% until erection subside to 70% maybe 60% it’s was very good, improved a lot my erection and I never had problem with that (only with stretch, that I don’t know why, my erection blows away, in first two weeks of exercise) also I has gained a lot of girth (visually) and also lenght (visually), darkboob you have to grab one routine, observe your PI’s and stick with this routine a lot of time, if you have rush, it’s most probable that you will made some newbie gains, then quit PE. You have to be steady!

Thanks guys. But I was reading through other posts and I think junior is just a little tired. Lately I have putting him through a lot. If you guys have ever overtrained, how long of a break did you take? Like 1 week, or just until it’s ready to go again?

Improving your life, one pelvic thrust at a time!

A week to 2 weeks should be enough IMO. Injuries are much longer.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

I actually have run into this difficulty before; it seems that if you treat jelqing as a purely mechanical process, you don’t maintain enough of an erection to have it be really effective. At the same time, if you consciously try to get harder, it often gets TOO hard and you have to wait for it to go back down to a comfortable level for jelqing. This has just been my experience, though. I’m getting a little better at regulating it and keeping it at a good level.

The blood's gotta go somewhere.

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