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Trying to figure out the erection percentage and jelqing force?

Trying to figure out the erection percentage and jelqing force?

Hi! I need your advice people.

When jelqing the erection percentage should be 40%-80%. How do you know when the percentage is for example 50%?

In full erection my penis is in a 135 degree angle if we think that 180 degree angle is pointing straight upwards. I have been jelqing with my penis in a 50-80 degree angle but my penis is still quite hard
And roughly the same size as in full erection. So can I simply count that the half of this 135 degrees is the 50% erection, or can it be much more ex. 80%?

How do you conclude that your penis is 50% erect? How hard is it? Is it pointing downward or straight ahead? How about the angle of erection?

What about the power of the stroke when you’re jelqing, how hard do you squeeze?

Please share your thoughts.
Thanks for your help!

Jelqing (as I understand it) is properly performed by filling and draining areas of the penis which in turn causes stress to the tissues as a result of the expansion and contraction. You need enough of an erection to have enough blood to get full expansion while squeezing but not so erect that you don’t contract in the area you are not focused on. You want to move the blood from one area to another, not just stroking the length of your erection. I don’t think you technically need to be “erect” at all, its just a matter of having enough blood in the penis to work with.

How hard you squeeze determines how much blood can get from one area to the next. Too hard and no blood can get by, so you squeeze just hard enough to transfer all the blood in about three seconds without putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on the expanded portion of your penis.

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Last edited by cantlook : 09-02-2013 at .
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