Thunder's Place

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Excercise targeting flaccid size

Excercise targeting flaccid size

I was wondering if there were any exercises that targets flaccid length and girth. Because people can have the same erect size but have different flaccid size. What would be the average flaccid size of a 8 by 6 erect.

I donno dude, I was very ordinary before PE with flaccid size, but I just did jelqing and length work and it improved a fair bit.


PE often changes the differential between flaccid and errect turning you into a shower as opposed to a grower.

Hanging, ADS and fowfers will particularly attack flaccid length during the process of gaining. The fowfer is well known for this.

Flaccid girth will increase simply by having the penis in a good state and from increasing girth as a whole, so jelqing and squeezes will have an effect. BC exercises may also be useful.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Try some constrictors, or some traction wrap after a routine. But alot of people here see flaccid gains first just by doing regular manual exercises. I don’t think that there is an exercise that would only effect flaccid. hope this helps.

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