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experiment results and experiments in general

experiment results and experiments in general

What happened to the experiment results, did people stick to it if so can someone direct me to the results.

I think experiments and test subjects is what PE needs, its the only way to find out what is the most productive methods through peoples feed back, gains or lack of.Then we take account to all the variables and evaluate why people gained or didnt gain.If we work together as a whole it will benefit us all.I think a girth experiment would be a good idea where we can take test subject and put them on a 1 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off, and a 5 on 2 off type of trial.The more people the better, i myself will donate myself as a willing test rat.This is just an idea off my head with some thought we can come up with something good that can give us some feed back and in time turn this into a science.PE has too many mixed opinions and contradictions, until we make studies we wont know which is the most efficient method for MOST people.

Dont get me wrong, mixed opinions are a good thing because no theory is backed up by medical or scientific evidents.This is what forums are all about …..having your say and giving another person the ability to voice his opinion and obsevations.No opinion is 100% correct even if it comes from the greatest veteran they may well be a more efficient way and two brains work and a usually have more knowledge than one so lets work together.


Last edited by jelqking : 04-07-2003 at .
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