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Explanation of lenght gains via jelqing ??

Explanation of lenght gains via jelqing ??

Can someone explain why a penis can gain length with jelqing and what this has to do with the erection level ?
I mean, I can understand why higher erection levels are good for girth, but what is happening in the lenghtgrowing process to the penis and why do you need lower ercetion levels for lenght progress ??
(Probabaly I am asking that, because I only have had success with girth gains from jelqing..)


While it isn’t recommended to jelq at more than about 70% erect I think I understand why a higher level of erection would contribute more to girth. In the jelq exercise, the idea is to move a volume of blood from one end of the corpora cavernosa (CC) to the other. This is easier when you are at 70% or less because there’s “room” for the blood to move in. As that volume of blood reaches the end of the CC, pressure builds and helps expand the tissues. At 90-100% erection, the CC are essentially filled and the jelq stroke just puts higher pressure on the whole tunica instead of the end. This apparently contributes to an overall stress which translates to the whole tuica expanding. This is also probably the reason why girth gains take longer than length gains since the jelq stroke is stressing a larger area, which would take longer to grow than just the end.

Originally Posted by westla90069
While it isn’t recommended to jelq at more than about 70% erect I think I understand why a higher level of erection would contribute more to girth. In the jelq exercise, the idea is to move a volume of blood from one end of the corpora cavernosa (CC) to the other. This is easier when you are at 70% or less because there’s “room” for the blood to move in. As that volume of blood reaches the end of the CC, pressure builds and helps expand the tissues. At 90-100% erection, the CC are essentially filled and the jelq stroke just puts higher pressure on the whole tunica instead of the end. This apparently contributes to an overall stress which translates to the whole tuica expanding. This is also probably the reason why girth gains take longer than length gains since the jelq stroke is stressing a larger area, which would take longer to grow than just the end.

First of all westla - always nice to read a post from you. I have a question related to this theory however. What about all the guys that have a hard time gaining length but an easier time gaining girth? Or is this just in respect to length and not width?

Thank you sir.

-Tom “Hoagie” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

My thoughts are this, when jelqing with a lower degree of erection length gains may come in part from ligament stretch. Think about it, if your jelqing with the proper amount of intensity you are also pulling on your ligs for the entire jelq session. When you are working with a higher degree of erection the base of your shaft is more or less engorged and held stationary thus not allowing for as much lig work. I hope ive articulated my point well here.


Good point RedRooster and I agree. Jelqing at low erection levels is more like manual stretching (a length exercise) than it is like a ULI (a girth exercise). Jelquing at high erection levels is more like a ULI.

How much progress from jelqing for lenght do you guys think comes from the stretching effect this has and how much comes approximately from jeqing itself (in %) ??

I really believe lig stretching is the key to length gains. Ive made good gains - 3/4 inch in 3 months from diligent and aggresive manual stretches. Ive seen so many posts with guys throwing in a few stretches here and there not understanding the true value.

Hanging will be my next step, but It may be awhile as Ive managed to strain a lig.

As to jelqing and length Im somewhat skeptical about good length coming from jelqs, Ill know soon enough, I have a feeling this injury is going to take a couple months to heal properly and I can experiment with jelqing and length gains.


Originally Posted by redrooster
I really believe lig stretching is the key to length gains. Ive made good gains - 3/4 inch in 3 months from diligent and aggressive manual stretches. Ive seen so many posts with guys throwing in a few stretches here and there not understanding the true value.

Redrooster is absolutely right, and the key here is AGGRESSIVE manual stretches. These guys walking around with their hand in their pants are not stretching aggressively. In my case I sit down and pull hard with both hands. I use one hand to get a good grip, then reinforce the pull with the other. I have now idea how much pressure I am applying but sometimes I think I just might pull my dick off. The only thing that I lighten up for is if I feel any pain at all. This happens about every 3 or 4 days, so I take a day off and it goes away.

For those of you who want length, get down with the stretches and pull hard!

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

I too am totally concentrating on stretching making sure I stretch to the point where I feel slight discomfort. Even on my “days off” I still stretch a little. I also do some light jelqing, never more than 10 minutes every other day. I think I will be a big girth gainer just from what I have observed, but will not concentrate on girth to much at least for another 6 months down the road. I am now contemplating on taking a 3-5 day break without even one little pull - that will be tough :)

I really think JAI-stretch is the overall best stretch technique. When thinking about jelqing with low erection level I noticed that it’s much like doing JAI’s. I think thats the reason why low erection level jelqing helps with length gains.

Before PE: NBPEL 5.50" x EG 4.30"

Current: NBPEL 6.50" (BPEL 7.5") x EG 4.6" (head EG 5")

Goal: NBPEL 7.00" x EG 5.25"

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
What about all the guys that have a hard time gaining length but an easier time gaining girth? Or is this just in respect to length and not width?

There are so many variables that it can make something that works for one guy not work for another. I was talking in a general manner and gave my thoughts on it. I’m not an expert in jelqing, I’m just trying to fit what I know about anatomy and physiology into the program.

Originally Posted by redrooster
My thoughts are this, when jelqing with a lower degree of erection length gains may come in part from ligament stretch.

This is probably true as well. I’m guessing it’s a combination of pressure from the jelq stroke and pulling on the ligs that helps with length gains.

Originally Posted by joe2
How much progress from jelqing for lenght do you guys think comes from the stretching effect this has and how much comes approximately from jeqing itself (in %) ??

I’m sure it is different for each guy and definite percentages would be difficult to apply. Guys with tough ligs will get more length from the pressure of jelqing and guys with more pliable ligs may have an overall better length gain from the combination of pressure and lig stretch.

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