Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Exposing Dr. Lin

West, dude you Bashed Dr. Lin Pretty bad.

Nice job, and thank you,

John S.

Great “exposure” for/of Dr. Lin. Well done.

I have sexdaily! I mean dyslexia! Fcuk!

Three thumbs up! :)

Thanks, Westla! Few individuals can pick it apart like you do, far fewer would take the time for the benefit of others.

Nice job, man…sliced and diced that bullshit:) .

This will likely turn into a good reference thread to benefit many PE’ers.


Would you care to explain why your penis has not changed in size for more than thirty years? You said “I am 53 years old and my penis has not changed in size for more than 30 years”.


You know, after I wrote that I thought about it and I should have said that my penis has not gotten smaller in over 30 years, which is what Dr. Lin says will happen with age. It has, in fact, gotten larger with PE. :D

Thanks for putting in the time to analyze Dr. Lin’s site.

One foot to go

Originally Posted by Gottagrow
Westla, you have really been slaving over this one. Lin is certainly a con man. Some of the things he says are useful, like the free information on how to stop ejaculation and shut the nerve to the penis off temporarily, to stop excitment so that sex can go on for hours without ejaculation. I know that works because I tried it but I believe he just stole the literature from a good sexual taoist book. I don’t believe he has any bioscience qualifications or deep understanding of taoism either. He’s just a con man pushing pills. I would like to know which books he stole his taoist information from though because some of it is fantastic. Although it has been mixed up with his utter drivel.

O yea, whats that one again :-k

This reminded me of a post I made 9 months ago:

Fraudulent PE

He bashes that which we know is effective, while he promotes simply massaging the base of your penis - and, of course, purchasing his wonder supplements; both of which he claims will make your penis 140% bigger.

Sure. I found a new technique. Purchase the cream which I exclusively sell, rub 1 ounce of it on your big toe - the 2nd Friday of each month - and you’ll add 240% to your willie size.

- w a d

Actually Wad, if you made such a cream, but then included the horse440 in the instructions you might have a weiner. I mean a winner.


It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

West wrote:
“Penile growth during puberty occurs because androgen receptors become sensitive to testosterone and DHT, but this mechanism ends when puberty ends and it cannot be turned on again. “

I am not so sure it can’t be turned on again. There might be a way. Unfortunatly, I doubt there is a safe way.

This is one of the best posts of all time.

His site is sooo messy. I hope he makes a supplement to make you a more organized webmaster.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Originally Posted by Gottagrow
Westla, you have really been slaving over this one. Lin is certainly a con man. Some of the things he says are useful, like the free information on how to stop ejaculation and shut the nerve to the penis off temporarily, to stop excitment so that sex can go on for hours without ejaculation. I know that works because I tried it but I believe he just stole the literature from a good sexual taoist book. I don’t believe he has any bioscience qualifications or deep understanding of taoism either. He’s just a con man pushing pills. I would like to know which books he stole his taoist information from though because some of it is fantastic. Although it has been mixed up with his utter drivel.

Hmmm, how about pointing me to that free information. I tried to find it on his site, but ended up in a maze and got a headache. Having sex for hours without ejaculation sounds like something I MIGHT be interested in.

Originally Posted by deeznuts
Having sex for hours without ejaculation sounds like something I MIGHT be interested in.

You think? :)

Even though his herbs didn’t do a thing. He just refunded me all my money.


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