The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Starting stats 11/2009: NBPEL=6.25" BPEL=6.75" MSEG=5.0" Current: NBPEL=7.125" BPEL=7.75 MSEG 5.5" BEG 6.0"
05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"
10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"
Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics
I have achieved my short term goals 7 x 6++ 17.78cm bpelx 15.2cm mseg 17.1cm beg...
long term goal 8 x current girth
Started october 2011 :
BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5
Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5
05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"
10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"
Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics
Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!
I have achieved my short term goals 7 x 6++ 17.78cm bpelx 15.2cm mseg 17.1cm beg...
long term goal 8 x current girth
Started october 2011 :
BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5
Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5
Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6