Extreme Uli question
How much pressure should I be using? I’m just starting extreme Ulis with the modification and I’m wondering how much pressure I should be using. I really can’t tell how much I should use. Right now as I write this, I’m wearing it, and as per instructions I wear it from 10-15 minutes, but absolutely no longer. But how much pressure? I’m able to handle quite a bit down there since I’ve been serious into PE for well over a year now.
Right now, I tighten it up just enough to where it hurts a LITTLE, not a lot, and the erection stays without me kegeling in more blood so I have a feeling it’s working. Is it supposed to hurt at all? How tight should the base hose clamp be? How tight for the cable clamp I put on the other areas of my dick during this exercize?
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks guys.