Thunder's Place

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fakir mussafar ligament surgery

fakir mussafar ligament surgery

I’ve got this book Modern Primitives

It’s got this guy in their named fakir mussafar who’s done all these weird things to his dick.

He says he had a surgery which involved cutting the ligament attached to the penis. Said not only did he get length gains but now it can go in all different directions.

What do you know about this. What are the tradeoffs?

It seems that not being able to squeeze the pc muscle and lift the penis may have not so good trade offs in bed for the female.

I’ve found women like it when you come and they can feel it moving.

Ligament surgery is the most common form of surgery to enlarge the penis. Basically they snip the ligaments and many Doctors even advice hanging to pull the inner penis out after. It is a quicker way to expose the inner penis then just hanging alone since the ligs are no longer attached to support it. Drawbacks are that many times when the ligs heal the scar tissue causes them to actually be shorter . That results in the penis being pulled back into the body and in some cases you can even lose length. If you hang weights like you should afterward then this should not be problem however. Another drawback is that the penis no longer points up when erect , it may even point completely down. Some porn stars with longer then normal penises are suspected of having this kind of surgery because of the effect I just described. For a womens pleasure it is almost always best to have a penis that points up toward your belly when erect. This effect enables you to pleasure her by allowing you to reach her G-Spot . You see basically the penis is pulled up while you are in her and has no choice but to rub at that local during many postions (IE doggie style) So in a nut shell that is the jist of it . Hope it helps.


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