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I think I performed ligament surgery on myself...LOL

I think I performed ligament surgery on myself...LOL

I seem to have lost the ligament. Last night while using the penis stretcher that Zekeman first posted I noticed the ligament was gone. Or appeared to be at any rate. Normally it is tight like a bow string…last night nothing at all…No pain at all either. After noticing it I did what any red blooded male would do…I jacked No erection problems at all. Now I’ve only been hanging for 3 weeks and using this stretcher as well…but I have taken the good advice on this forum and gone light and careful. Anyone care to comment? Again…absolutely no pain.

Never argue with an idiot...they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


the feeling you want is a mild to moderate soreness in the aproximate area where the top side of your penis meets your body.

while this sensation may not be felt to much just walking around if you give your penis a light pull in a downward direction you should feel the “soreness”. As far as the ligament thing your probably just loosing it up, or maybe it figured it didn’t want any part of your hanging program and took off out your asshole the night before when you were a sleep!

just a thought


on a slightly more serious note are you using the bib hanger and if so what model?


That explains the sore

I am using the home made BIB hanger that I saw posted here at one time. I felt I wanted to try hanging first before I purchased one. It is actually quite comfortable. I realize I would have pain if I had actually tore something but it did strike me as odd that I could not find it no matter how hard I tried to stretch it out..Thanks for the reply.

Never argue with an idiot...they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

It occurs to me I should post what I'm doing..

In order to get any help or comments it might be helpful to explain what I’ve been doing…

I use the home made BIB hanger and hang with 7lbs for 2 sets of 20 minutes each. Then later that evening I do jelq’s and squeezes for awhile. Then finish up using the stretcher Zekeman posted. I attach to this hanger using the BIB hanger. I do just one set for 20 minutes with that. Is this normal for the ligament to loosen up this much?

Never argue with an idiot...they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Hmmm, never heard this one before. If you had a lig before, then you still have a lig now. It should not stretch that quickly and that much, that you could not feel it.

Try stretching straight out with you hand and see if you have the fan shape above the base.

Had you torn ligaments, you would have known it.


Thanks BIB

I did as you suggested and no. There is no fan shape which was there the night before by the way.

Never argue with an idiot...they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

Checked again last night...same thing..

I guess since there is no pain and my erections are not affected I’m not going to sweat it too much. I might scale back on PE-ing a bit to be safe but I’ve gained a hair under 1/2” in a little over 3 weeks so I don’t want to lose that. Maybe focus on girth more. At any rate thanks fellas for your comments. Leave it to me to misplace my tendon..LOL

Never argue with an idiot...they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

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