Originally Posted by Monty:
I don’t know about anyone else, but I find marinara confusing. He doesn’t seem to speak from a position of knowledge.
Well, about confusion, my name is marinera.
Originally Posted by Monty:
He doesn’t seem to speak from a position of knowledge.
Noone can speak about PE from ‘a position of knowledge’, in any proper meanings. Those who say that are or fools or liars.
Originally Posted by Monty:
He appears to me to be just a disseminator of various forms of opinions and mixed facts that lack coherence and continuity of thought.
I’m a collector of various form of mixed facts, yes. That’s how knowledge works: you have to always remember what doesn’t fit with your own thoughts. You know what they say: ‘First, you have to know the facts; then, you can distort them the way you like.’. :)
Originally Posted by Monty:
I’ve found that whenever I ask him something direct he skirts the issue with some other knowledge base that may or may not be relevant.
You never asked to me anything, Monty; actually, you had a sarcastic attitude in that thread, and you ended appearing as totally wrong and saying contraddictory things.
Originally Posted by Monty:
Where are his results? Sorry that’s just my opinion.
In the PE size database. Where yours are.
But the point is: one’ gains are not a proof of anything. Piet or memento, in example, never spoked as PE gurus; maybe because they have nothing to sell?