Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

first month gains?

first month gains?

I’ve measured for the first time after my first month and I seem to have gained bone pressed and in girth (base and mid).

I really wasn’t expecting any gains, and when I did I was a bit shocked. It’s not because I don’t believe it’s possible, but I’ve only been doing it for a month, and when I read stories about some not gaining for five or six months I think to myself I’m going to be posting one of stories myself.

I was thinking maybe I’d measured wrong starting off. For my length this maybe right, but for the girth I thought I’d got it right. It could also be my erection level while measuring although I don’t think it was.

Anyway I’m sure I’ll know for sure in a few months from now when it’s a little bit bigger again (hopefully).:)

cheers for now

Congrats to your gains, Bro. I know how exciting that is. It’s a motivational boost. Keep at it and keep us posted.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hahaha! Good job, buddy!

It’s often hard at first to accept first gains. I went through the exact same thing; a period of extreme skeptisism. I strained my brain to remember if I had measured correctly the first time. I suppose it’s hard to accept that this thing you’ve been carrying around all your life, and were told would never change, could undergo dramatic growth.

Congrats. Keep it up, and hopefully we’ll hear about more of your gaining success.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

cheers guys.
I hope that I can let you know of some more gains next month.


Congrats Murph! I’m happy for you. Keep it up.

By the way: Pictures! They don’t lie about gains so I recommend taking a few beginning PE and when measuring time comes. I myself would have had a very hard time believing my own initial gains if it weren’t for the irrefutable proof of my personal pics. This despite the fact that my erection looked and felt bigger than it ever had in my life. And take more than a few so as to keep yourself from questioning visual proof because of possible erection variation or a deceptive camera angle when the pic was taken.

I also like to use before and after pics whenever I feel my motivation slipping. Very powerful tool when feeling down.

I look forward to more good news, Murph.


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