Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First sex experience since starting PE

First sex experience since starting PE

Well I finally snagged one last weekend. My first time having sex since I started my PE routine almost 2 months ago.

I had a couple of drinks in me so it took a little while to get it up, but once I got an erection it was rock hard. The pump session was probably about 20 minutes. This chic could really take it too. She wasn’t exactly skinny, she had a big ass and her pussy was looser than what I am use to.

One thing different that I did notice was when she was giving me a hummer her teeth would scrape. I was telling her that her teeth were scraping and she said she was trying not too but she couldn’t get her mouth wide enough. So I was like screw the BJ and we did it doggy style. In the past, sometimes I would find that when I’m doing a chic from behind my dick would come out, I didn’t have this problem at all. It’s not as if I’ve put on a lot of size. I would estimate I’ve added about .5 inch in length and a little under .5 inch in gerth. Also I noticed I had really good control over my orgasm, I think my jelqing routine has helped with control.

Hopefully I don’t go through another long drought like this last one.

By the way sort of a little off topic - have you guys noticed at all that chics that are not in good shape tend to have orgasms easier than girls that are fit. I’ve only had sex with 2 girls that are out of shape and both were super easy to make cum. While I’ve noticed that alot of my GF who were in good shape would take alot more time and foreplay to cum. Just something I’ve noticed.

Hey chiefs844,

Very cool. I love PE success stories.

As for out of shape girls reaching orgasm faster. I’ve read that there is actually a correlation between body fat and orgasm. The study showed that women with more body fat tended to be more easily aroused and could reach orgasm faster than women with less body fat.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Hey Chief,
Good work, especially giving it to her doggy-style despite the fact that you just met - you did the right thing.
I don’t know about the in/out of shape thing. There was this one piece years back who was in the most amazing condition - an aerobics instructor, Wendy was her name. Rock hard body, almost a turn off she was so tight - six pack abs, stronger than me. But I banged her a few times anyway (more like she banged me) and this nut-job could literally get off in seconds - and more than once per session. She became annoying with her screeching and her ‘jaws of death’ thighs.
I’ll take ‘em plump anyday.


Chief - way to go! And Cappy - you got that Wendy’s number for an old buddy…

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

I’ll get it for you Boss…but I warn you: This bitch could kick your ass if she felt like it. Even her pussy lips were buff.

I count myself lucky I got out of there with just a fractured rib and a little blood in my urine.

Oh Cappy, I love a woman with some fight in her! They give the best ride. Buff pussy lips? Ooooo.

And Chief, I was thinking about the out of shape women being easier to get to orgasm. I don’t know if I can correlate that datum. Many do seem more grateful for the attention though…

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

My experience tells me the fatter women have the passion. But I’ve no science to add.

By the way, do you swabbies recognize me avatar? :cutlass:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

Arr, if ain’t be Ol Henry Morgan hisself!

What happened to the pic of Steve’s dear ol’ pappy?


Maybe the plump ones have more fat in the labia and in the walls of the vaginas? Maybe a quality of their lubrication is different, maybe it has a higher fat (triglyceride) content that that of trim girls? I have noticed that fatter girls do tend to have healthier looking skin. Maybe their vaginal skin is qualitatively different? Maybe the nerves around their vaginas are better insulated with fat (mylinated)? Girls with big asses are anatomically different, maybe their vaginas are positioned slightly differently on average making intercourse more enjoyable for them?

I had one fatter girl and she was the second best I have ever had. For one thing, she was a little warmer than most, little tighter than average but most interestingly, shy had a very high quality lubrication. She always wanted sex. I don’t know what she would have been like if she lost weight, but if she were to loose all of that, I would say it would not be worth it.


Originally posted by CaptnHook
But I banged her a few times anyway (more like she banged me) and this nut-job could literally get off in seconds - and more than once per session. She became annoying with her screeching and her 'jaws of death' thighs.
I'll take 'em plump anyday.

Yea, I had a real screamer once. It was kind of a nice ego boost at-her neighbors came to the door because they thought some one was killing her and she would go on like that all night. She also tore up my back something fierce. Well, after a week of that, I was doing everything I could to avoid her.

I still have hearing problems.

Oh yea, same build as the one you described. Go figure.


By the way sort of a little off topic - have you guys noticed at all that chics that are not in good shape tend to have orgasms easier than girls that are fit. I’ve only had sex with 2 girls that are out of shape and both were super easy to make cum. While I’ve noticed that alot of my GF who were in good shape would take alot more time and foreplay to cum. Just something I’ve noticed.

have a different theory about that and by all means I’m not going to put the big chicks down, had ‘em and loved ‘em every time, But they don’t get as much as fit chicks do, so there…they are more easily aroused than others, I think. Same goes for guys who don’t get it very often. I’m not a chauvinist, by all means.

But now I’m waiting for the hammer to drop….;)

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Originally posted by Uncut4Big
have a different theory about that and by all means I'm not going to put the big chicks down, had 'em and loved 'em every time, But they don't get as much as fit chicks do, so there…they are more easily aroused than others, I think. Same goes for guys who don't get it very often. I'm not a chauvinist, by all means.

But now I'm waiting for the hammer to drop….;)

I dunno… as a guy who loves both thin girls and bigger ones (vive la difference!:D ), my experience has been that they’re pretty much the same in their attitudes toward sex. There are cold ones, hot ones, stiffs and freaks on both sides. I think it’s more of a self esteem issue
I have several female friends who range from plump to fat. I think most guys would be surprised how much even the heaviest single girls can get on a regular basis, if they’re willing. The one thing these friends all have in common is that they’re angry about being the “late night targets”… guys out at the bars, last call comes and they’ve been shot down by their first choices, so they think the fat girl will be easy pickins’. I chuckle to myself whenever I see one of these guys get shot down by a girl he thought would be a sure thing. :)


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