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Flaccid gains

Flaccid gains

I am after erect length more than anything else, had to give up hanging because it gave me a few hardened vessels where I tightened the hanger.
Pumping daily for 8 weeks gave me no length but did get me back some of my previously lost clamping girth in 7 just days.
Now I just jelq every 2 days for girth.

4 weeks ago I started stretching manually for 15 minutes in the morning and 3 x 5 minutes session throughout the day and wore the equivalent of golf weights in between averaging 12-14 hours a day.

Last might I measured before jelqing as I had a good erection but was disappointed to see no EBPL gains, not even a 16th”.

I have gained 5/8” in NBP flaccid length though, I am consistently getting this measurement now.

I plan to keep up with this routine for another 2 months and see if I get any BPEL gains.

It appears that all my gains are from the lengthening on my penis tissues and none from ligament stretch. So I have upped the intensity of the stretch a little bit, not the time but the strength of pull I use.

Originally Posted by bluenun
It appears that all my gains are from the lengthening on my penis tissues and none from ligament stretch. So I have upped the intensity of the stretch a little bit, not the time but the strength of pull I use.

Can you explain this a little more fully? I don’t get the part about your thinking your “penis tissues” have lengthened but you are not seeing any erect length increase.

How much jelking do you do now, in strokes or in time per session?



avocet8, I was just trying to work out what has happened with my gains. I assumed that if I had managed to stretch my ligaments that I would see an increase in BPEL. As I have seen no increase in BPEL I guessed that my flaccid gains were due to the penis itself getting longer.
Sorry if I have confused things even more now :)

Is it that unusual for someone to gain flaccid length without gaining BPEL?

I now jelq every second night.
Heat-pad for 15 minutes.
5 minutes flaccid jelqing as a warm up.
5 minutes of O bends.
10 minutes of 70% erect jelqing whilst clamping with one hand.

Originally Posted by bluenun

Is it that unusual for someone to gain flaccid length without gaining BPEL?

Your right on schedule my friend. Evidently it takes a considerable time element for the tissues to actually deliver the erect gains that the flaccid increase indicates. I’ve gained in BPEL but I’ve gained first in flaccid. I’ve seen gains in flaccid by as much as 3/4 to one inch longer then EL. Have faith my friend your BPEL may lag behind but it could catch up if you let it but as for me I’d like not to see my BPEL catch up I’d rather stay ahead and remain in the state of joyful anticipation.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Thanks for that information Monty.

I will stick with it and hopefully get some BPEL gains in the future.
1/4” gain will be fantastic and my ultimate goal of a 1” gain would be mind blowing.

4 weeks later, no days off until the 6th April so that I could measure 48 hours after my last PE session.

Stretched every morning for 15 minutes and then for 5 minutes every 2 hours throughout the day, wearing golf weights in between for about 12-14 hours a day.

Thrilled to have got my first length gains of 3/8” taking me to
7 1/8” BPEL with a ruler. I am 7 1/2” with my upward curve but I do not count that.

Thought I would just maintain girth with a gentle workout every 2 or 3 nights while I concentrate on length but am surprised to have gained 1/8”, only 1/4” to go to my girth goal.
I pump once every week and get to 5 3/4” and think that is plenty.

Going to stick with the same routine for another 5 weeks and then take a couple of days off as I will have some family visiting.

Thanks for the encouragement Monty, I was feeling a little despondent 4 weeks ago.

Hey congrat’s on your gains. Way to go :) :) :)

Your getting nice looking progression chart in your signature. Your going to become an inspiriation to others if not already.

I’ve found that girth just kind of comes along with the process. I guess others have not. We’re lucky.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Thanks again Monty for your inspiration.

My goal for the next five weeks is to gain 1/8” BPEL and maintain girth.
I am hoping that some of my girth gains are cemented by now.

I re-measured a few times yesterday and am definitely 7 1/8” BPEL so slept well last night.
Now I have put away the ruler and measuring tape for another 5 weeks.

I’ll be watching your progress too.

This is so true about flaccid gains being a precursor to erect gains, when it comes to length. (in my experience)

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

I hope you’re right. I started in November, and have obtained pretty good flaccid gains through jelqing and manual stretching but only very minimal gains for BPEL. I’ve gone from being somewhere in between a grower and a shower to being a shower. I’m only about average sized, I think, but just the other day I was in the lockerroom and was probably the most hung guy out of around 6-7. It was a good feeling.

How long did it take before your flaccid gains manifested themselves in erect length? I know it probably varies across individuals, but I was just wondering.

Swinteck, congrats on your flaccid gains, keep at the jelqing and stretching and hopefully you will get the BPEL you are after, stick with it!

It must have felt great to be the most hung in the locker-room, things will only get better if you stay consistent.

For me I managed to get some BPEL a few weeks after my flaccid gains but I guess it is slower for some and quicker for others.

I just got back to PE in late December 2004, after a 2.5 year layoff, and I’ve noticed some good flaccid length and girth gains so far.I’m up to 6.25-6.5 flaccid BPL and 5.5 FG.I haven’t tested EL yet, but I recently noted my hard-on tipped over my navel for the first time, so I have to agree that flaccid gains precede erect increases.I’ve been pumping@5-6hg for 12-15 minute sets with 6-7 minutes of jelqs between pump sets.I do a total of 2-3 sets each and 200+ kegels throughout the day.

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