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Flaccid girth and exercising.

Flaccid girth and exercising.

I know flaccid hang is nothing really to be worrying about too much, but you feel satisfied when your hanging full and heavy due to pe-ing. I exercise, mainly weightlifting(heavy) and don’t experience flaccid shrivel when doing so. But when I swam today my flaccid shriveled like fuck and it makes me think all the that girth-work and heavy flaccid went down the drain. So anyone shrivel from cardio and not from iron?

Note: mod’s move if necessary.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5


Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

The water was cold.

I will say one more thing too, after my half sarcastic all-too-easy answer. I think when your body is moving and legs are moving your brain signals your penis to pull in out of harms way. After all, it’s important. When I snowboard I’m not hanging as big as when I’m in my house. In this case you were in colder temperatures, and you were kicking your legs around. Try a rowing machine for cardio and see if the same thing happens.

Whenever i do anything cardio involved, I shrink alot! I think TC is right, yourbody is protecting itself, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck though!!! I feel for you, as I am in the same boat.

I always thought it was due to blood moving away from places where it is not needed to perform the activity. i.e. When I first started lifting weights my flaccid would usually shrink pretty bad because you dont use your penis to lift weights (…) but now Ive been going gym regularly when I lift weights my flaccid barely shrinks- if at all its only when I try to do more than usual. e.g. when doing bicep curls originally it is stress previously unseen for my body and my flaccid shrank whilst the veins in my arms became more prominent-more blood etc, now under the same stress my arms can cope with it better and have a more efficient supply of blood and nutrients when it comes to pushing weights. If I go on the treadmill or the exercise bike my flaccid will hang nicely when going at a steady pace but if I begin to sprint then it will quickly shrink.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

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