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Flaccid vs. Erect

Flaccid vs. Erect

Got a question, guys.

I measured yesterday, half way thorugh the experiment, and while looking at the measurements I thought something was weird. My current FLBP is 5.75”, but my ELBP is only 6.22”. Shouldn’t it be a lot longer than just 6.22” in comparison to the 5.75”? I have read somewhere, that the penis expands, when becoming erect, by as much as 300% from it’s flaccid length. Meaning, if you have a 4” flaccid dick, your EL should be at least 6.5” or somewhere around that number. Any ideas on what might be the reason for that?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Well, then you must consider the effect of PE on a flaccid v/s erect L’s. What we call a flaccid in PE is not necessarily a normal flaccid. In the past, I’ve noticed that a completely flaccid post PE is slightly more engorged than what it probably should be by definition of flaccid. Sort of like a big softie. I assume that it not really good circulation, but a fucking up of the corporo-veno-occlusive mechanism…or whatever it’s called. IOW, the outflow is slightly impeded relative to the inflow via PE stresses. Not proven to be bad for me, but definatley not normal. A bit closer to erection state than a natural flaccid. We change from a grower (the 300% thing), to a shower (no, not the kind with grout:) ) by virtue of a different kind of flaccid state. I noticed after stopping jelqing and doing mostly hanging, my flaccid is a bit smaller and less engorged on average. Larger than pre-PE, smaller than “jelked PE”. I rather like it. Think your situation is strange? Get this…ELBP 7.0, ELNBP 6.5 max, FLBP 4.5 (right now) stretchedFLBP (gripping just behind glans) 7 3/4 inches!!! Go figure. The prick is a strange appendage, man. groa

Thanks for shedding a bit of light on the subject, Groa. The cock is, indeed, somewhat strange. But I still could use a little more info on it.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

If you want more info the only place I can think of to look would be size surveys, where sometimes they stretch a flaccid and compare it to the erect L. Some claim stretched flaccid to be roughly (+- 1 cm.) inicative of erect L. Mine before PE was close, now very different scenario. However, like I said above, PE ers shold IMO take those numbers with a grain of salt. Most of us possess “altered” flaccids. Interestingly, if you look at surgery sites for info, those folks often show there biggest gains in the flaccid state. I don’t know what to draw from that situation, you might have some ideas. I can only give my info on comparisons, but maybe if more folks here would give more examples it may help you out. groa

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