Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Flash of Insight, Notable Results, A Time to Share


Flash of Insight, Notable Results, A Time to Share

Flash of Insight, Notable Results, A Time to Share

This is arguably one of the greatest PE sites on the planet, Thunder (moderators, and authors) has done a greatttttttttttttt job over the years.

I have continued to follow the progressive information and learning curve of this site with great interest since joining in October 2001. There are many excellent threads I have read over the years on all aspects of PE, increasing my pool of understanding.

What do you know-results are occurring, therefore I would be remiss if I did not emphasize the following recent threads and their role in crystallizing my understanding and technique. I studied the following threads all about the same time, the collective reinforcing insight struck me in such a way, you might call it a eureka experience. The threads were (not necessarily listed in any order of importance):

“Eroset’s Vein Oil-for thrombosis and more” by Eroset
“Momentous Rapid Growth Mechanism” by Memento
“A Newbee Again” by Wadzilla
“I can no longer doubt” by Wadzilla
“Speaking to he Big Gainer Soon” by Wadzilla

Again, there are many excellent threads I have read over the years on all aspects of PE; recently these last few were my trigger point of insight so to speak.

The thread by Eroset, “Eroset’s Vein Oil-for thrombosis and more” seemed very interesting, particularly the “more” part. Intuitively I thought this may be worth trying. After duplicating the mixture, more of the “more” actually happened. I proceeded to use it for wet jelqing, and was pleasantly surprised at the stimulating effects from this mixture. Generally, I have not done wet jelqing for various reasons. Eroset oil provided optimal engorgement and stimulation for jelqing. The proper technique of wet jelqing has multiple effects on girth and length simultaneously, thus encouraging growth (hypertrophy/ mitosis would be my hypothesis), eroset oil seems to enhance the effect for me.

About the same time I read with interest Mem’s Momentous Rapid Growth Mechanism , by Memento, and was impressed with the simplicity and certitude of the article. Additionally, I read the articles by Wadzilla “A Newbee Again”, “I can no longer doubt” and “Speaking to he Big Gainer Soon”. Each thread reinforced the other in terms of conviction and certitude. They basically covered heat, jelqing, girth techniques, and stretching. After reading them several times, I felt certain that there were highly credible accounts that were compelling me to experiment along these lines. I felt that if the “Big Gainer” can go from 5” to 9” by what seemed to be blind faith in his PE methods, and Mem can do similarly than so can I- like falling off of a log. Results have been fourth coming, which can be reviewed later.

We are all searching for “the zone,” or that flash of insight that will bring about a leap in progress and technique. Perhaps this experience will be of encouragement as we continue to learn the Alchemy of PE.


The Alchemy of PE.


Results include longer, looser, thicker flaccid size and scrotum hang. Flaccid size was around 3” now it is around 5” and growing. Unit looks much larger, fuller, thicker, looser in mirror. Additionally, BPEL ranged from 7.25 to 7.75” mostly the lower end of the range, now it is solidly at 7.75” and gaining. As in a good jogging session, one can have a post metabolic enhance effect for hours (burning calories at an accelerated pace), with this method (heat/jelqing/girth movements/stretching) I can have a very long post workout enhanced metabolic effect where the tissues are expanded, warm, and horny which is what you want in a post workout session. You could exercise in such a war as to induce a 24 hour metabolic enhancement effect, thus predisposing growth.

Stature wise, I am 5’5”, 137 lbs, with a gymnast build, thus relatively speaking a 6X8” or 6.5X9” would be relatively disproportionately huge (out of this world looking). Gaining 1.5” flaccid and .5” erect, in a relatively short time thus far, leads me to believe there is somewhat of an open ended possibility here (if you stay in your zone).

Any thoughts from others regarding “eureka” experiences, flash of insight, articles that triggered a leap in knowledge and technique, sudden gains, would be appreciated.


The Alchemy of PE

Great post, Merlin. I have always thought that there has not been nearly enough emphasis placed on the recovery portion of PE.



There is much that than been reviewed on this important subject of recovery and insights gained (always a learning process).

I have found that recovery is an interesting, somewhat variable target. The concept of PI’s should be part of our awareness in PE where one strives for the most favorable zone per triggering growth. Certain regimens that tend to use mechanical methods can more prone to abuse easily overshoots the optimum zone in the rhythm of PE, potentially resulting in negative PI characterized by tissue contraction, decreased libido, and so on. Mechanical appliances have a useful role; however excesses/abuse is more easily achieved.

If much of PE is substantially manual, the quality of kenesthetics (feel) and the inevitable fatigue of your hands and arms inevitably will give you built in safeguards regarding ”over-workout”. The more manual methods such a s jelqing (with heat ), certain girth moves and stretching seem to favor a more sustained exercise pattern of consistent metabolic enhancement lasting far after the PE activity (as in post tissue expansion, warmth, elevated libido, semi engorgement throughout the day, or as is said in body building , it gives you a good sustained pump after-effect).

Eroset oil mixture may (my theory) enhance the recovery time, though I need more time and experience for further observations. BIB use to rub on a “liniment” called “arnica” after his workouts- may have been helpful in the recovery process. The wonderful world of herbs offers “healing” potential.

It is interesting, whether in sports participation, learning music instruments, and body building you experience significant moments where the technique falls into place, you have worked out the glitches and you have a breakthrough. I am interested in others who have had this experience with PE.


The Alchemy of PE.



Here are a few more thoughts on recovery and PI parameters.

1. A world class vitamin-mineral- nutrient supplement such as the one provided by Life Exension Foundation is called Life Extension Mix, which can be found on the web site, this is an outstanding supplement in every respect (I do not work for Life Extension), their products are cutting edge. Bronson Pharmaceuticals would be another source of supplements as well. These supplements will add years to your life and life to your years, and put will substantially improve the health and vigor of your sexuality and sex drive- no question.
2. Aerobic exercise triggers positive chemistry and thus healing / health throughout the body. It also triggers growth hormone release, all of which explains why exercise (aerobic and weight training) can promote “the fountain of youth” so to speak. If you want to have accelerated recovery in PE go for a jog, swim, bicycle, or a brisk walk most days of the week. The implementation of just points 1 and 2 can turn back the clock as much as 10, 15 possibly 20 years.
3. Sexuality by its nature can easily become obsessive-compulsive, this is particularly challenging when it comes to PE. How often does one go past the point of constructive PE, as directed by your intuition? Let your intuition be your guide, and formulate ways to keep PE under control so as not to induce negative PI’s. That would be a good thread in itself, how to control obsessive compulsiveness and PE.
4. Mechanical PE devices, though useful, are much more easily abused leading to negative PI’s that manual methods.
5. Try to avoid smoking, and drink moderately. Drinking in excess triggers greater aromatase enzyme activity leading to reduced testosterone and increased estrogen, if you want great endowment, limit drinking. Smoking oxidized the circulatory system and is quite corrosive over time, your plumbing needs to be in good shape for PE.

There are many other thoughts on this subject that can be discussed later.


The Alchemy of PE.

Excellent thread.

Particularly like your point about mechanical devices being used past usefulness resulting in over training. An excellent point.

I look forward to more of your posts.

Quick question. What are the oils and the ratios for the mixture you are using for your version of Eroset’s oil? As I recall he had a few variations on his recipe. Curious to know what yours is.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


I use the original mixture and have found it to work fine, the original formula as indicated in Erosets’ thread is:

Lavender 6 ml
Rosemary 2.5-3 ml
Clary Sage 2-2.5 ml
Lemongras 1.5-2 ml

The above mixed in 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil (olive oil that has never had a sexual experience).

Should my curiosity motivate me to experiment/modify the mixture, I will speak up.

For now I think the original mixture has what it takes to make Mr. Happy, happy.


The Alchemy of PE.

I’m glad the magic is working for you, Merlin. I can confirm that hangers are easily abused and can induce one to stress the penis beyond the growth zone.

I also believe that it’s more fruitful to think of penile growth as the result of a metabolic process than of a mechanical one. A physician friend of mine told me that blood supply is a very important factor in tissue growth. Increase the blood supply to a body part and you will increase its size.

I used to think that most of the big gainers reached their length goals by hanging. Now, I’m inclined to think that jelqing is probably the more effective exercise. Even Bib, arguably the world’s greatest proponent of hanging, claims to have jelqed 2 hours a day during the time he was gaining.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’m glad the magic is working for you, Merlin. I can confirm that hangers are easily abused and can induce one to stress the penis beyond the growth zone.

I also believe that it’s more fruitful to think of penile growth as the result of a metabolic process than of a mechanical one. A physician friend of mine told me that blood supply is a very important factor in tissue growth. Increase the blood supply to a body part and you will increase its size.

I used to think that most of the big gainers reached their length goals by hanging. Now, I’m inclined to think that jelqing is probably the more effective exercise. Even Bib, arguably the world’s greatest proponent of hanging, claims to have jelqed 2 hours a day during the time he was gaining.


I concur with your thought per hanging, that has also been my experience. Per BIBs’ jelqing, he was a “light” jelqer and indicated in his threads that he rarely if ever applied pressure. After his daily workouts, he would jelq (without pressure) for half hour or more concluding his daily marathon workouts.His jelqing therefore, I woud considerto be atypical. He was the prominent inspiration and source of prolific PE information when I joined Thunder’s about the same time as BIB, October 2001. He created one of the first paradigms promulgated here. I commend him for his time and efforts.

Since reading Mem’s thread and Wad’s threads mentioned above, coupled with Eroset oil, the results were highly significant more than at any other point in my PE career. Up to that point, I had read all “significant” threads but had not tried wet jelqing before for various reasons and thought dry jelqing would suffice. The pre (routine w/o wet jelq) and post (routine with wet jelq) wet jelq effects were an “eye opener” and a big contrast motivating me to write this thread. This resulted in a more optimum stimulation and the best post workout “anabolic” effect that I have experienced to date. This “anabolic” effect seems to last for substantial time, and by the next morning’s session, I am still somewhat “pumped/enlarged”, thus resulting in an incremental short term gain to progressively build on as it were, we could call this incremental expansion.

I appreciate your thoughts on blood flow and the metabolic process. I have followed your threads, thoughts, and observations with a great deal of interest.

While I am at it I wanted to mention a few other thoughts on recovery.
1. Steady as she goes. A consistent approach where one is able to stay in the zone and maintain consistent productive “anabolic” coincident and post workout effect is ideal, minimizing a less productive stop and start pattern caused by over work outs.
2. I would hypothesize that Eroset oil accelerates the recovery phase, it probably should be applied before bed time. As of now this would be a hypothesis, and more time is needed for me to accept or reject the hypothesis (would need a sample of at least 30 volunteers to make this a valid experiment). I will continue to follow the Eroset thread with interest.
3. Heat. This is always a positive per recovery of sore muscles, and most likely a sore unit. Heat is a double edged sword, it can be productive or destructive. On the productive side, I use a heat lamp placed at an effective but safe distance. I have tried everything else know to man, rice socks, heating pads, hair dryers, etc. The heat lamp is by far the easiest, it sits on its tripod, conveniently providing the warmth you need. Have you ever sat on the beach on a sunny day (with a swim suit) and felt your legs/crouch area, if you are facing the sun, this spot will usually be quite warm, the heat lam is much like that. On the destructive side, I once knew a vacuum pumper who foolishly put his heating pad on high, wrapped it around the vacuum tube, sat there for 35 minutes and came out well done, he never fully recovered. This is a gruesome story but it illustrates the need for care. Heat is one of the most helpful, but also one of the most dangerous parameters in all of PE.


The Alchemy of PE.

Originally Posted by Merlin

I use the original mixture and have found it to work fine, the original formula as indicated in Erosets’ thread is:

Lavender 6 ml
Rosemary 2.5-3 ml
Clary Sage 2-2.5 ml
Lemongras 1.5-2 ml

The above mixed in 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil (olive oil that has never had a sexual experience).

Should my curiosity motivate me to experiment/modify the mixture, I will speak up.

For now I think the original mixture has what it takes to make Mr. Happy, happy.


The Alchemy of PE.

So.. You jelq purely with that mixture and you believe that it increases enlargement results?
If so.. I’m going to check that out.

Originally Posted by RC23
So.. You jelq purely with that mixture and you believe that it increases enlargement results?
If so.. I’m going to check that out.


The answer for you would be a qualified yes assuming you have compitent proficiency and knowledge of jelqing, manual girth exercises, stretching, and the use of heat to warm up the area, Eroset oil definately is stimulating and probably reduces recovery time. If you need to study the above further, Thunders has excellent articles and video on the jelqing, girth moves, and stretching, study and practice, there is a learning curve of proficiency, as with musical instruments, sports, and so on. I noticed you just joined Aug. 2006.


The Alchemy of PE.

I like your approach and thinking Merlin.

There are others who are proponents of very gentle, but constant routines that are Jelq heavy.

It all requires some thought.

I like the IPR theory, but those challenging the rest time have some interesting points on that score. And your thread here… Well, it raises some interesting questions, doesn’t it?

Thanks for the recipe review. :thumbs:

I’ve been using a jojoba and lavender concoction. Much lighter on the lavender than this (nevermind the other essentials), but I do think these oils are directly helpful. I have to get the Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Rosemary. Thankfully my supermarket carries a few different and affordable brands of essential oils. One of the many cool things about living in New York.

Anyway I continue to watch the dialog on these matters with interest. Thanks for the posts.

It’s good when the veterans contribute to the dialog as directly and coherently as you have. Much appreciated.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’m glad the magic is working for you, Merlin. I can confirm that hangers are easily abused and can induce one to stress the penis beyond the growth zone.

I also believe that it’s more fruitful to think of penile growth as the result of a metabolic process than of a mechanical one. A physician friend of mine told me that blood supply is a very important factor in tissue growth. Increase the blood supply to a body part and you will increase its size.

I used to think that most of the big gainers reached their length goals by hanging. Now, I’m inclined to think that jelqing is probably the more effective exercise. Even Bib, arguably the world’s greatest proponent of hanging, claims to have jelqed 2 hours a day during the time he was gaining.


I have a question that I would particularly like to pose to you. You mentioned the importance of blood flow and metabolic dimensions being a key for tissue growth and increasing size. Using a stream of consciousness thinking, what are all the parameters or inputs, (in addition to,for example, jelqing, L-ARG, Eroset Oil, etc, ) that come to mind/recall per blood flow /metabolic enhancement. I would like to compare notes on this one, so to speak. May be material for a thread for review of current ideas on this subject.

While I know there has already been discussion on this,(I remember reading a recent thread on chemical dimensions of induction of enlargement-one dimension of many). however each increment of time yealds a learning curve, review of old ideas, birth of fresh ideas, and new hypothesis. If you think it is time to review this I look forward to your input.


The Alcemy of PE.


It’s great to see you posting and thinking PE again I have missed your input.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

It’s great to see you posting and thinking PE again I have missed your input.


Thanks for your encouragement. We must be the oldest still active member at thunder’s.


The Alchemy of PE.

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