Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For Science minded PE'ers

This has been my experience and using a common sense approach along with simple logic it dawned on me that as my veins became visibly larger my penis was getting considerably larger. This increased size is primarily girth related but it also translates to length.

I do not know if anyone has experienced isolated incidences of a significantly larger erection (length) due to altitutde changes or physical workouts, but I would have these experiences (quite rare), one time in Aspen during spring break I was with my gal and had an erection like I had never seen before (it was at least an inch longer than ever before - this is pre-PE). This is all attributable to the blood flow characteristics being affected. Anyone successful with a PE routine (with at least a year invested) will have visible veins and arteries that are 2 to 4 times there pre-PE capacity (diameter).

And to think some gals hate a veiny penis, I guess when it’s buried deep they let out a different scream.

Originally Posted by swinglow
Tomba, could you provide us a link to other threads concerning increasing the pipes…bloodflow capacity? Thanks. Good thread, guys!

I thought this was common knowledge, but I may be lost :)


Originally Posted by Tomba
one time in Aspen during spring break I was with my gal and had an erection like I had never seen before (it was at least an inch longer than ever before - this is pre-PE).

The altitude creates a “vacuum” around your body, including your penis. It’s like your whole body is getting pumped. At Aspen’s altitude of 7815 ft, the vacuum is roughly equivalent to -5 inches-Hg ! That’s what I set my pump to!

No wonder you had an amazing hard-on.

Originally Posted by Shiver


This article should be required reading for all PE’ers. Congratulations on finding it. I particularly like the portions that describe continuous remodeling of the connective tissues, which can be affected by loads. I want to explore this further, but I think it’s the basic idea behind the theory that hang time is more important than hang weight. You want to regularly and as continuously as possible stress the tissues so that they naturally remodel to a larger state.

I’ve never liked the “plastic deformation” theory of PE. It’s too extreme and treats the penis like a simple metal rod, rather than the living tissue that it is. A new theory is emerging. Remodeling under stress. Forget about microtears. Slowly and steadily encourage the connective tissues to grow as they naturally replace themselves.

More later …
And thanks again!

This is what I get for not reading every thread. Now I have to play catch up:

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I thought elastin was what made the penis contract?? Collagen forms the tough structure that limits the length and elastin causes it to shrivel up. No??

If you’re talking about normal penile contraction after ejaculation or when the penis encounters a cooler environment (like a swimming pool or the ocean) then no, that contraction is by the smooth muscle fibers within the trabecular network of the corpora cavernosa.

Originally Posted by Tomba
The loss of some girth with increasing length is a natural result and it occurs because stretching tendons also results in stretching arteries and veins. As this physiology elongates you will have a slight reduction in the diameter of your blood inlets thereby affecting the flow characteristics of engorgement.

You continue to use the term “tendons” which apparently is your generic equivalent for ligaments. Tendons, specifically, connect muscles to bones or other tendons. The penis has no tendons and its only ligamentous attachments are at the root.

You also seem to be stuck on this vascular diameter theory of erection/elongation and somehow have combined it with PE gains. The main artery that supplies the corpora cavernosa enters the CC within the pelvis. This is internal to any PE exercises one may perform and therefore the size and shape of the cavernosal arteries is not affected by PE. The part that is in the distal CC may also elongate with the surrounding tissue, but the flow characteristics are not significantly different than in an unexercised, healthy penis. As others have said, the pressure or rate of inflow will eventually provide for an erection as long as the outflow is reduced.

Originally Posted by westla90069

If you’re talking about normal penile contraction after ejaculation or when the penis encounters a cooler environment (like a swimming pool or the ocean) then no, that contraction is by the smooth muscle fibers within the trabecular network of the corpora cavernosa.

Hey WestLA,

Good point about the smooth muscles; I didn’t realize that. Regarding the connective tissues, I always thought collagen was responsible for structure and elastin for elasticity. I’ll try to find a source for this.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

This article should be required reading for all PE’ers. Congratulations on finding it. I particularly like the portions that describe continuous remodeling of the connective tissues, which can be affected by loads. I want to explore this further, but I think it’s the basic idea behind the theory that hang time is more important than hang weight. You want to regularly and as continuously as possible stress the tissues so that they naturally remodel to a larger state.

I’ve never liked the “plastic deformation” theory of PE. It’s too extreme and treats the penis like a simple metal rod, rather than the living tissue that it is. A new theory is emerging. Remodeling under stress. Forget about microtears. Slowly and steadily encourage the connective tissues to grow as they naturally replace themselves.

More later ..
And thanks again!

This is what I thought PE was all about, I didn’t know it was being thought of any differnetly, wonderful point shiver.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
The altitude creates a “vacuum” around your body, including your penis. It’s like your whole body is getting pumped. At Aspen’s altitude of 7815 ft, the vacuum is roughly equivalent to -5 inches-Hg ! That’s what I set my pump to!

No wonder you had an amazing hard-on.

Yay! I’m hoping to spend the winter season in Whistler. Does that mean I get to do a multi-month pumping session? :)

Originally Posted by westla90069
The main artery that supplies the corpora cavernosa enters the CC within the pelvis. This is internal to any PE exercises one may perform and therefore the size and shape of the cavernosal arteries is not affected by PE. The part that is in the distal CC may also elongate with the surrounding tissue, but the flow characteristics are not significantly different than in an unexercised, healthy penis.

Excellent point! Obvious now you mention it, but I hadn’t considered that.

Originally Posted by westla90069
You also seem to be stuck on this vascular diameter theory of erection/elongation and somehow have combined it with PE gains. The main artery that supplies the corpora cavernosa enters the CC within the pelvis. This is internal to any PE exercises one may perform and therefore the size and shape of the cavernosal arteries is not affected by PE. The part that is in the distal CC may also elongate with the surrounding tissue, but the flow characteristics are not significantly different than in an unexercised, healthy penis. As others have said, the pressure or rate of inflow will eventually provide for an erection as long as the outflow is reduced.


I disagree because I have temporarily enlarged the main arteries that supplies the corpora cavernosa by using a noose style penis stretcher (ADS). Regular PE such as jelqing may not affect these arteries, but what about stretching? I was completely shocked with how large my penis became after several dedicated weeks of regular use (it had to have been at least an inch longer and a half inch thicker than normal). Also, it became much larger than it normally would have with a tightly fitted erection ring. It doesn’t matter how much you prevent outflow if there isn’t enough inflow to cause expansion. Tomba has a very valid point relating penis size to incoming arterial blood flow.


Originally Posted by Tomba
This has been my experience and using a common sense approach along with simple logic it dawned on me that as my veins became visibly larger my penis was getting considerably larger. This increased size is primarily girth related but it also translates to length.

I do not know if anyone has experienced isolated incidences of a significantly larger erection (length) due to altitutde changes or physical workouts, but I would have these experiences (quite rare), one time in Aspen during spring break I was with my gal and had an erection like I had never seen before (it was at least an inch longer than ever before - this is pre-PE). This is all attributable to the blood flow characteristics being affected. Anyone successful with a PE routine (with at least a year invested) will have visible veins and arteries that are 2 to 4 times there pre-PE capacity (diameter).

And to think some gals hate a veiny penis, I guess when it’s buried deep they let out a different scream.


When you were in Aspen were you doing any snowmobiling? There was one time last winter I got an incredibly large hard on doing PE after an all day snowmobiling episode. I believe that the exhaust gases from the snowmobile entered my blood stream which caused improved penile engorgement.

I don’t think we want large veins (more out-flow), but large arteries are very desirable (more in-flow).


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Stretching arteries enlarges them? Doesn’t seem logical to me, especially in that short of a time frame. And a noose style stretcher? The more stretch applied, the tighter the noose?

The mitochondrial stimuli affects the P and G arterial inflow to 5/8 more diameter. The P and G take on new roles as arterial stretchers and Alice takes on a new role of not knowing shit and messing with peoples mind.


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Stretching arteries enlarges them? Doesn’t seem logical to me, especially in that short of a time frame. And a noose style stretcher? The more stretch applied, the tighter the noose?


If you will note, I said temporary enlargement. It doesn’t take very much of a stretch to accomplish this. The main thing it takes is a constant light to medium pull. I used my stretcher for a half hour at a time through out the coarse of the day (while I was driving).

If the loop to the stretcher was placed directly in the coronal groove, no nerve damage would occur. However, I tried placing the noose about a half inch back from the glans which caused major nerve damage (I had no feeling in the glans for quite some time).

The way the Penis Stretcher is designed does allow for blood circulation on the bottom side of the penis where blood enters the glans. However, if the noose is too tight it definitely will cut off blood circulation.



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