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My choice would be to stay away from any type of noose attachment. Surely you can rig up a better attachment system. I wouldn’t put too much faith in “placing the noose in the coronal groove” not leading to possible future nerve damage. Not worth the risk.

And I am still not getting how stretching your dick with a stretcher enlarges arteries. Seems like if you stretch a flexible tube that the diameter would decrease, not increase.

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Originally Posted by r0ad_h0gg
I have temporarily enlarged the main arteries that supplies the corpora cavernosa by using a noose style penis stretcher (ADS).

How do you know this? Can you see them? Exactly how do you think the ADS did this?

This is a fantastically interesting discussion! And the participants have obviously given it much thought and reflection. There certainly seems to be merit in these many points of view.

Human tissue growth is a most complex subject. It obviously CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED! The problem seems to be to find and sort out the really significant methods from all the other possibilities…. And then concentrate our efforts on the significant!


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
My choice would be to stay away from any type of noose attachment. Surely you can rig up a better attachment system. I wouldn’t put too much faith in “placing the noose in the coronal groove” not leading to possible future nerve damage. Not worth the risk.

And I am still not getting how stretching your dick with a stretcher enlarges arteries. Seems like if you stretch a flexible tube that the diameter would decrease, not increase.


Yes, you are correct - the arteries do decrease in diameter under a stretch. The magic doesn’t happen until you release the tension - they enlarge. I wouldn’t use a noose style stretcher in the same manner as one would use a bib hanger. However, I believe it’s safe to use for what we are talking about here - arterial opening. The noose doesn’t completely choke off all blood supply as long as it’s used with common sense. One advantage of using this type of device is that it delivers an even pull over the entire penile shaft. I haven’t experienced any nerve damage (not even in the least bit) when I’ve used it correctly. In fact, I’ve had some of best sex ever after using this type of ads due to improved erectile ability and size.

If you choose not to believe me that’s fine, but I’m just relating what happened to myself. It works for me. Try it for yourself and you may experience what I’m talking about.


Originally Posted by ModestoMan
How do you know this? Can you see them? Exactly how do you think the ADS did this?


Yes! I can see a huge penis (relatively speaking) that houses the arteries! It becomes larger, thicker, harder, and longer than ever before in my entire life - that’s how I know!


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
What brand of stretcher do you have road?

Any of you other stretcher guys seeing anything like road is?

No, I’ve only seen temporary numbness and lack of circulation. The day someone develops something useful, I’ll gladly kiss their feet. To use a stretcher to get gains, it will require more pressure than safety will allow, exactly the reason guys aren’t gaining with 3 lbs. hanging off the the Bib after a month or two.


Originally Posted by r0ad_h0gg
Yes! I can see a huge penis (relatively speaking) that houses the arteries! It becomes larger, thicker, harder, and longer than ever before in my entire life - that’s how I know!

OK. So, what you “see” are the corpora cavernosa—the erectile chambers themselves, which “house” the arteries. Do I get it?

I think the confusion stems from the fact that most people don’t think of these structures as themselves being blood vessels, but rather chambers for holding blood. They’re like inflatable bladders or balloons, which are fed (blood, in this case) by hoses (arteries).

What you’re saying is true: make these structures bigger and your penis will grow. Only you need to distinguish between the blood vessels (veins and arteries), which are inside the body cavity, and the tissues that they supply (corpora cavernosa), which can be observed from the outside.

Check out one of the many anatomy drawings of the penis on this site and see if you agree.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
What brand of stretcher do you have road?

Any of you other stretcher guys seeing anything like road is?


I have an actual Penis Stretcher (similar to the jes extender but less than half the cost). In it’s out of the box form I had quite a bit of trouble with it so I did a couple of modifications to make it much easier to use.


Originally Posted by Alice Hooper
No, I’ve only seen temporary numbness and lack of circulation. The day someone develops something useful, I’ll gladly kiss their feet. To use a stretcher to get gains, it will require more pressure than safety will allow, exactly the reason guys aren’t gaining with 3 lbs. hanging off the the Bib after a month or two.


You are missing the point. The purpose of the stretcher isn’t to make tears in the penis with many pounds of weight like with hanging. There’s no need to have more than one to one and a half pounds of tension applied when using a stretcher (ads) for the purposes mentioned above.

The theory is to increase erectile ability so that you can expand your penis out naturally with extraordinary erections. If you prefer, maybe some weight hanging would be beneficial in combination with the use of a stretcher.



I certainly believe that your enlargement was totally due to a small tractile force applied over a long time frame. Makes perfect sense to me. But I don’t believe that your new found size was due to enlarging the arteries. It was due to stretching of the tunica. Extra blood flow alone will not cause enlargement, how can it? If that was the case, it would just be a matter of taking a vasodilator to allow the arteries to relax and hence increase their size and hey presto, bigger dick. This of course does not happen.

I could apply apply a stretcher with 2 lbs. of force for 3 years and not gain a lick, I assure you.
I’m past that, it takes more force now, unfortunately. If anyone is gaining shit by the light pull with so much luck, I would like to hear about it. I would like to hear also why these guys that take a Viagra every day aren’t reporting large penises. Hogg, I’m not trying to change your view, I’m not too technical, but I do know I’ve had my share of limiting factors which required more and more work. Anyone that gains steadily with one of those “penis pullers” is very lucky, unless of course we are talking about a modest 1 -2 inch gain, then this discussion is pointless.

Thanks, AH

Originally Posted by Alice Hooper
Anyone that gains steadily with one of those “penis pullers” is very lucky, unless of course we are talking about a modest 1 -2 inch gain, then this discussion is pointless.


If I were able to achieve a 1-2 inch gain, I think I’d become an alumni member. Do you mean 1/2 inch?

At the risk of pissing off all the hard gainers I meant 1 to 2 inches. If your ligs are set high, a one, possibly two inch gain is likely with a very dedicated use of traction(ADS) over a long period, this is just my thought. Walking away with a penis two inches longer doesn’t really seem like that large of a task, especially with dedication and time, and again, I don’t say this to infuriate anyone. I am much more prone to give full attention to someone who has gained three, four, possibly five full inches; they would definitely be doing something worth hearing about.

OK, I’ve got my helmet on, fire away. :)

M Man, a bigger dick is like money, you will never have too much. I’ll rub your nose in this thread in two years, if you are still around. :)



something I often wonder about is gains in ligs vs tunica with hanging. I’ve never used a hanger as it seems most if its benefits are in lig stretching and I want to keep my ligs exactly where they are (or even tighter). Do you think there is any benefit to be had in the tunica using a hanger (OTS/SO etc)?


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