Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For those who tried both: what gave you best gains, hanging or stretching?

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What gave you more gains, stretching or hanging?

I tried both, and stretching gave me more gains.


I tried both, and hanging gave me more gains.

Total Votes: 141. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by marinera
Sorry, I don’t understand this (I’m italian).

You’re italian and you don’t get it?


PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by bobs3304
You’re italian and you don’t get it?

I don’t think marinara is actually Italian. I never saw it when I was there.

marinera, I started with manual stretching and gained for the first 6 weeks but then length plateaued for a month. After I took up longer (15 min) manual stretches and eventually hanging the gains picked up again. I think PE brings the penis to a point where it needs steady, frequent traction to keep lengthening.

I’m not sure if the weight is what makes hanging more effective, though. One can get a fair amount of force when they do manual stretches—I’d say at least 20 lbs—and yet it’s rarely as effective.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


Your written english is so bad I have concluded from your grammar that I have no idea quite what you are trying to say!

Originally Posted by marinera
Sorry, I don’t understand this (I’m italian).

Thank you very much.

It’s alright marinera, someone was trying to make a joke using marinera which sounds somewhat like Marinara, the sauce.

Nothing wrong with playing around a bit guys. He has been a really good sport considering he can’t get your jokes and ends up wasting time translating in the hope your comments are PE related.

Any of you guys really want to give marinera a hard time for not having perfect English you can do so to your hearts content in this thread, a tutti gli italiani. :smack:

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 09-21-2007 at .

Thanks to all of you, guys.

you gained 1” 1/4 in 4 months? It’s wonderful! Maybe i’ll give a try to your workout.

my Lord, wich of my posts you haven’t understood? I’ m sorry, and I hope that my disgusting English will not make you ill.

Marinera, what exactly is this for? Are you developing a personal routine?

I explained what is the scope of this poll; Purple posted his routine, that is based on an interesting mix of exercises, so I wanted to tell him what I think of it.

Just that simple.


A year and 4 months

I’ve never done anything but manual stretching and I’ve gained at least a quarter inch over the last month.:D

Originally Posted by SirFoggy
I’ve never done anything but manual stretching and I’ve gained at least a quarter inch over the last month.:D

Good! Stick with it.

No one voting for this still? It was interesting, wasn’t it?

Reading again this thread make me realize how horrible my English was. Now is just bad, big improvement.

Originally Posted by marinera

Reading again this thread make me realize how horrible my English was. Now is just bad, big improvement.

LoL , me too! Since i went in this forum the 1st time i made great improvement in grammar :) .

I gained only 1/4 inch but learned good things.

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5



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