Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For those who tried both: what gave you best gains, hanging or stretching?

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What gave you more gains, stretching or hanging?

I tried both, and stretching gave me more gains.


I tried both, and hanging gave me more gains.

Total Votes: 141. You may not vote on this poll

Just read through this thread. Suddenly, I understand why you chose your username.

05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"

10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"

Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics

Ha!!! Didn’t realize how old this thread and poll was. I voted anyway. I’ve tried both hanging and stretching and it seems to me consistent stretching has yielded better results for in the length department than any other exercise.

Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"

Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"

Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"

Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics

Nice. Thanks Yoshinator.

For me stretching and pumping brought me only so far, then I seemed to hit a wall. Keep in mind I was very impatient too having seen very good gains from the start.
Then I tried hanging (keep in mind I kept at the stretching, pumping and jelqing, I just added hanging to the mix) and saw slow, tiny gains with each passing month…lengthwise.
To the point that I still believe that if I kept it up I could eventually get to at least 8.5” and maybe and probably with a very long time frame possibly 9”

Thing is, I discovered I didn’t want to as I really hate the idea of:
1) Having to be careful I don’t hurt a girl (which means having to “take it easy” all the time) and
2) I really, really don’t like the idea of not being able to bury it.

To be honest I haven’t found anything to give me greater girth aside from the .5” i initially gained when I first started.
That’s not meant to imply that I by all means exhausted all the “grow your girth” possibilities, I just never really focused on it.

As an added side note, for those that think once greater length/girth is achieved that it’s permanent…it’s not. Just like a muscle will get smaller from not working out…so will your dick.
I’m not saying it will go all the way back to it’s original size but almost. I know because I stopped all PE’ing for years. I will say though, if you’re a sensible guy and realize how much time this all takes and you DO get to a size you’re happy with…a short , simple routine will allow you to keep like 95% of those gains.

Thanks, a useful detailed post.

It appears a draw. This is interesting, isnt’ it? Vote vote vote…

I’ve tried both and think they complement each other. Hanging gives you fast results. Stretching gives you slow results. But I say do both. I use hanging to stretch the ligs to maximum (about 15-20 min of hanging). Then I use stretching, an extender, to apply a slow steady tension.

Stretching the ligs is much fast if a hanger is used. But I feel more at risk of injury with just hanging. When I use an extender it takes about .75 to 1.5 hours for my ligs to become fully stretched. Growth of new tissue does not start until after my ligs are stretched to maximum.

Both techniques work alone, but a combination is more comfortable and poses less risk of injury.

Sept 2020 BPEL 16.5-17.5 cm, BPFLS 17.5-18 cm. Clamped x4+ BPEL 18-19 cm. Head girth 12.5 cm, MSG 16 cm, BG 16.5 to 18 cm

Goal is 21 cm BPEL, 20 cm EL, 15 cm head girth.

That’s not exactly true, at least not with everybody. Stretching can give you the same results as hanging if you work it hard enough, and if you know how to progress properly.

For a while I did both stretching and hanging but found hanging required too much time to get into the actual PE, and I didn’t have enough privacy to hang for long hours at a time. So what I did instead was work stretches and nothing but stretches for six months at a time. My programs have changed so much since then, since injuries were common with the high intensity practices that were more common where I learned PE. I do remember the method I used to achieve great length though. I would choose one angle (straight out, up, down, left, or right), just one angle and work it for 20-30sec for 5 minutes of total stretching done, with anywhere from 90 seconds of rest starting out to 30 seconds once I got accustomed. I started out doing it 5 times a week, but that was WAY too much. Around the second or third month I ended up only working length really hard once or twice a week with some light jelqing on off days. You can’t underestimate the healing powers of light wet jelqing for recovery, along with hot warm ups several times a say of course:D

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Thanks for the feedback guys.

We are exactly 50/50 now. Who had guessed?

Last edited by marinera : 05-11-2013 at .

Well, I’m going to tip the scale and say hanging by a wide margin.

Why? Probably because I was extremely dedicated during that period and never missed a workout. I also wore an ADS.

I tend to take stretching less seriously and quickly lose consistency. I suppose it’s because I invest so much time in hanging that I don’t want it to be for nothing, while it seem easier to skip a stretching session.

Well. This poll is over six years old, I don’t think the percentages will chang much soon. Hanging and stretching seems to be at pairs for gains. I seem to remember that the for the first year or so hanging was winning the fight, now it would be back manuals, 48% vs. 52% . Wouldn’t be bad have more votes though.

I’m on my 69th consecutive day of hanging without a break today. I stretch my dick whenever I have the chance and wear the Xleeve with weight whenever I can.

I have not measured a BPEL gain yet, but I know my BPFSL is 0,6” longer. Possibly more. I would be very disappointed if I don’t make at least a 0,2” BPEL gain by the end of December (at which I plan to retire). Hopefully I can get a 0.4-0.6” BPEL gain by the time I retire and reach my length goal once and for all and done with this.

Anyway, the consistency and dedication is what makes hanging work for me, not that it’s necessarily more superior in any way. It’s just that when I invest so much time and effort, that alone is a motivator to continue and not let it all be in vain by quitting.

With stretching routines, I often lost patience or discipline and with less time invested it seemed easier to just stop.

Originally Posted by marinera
Well. This poll is over six years old, I don’t think the percentages will chang much soon. Hanging and stretching seems to be at pairs for gains. I seem to remember that the for the first year or so hanging was winning the fight, now it would be back manuals, 48% vs. 52% . Wouldn’t be bad have more votes though.

So from your experience which one would you say works best for you?


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