Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Forum Down Time - Tomorrow

The forum will be down starting Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 7:00 AM MST (MDT) for an undetermined time. This downtime is to move to a different server package and will be finished as soon as possible.

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anything else we should we aware of? Like posible changes in adress, login, etc?.

Just trying to make the comeback easier.

Glad to have Techento on the case

be back soon

I was going to post something but I thought the ‘undetermined time’ covered it.

As thunder mentions the IP address is changing. This means that you may find your ISP has cached the old IP address for As an upshot of this you might be hitting the old site long after the new one is up.

In theory this problem will correct itself within 3 hours. If you manualy input DNS servers in your internet setup you could trying to reverse these to hit an alternate DNS server. If you run your own dns cache you can just restart it. If (like most people here) you don’t do anything like that then try restarting your Internet connection. Though the best bet is probably just to sit on your hands for a while and wait.

Your login details will not change. All accounts and threads will be kept in the move. If you hit a problem on the new site try logging out and then back signing in afresh.

Who’s this Techento guy/gal?

Do you know what the new IP address will be yet?

We have some details on the new server but not everything.

Again its only going to be a little downtime. Go away have sex, have a bath, clip your toenails and it’ll probably be back.

Better yet just jelq.

Originally posted by memento
If (like most people here) you don't do anything like that then try restarting your Internet connection. Though the best bet is probably just to sit on your hands for a while and wait.

Might as well give my fella a rigorous workout. :cool:

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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