Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Forum down time

Forum down time


Sorry about the forum down time tonight. Thunder got a crash coarse in how to fix something after he screwed it up. The new logo (I know, I know, it sucks) was two pages long at one time. Actual logo was the same, but it grew a two blank page appendage somehow. Oh well, best way to learn how to fix something is to break it first.

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My timing...

…sucks! I checked the board today while leaving for work and noticed you replied to some of the “pain questions”. Checked again later and post was gone. I didn’t know if you moved it (I could not find it) intentionally or I just imagined the whole post. Anyway, I tried to edit my pain info into a different previous post of mine ‘cause I didn’t want to get wordy (I tend to) inbetween the hanging priciples and I was diggin’ the continuity. Submitted only to get the “board closed” sign. The pain Q’s Bib inquired about might be a good separate thread for many to join in on and refer folks to. I have a few pain Q’s about my own pain replies, but I’m tired, foggy, and it’s bedtime. If you post again on that subject, I’ll find it tomorrow. groa


I’m used to the colour now…maybe if you colour the smiles….



I colored the smilies on my screen with crayons, do you want to borrow my crayons to color yours?

Seriously, done deal. I added some optional smilies also (click on smiley link at very bottom of page to see list). They should look very familiar.

What about the logo? Is it ok?

Will you check the two chat links when you get the time and let me know if they are working?

Thanks for your help, in advance. :star:

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Chat link

Got into one chat link OK - the other?


Chat links

No prob with the links. Smiles are fine.


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