Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gained .5 inches girth in 2 weeks


Kegeling doesn’t pump blood into my penis and get me any harder. Does kegeling work for anyone else as far as getting them harder, or have you just heard this so you believe its true without actually knowing if it works for you???

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
Kegeling doesn’t pump blood into my penis and get me any harder. Does kegeling work for anyone else as far as getting them harder, or have you just heard this so you believe its true without actually knowing if it works for you???

It works for me, actually. I used to kegel blood into my penis when I jelqed, before every jelq. Now I find that when I do this I put too much blood in my penis and I get too hard. Albeit, erection level is something I strugge with during PE anyway.

Are you sure you’re kegeling correctly? Using the muscle you use to stop urine flow? I would suggest, next time you urinate, to stop the flow a couple times just to get a better feel for the muscle. Even though I try and kegel on a regular basis I always find it’s good to reacquaint myself with my BC muscle. :)

It works for me as well; I wouldn’t have posted it otherwise. Regular kegel practice insures harder and more blood filled erections for me. If I slack for a few weeks I definitely notice the negative, and once I start back up again it comes right back.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

I thought it was common knowledge that kegels pumped additional blood into the penis and could lead to harder erections; however, I doubt they accounted for an entire half an inch in girth. I am going to take a few days off and begin with a routine similar to yours, with a long warm-up in terms of the entire PE session. Congrats on your gains. Good luck with the length you want.

Thanks for the input guys, maybe I’ll have to kegel more often to strengthen my PC muscle then it might work better for me ;)


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